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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. So, 344,444 Baht per site earmarked. 90 sites paid = 31 million. Leaving a cool 589 million to be stuffed into brown packages. Not a bad distribution is it.
  2. Slightly off topic, apologies, but I was reading the other day that 1 in 12 people in London now is an illegal immigrant.
  3. Niaive in the extreme to expect that lazy bunch of leeches troughing off the taxpayer to do anything. Does She not know there a far more pressing matters, such as what putter to use on the eighth hole....
  4. Now that is a typical comment from an uneducated, brainwashed product of the Thai Governments policy of breeding mushrooms. Absolutely no realisation of the xenophobic, racist policies here. Oh, wait a minute, She is behaving as a Xenophobe would, top marks to the Education system.
  5. So, looks like it will go ahead then, Thai public, plebs, they know nothing, We, the Government, always know what is best for them.
  6. Good luck with that one, more chance of the Nigerian Prince paying up.
  7. Always the low hanging fruit, when the BIB know who all the dealers are.
  8. So teflon Tony still flapping his gums making political statements blatantly contravening His parole. Money talks in the land of scams.
  9. Two tier pricing sanctioned by the Xenophobic racist Government.
  10. I have had items scanned twice, so now I always look on the receipt for the number of items purchased. I also say out loud to them what money I am giving them, such as 500 Baht or 1 Thousand.
  11. Thai way of organising committees, feasability studies, overseas fact finding trips, making a list between themselves of whom will be receiving which brown envelope. It is basically a fantasy project to line the pockets of a number of individuals who know nothing will come of it,, and therefore there will be no need to actually provide any tangible information.
  12. A hole in 't ground.....luxury.....We lived in a plastic bag in a septic tank.
  13. Can we please have some rain in Surin.....It is drier than a Nagasaki ditch diggers flip flop strap....
  14. I am never surprised by the pure blatant hypocrisy of the Thai netizens. Sure, what He did was wrong, however, The Thai people are the last to start throwing accusations around. Do these "netizens" go on a verbal rampage when they see their countrymen riding with no helmets, going the wrong way on the road, riding three or more on a bike, parking on red lines , double parking, drunk driving, my, the list is endless.
  15. To be honest I am at a loss as to what to think.
  16. Then this .... Srely He did not meet Her if He knew Her before, or did He arrange for a third party to do negotiations?
  17. Years ago, before the liquid ban on flights, I knew several people who took it home in water bottles in the carry on luggage. Also, not sure if it is still happeninng, but there used to be an advert in the personal column of the Times, and Telegraph, saying Sid is home. This meant there was some ready for sale.
  18. Not the sharpest tool in the box to address a drug shipment to yourself. Maybe identity theft, and the Brit has no idea?
  19. Why is there no mention of the fact that he is not even supposed to be active in politics in any way as a condition of parole. If you or I broke parole we be hauled back in jail......oh ,wait a minute.......money talks.
  20. That was exactly My thoughts too when I read the article, a sort of DejaVu moment. R.I.P. to a brave Man who stood by his convictions.
  21. Well, that is a joke in itself. From where I live into town is about 25 km. In that distance are 4 checkpoints. Motorbike riders with no helmets, or three or more on a bike, never stopped, pick up trucks dangerously overloaded, never stopped, pick up trucks with about 12 people in them, never stopped. I can however, say that at these checkpoints there is a dedicated team in nice khaki uniforms who are diligently giving their all to achieve a new world record in candy crush.
  22. I thought under new laws any rental shop renting bikes to people without a licence were to be prosecuted........oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Farang v Thai.......No plomlem.
  23. Yes Richard, while my eyesight is good at daytime, it is atrocious for night driving now. I will not drive anywhere at night any more, just too dangerous, I know my limitations........well.........one at least.....
  24. Sorry Sir look again, The truck is turning right, the car comes at the truck straight on the road he is crossing to turn right. It is night, they both have lights, how can he not see it coming?. If you are turning right at a juntion, or u turn, do you not look up the road you are entering to ensure it is clear? You do not need the neck of an owl to do that....
  25. Although the pick up driver appears to be in the right, surely he would have seen the car bearing down at that speed, and braked, 0r did He just not look?
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