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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Just a thought, but if you are in Pattaya, try to look North, away from beaches, and tourist hot spots. Take a trip into the countryside, and see more of the local culture, and way of life. Wherever you go, please take care on these crazy roads.
  2. Translation........Local officials spouted off the usual claptrap in order to make them look important, and caring. Whereas in reality they will crawl back into their holes, do nothing, until the next accident, when they will rinse and repeat. Nobody cares, life is cheap here, sadly.
  3. Same mentality all across the Country, no accountability for their actions. He should lose His job, His licence for life, and be charged with reckless driving, reckless endagerment, willful damage, and more. However, there is no money in it so plod will do nothing.
  4. Sadly, not much hope of improvement then.
  5. He was definitely undercharged then....
  6. I remember that, and did the Thai public not complain that it was picking on the lower classes, as that was their only means of getting the family around. So the authorities caved in and said ok then no more than six, and do not sit on the edge of the truck.
  7. We all know what that means. 200 Baht for a local, with maybe a ticket, 1,000 for a farang, and definitetly no ticket. BMW, & Mercedes will remain exempt.
  8. Ha,Ha, have your little joke. Then I suggest you try to google Covid cons, etc. That should wipe the smile off your face. However, I will believe what I know, and let you carry on being manipulated, brainwashed, and controlled. Have a nice life..
  9. Same in Saudi, also, if you had any outstanding tickets you could not get an exit visa to go on holiday, and if you had a multi exit-re-entry visa they would clock you at immigration.
  10. Guarantee there will be a motorcyclist driving the wrong way down the middle during the race, closely followed by a Tuk Tuk.
  11. Exactly so, all utilised by manufacturers to sell more products. I see sell by dates on jars of Honey, packets of salt, etc. All that is needed is common sense. By all means put a date of manufacture on products, and let the adult consumer decide.
  12. I have been hearing this every year for the past ten years, or more. Upgrading the airport without the surrounding areas will be a disaster. The centre is already gridlocked at weekends. It will also signal the death knell for H.H. as a relaxing holiday town, another one bites the dust in the relentless grab for money & profits. Sadly, It will join the ranks of Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, as a place to avoid.
  13. Now there is a rare occurence.
  14. As far as our village goes you are spot on. Every week the Wife's shop is visited by some lowlife giving Her a handful of business cards pertaining to easy loans. Once they have gone She throws them in the bin. In the village there are dozens of people we know up to their necks to these sharks, with no way out. I have seen over the last several years that the people are getting poorer, no work, meagre profits on farming, all leading to a rife loan shark environment.
  15. I know it may be slightly off topic, but we are in the minority shouting about CDBC & loss of freedoms. Unfortunately, and this is especially true here, many people see qr Codes, and digital payments as too convenient, without realising the implications of where they are being led.
  16. Why have they photoshopped trousers onto the policewomen's legs? Are we going all islamic now?
  17. We can live in hope, but probably Assad, and all his entourage are already on a dinghy in the channel, filling out the claim forms.
  18. Sorry, but I am struggling to find the relevance in the above sentence. When you apply for these visa are you asked if you intend to walk butt naked in public? If you answer yes, your visa is refused?
  19. Covid, another name for the 'flu, and masks do not work, and now there is evidence coming out every week that the vaccines did not work either, even the man that told us to social distance admitted it did not work. All a money making and control exercise by the W.H.O.
  20. Spot on Sir, I wanted to give you a hundred likes, but they limit you to one.
  21. Surely, this should have already been in operation when you look at the appalling safety record there over the last, what, 15 years at least. The brown envelope pile must probably reach to the top of the new roadway.
  22. My take on it, maybe right, maybe wrong, is that they wanted to go after the Thais offshore but included Foreigners so they could not be accused of being racist to Thais. It would be easy to exempt foreigners.
  23. What a shame they cannot sort out all the terrible driving, and law breaking on the roads with the same zeal. It might reduce the death toll significantly.
  24. Good luck with that one. Who is going to pay for the machines, and who is going to police it. Money is the key here, and not many bars will turn a customer away, especially if they are a bit worse for wear, and easy pickings on the bar tab.
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