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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. There lays the problem with todays society, "creating disruptive content" A sentence that can be used to prosecute anything someone does not agree with. Censorship gone mad, or is it woke?
  2. I think it is most likely the medications they are on.
  3. Nice play on words, 10 out of 10 Sir....
  4. Agreed, 100%, but have to kowtow to the woke numpties.
  5. Sorry, I accept I forgot to bow down to the elite politicians, and I accept my prison term in the same cell as the guy who lit up a ciggy in a pub garden.......
  6. Spot on Sir, and do not forget they may even go to the top of the housing register too if the mayor moron in London has his way. Totally screwed Country.
  7. Can someone please explain to me how a convicted felon, who is banned from political activity, can do the above so openly?..............answers on a postcard please.......
  8. Totally agree, they have to spout the rhetoric at every opportunity to keep up the globalist agenda.
  9. Do not forget that the Government will pay you to do it using the taxes of the hard working nationals.
  10. Another step towards world wide digital ID, and complete control over travel, and movements.
  11. Fair Tax, now there is the oxymoron for the day.
  12. Sorry, but why is it then that everywhere the Move Forward party was called the winner.........This is from Wikipedia....... Pita's Move Forward initially formed a coalition with the other pro-democracy, anti-military parties, which had a majority in the lower house but was unable to form a government after being functionally blocked by allies of the monarchy and military in the Senate. Pheu Thai then assumed the lead, dissolving its alliance with Move Forward and allying instead with conservative, pro-military parties. It then nominated real estate tycoon Srettha Thavisin as prime minister. He was elected by Parliament on 22 August.[6] On August 7, 2024, Thailand's Constitutional Court banned the victors of the election, the Move Forward Party and all of its leaders from politics for its proposal to reform the lèse-majesté law, arguing it posed a threat to the constitutional order.[7]
  13. An Election? What a waste of time that will be, look what happened to the party that the Thai people voted for last time.
  14. Or............... Is this a case of the plod hedging their bets on a time? Regardless, R.I.P. to the young man.
  15. In Saudi they ALL do that at the lights. As soon as it turns green, they are all blasting the horns. One time I was at the front, and the raghead behind, true to form, blasted the horn as soon as the light changed. So I left the car in park, got out, strolled up to his car, and asked "yes, what do you want". This was replied with a mouthful of grunts and hand waving to go on. I casually looked at the road ahead, and said "oh, sorry, I thought you wanted me for something". Of course, by the time I got back in my car, the lights were red.......so was his face.......
  16. These Thai trees are crafty things, they jump out at you with no warning.....
  17. Several times I have seen a car coming up the road, lights flashing, hazards on, forcing their way through traffic. I always move and let them go. My Wife once asked why they drive so stupid, to which I pointed out that you never know if they have an emergency, so just let them go, and if they are in front they are no danger to me. One day, it could be you, as it was in your case, and nobody knows how they will react in such a stressful situation until you find yourself in it.
  18. And that is just their children.....
  19. I too eat these, but I grind them up in a coffee grinder, as I read the body sometimes cannot digest them with the husks complete. Bought on Lazada by the kilo bag, dirt cheap.
  20. Silly Man, Farangs are charged 10 times what a local is charged, same as the national parks...
  21. Where was His Wife..? Where was His Wife...? Where was His Wife...? Where was His Wife...? Either They are separated, Divorced, or something is seriously amiss.
  22. It seems to be a minefield again. I remember about two years ago, they scrapped the reporting after being away unless you left the Country. Now, more people are coming forward and saying their immigration office requires you to report again. We all know that each office is a mini fiefdom that make their own set of rules, and until that situation is improved I guess it is best to go and report, just in case.
  23. Here we go again. The WHO & WEF know the covidiocy and all its variants are being ignored, so let us roll out the next one. They lied to us before, what makes anyone think they are just doing the same again. Control, Control, Control.
  24. Have you been talking with My Wife........
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