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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Strange, I thought dumping rubbish everywhere was a National pastime with lessons included in the school curriculum.
  2. What about this one........... https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.1.11257f6dX8tyUm&q=infra red cameras&_keyori=ss&from=search_history&sugg=infra red cameras_0_1
  3. Many thanks Troy, I will do that, as I do miss Bovril........... Just ordered 2 jars at above price. happy days.......
  4. Wow !!!! 1,500 Baht for a 250 gram jar of Bovril.................They must think us expats are smoking it or injecting it............mind you, it did ay free delivery which is good of them...............
  5. I seem to recall that about three years ago Thailand banned all meat from entering the Kingdom unless you had a permit. Something to do with swine fever in Asia. Having said that, I am not sure if that covered tinned products or not.
  6. A 33% increase in one go. Seems a bit steep at first glance, yet how much has other foodstuffs risen in the last 14 years. However, I have to agree with Richard, why not grow more wheat at home. Everyone I know is complaining about the small profit on rice. Millions of acres devoted to growing corn for biofuel. Maybe time to diversify a bit more. Probably a simplistic idea as I am not a farmer. I am sure more knowledgeable members will put forward the pro's and cons.
  7. I would imagine if the wording on the power of attorney is for the land transfer / sale, then it should be legal.
  8. Agreed it does say that, (though not in such large font). However, it does also say that the seller is a Thai national, i.e. the daughter of the seller. However, we could banter the symantics around all day, but it does nothing to answer the question. As someone else has pointed out, a Thai lawyer is involved which would put doubt in my mind. My Wife and I recently sold one of our houses and land. Even though I signed a power of attorney I still had to go to the land office because there was a userfruct on the land in my name, which was not covered by power of attorney. I guess at the end of the day if they come out with a new name on the Chanote, and a receipt for transfer tax etc, that would hold up in a court. on the other hand, this being Thailand and the propensity for reams, and reams of paper for the slightest transaction anything could happen.
  9. It looks to me that both parties are Thai national Charlie.
  10. LOL........I remember in Saudi if you were unfortunate enough to have a car accident it was automatically 50% your fault straight off the bat. They said if you did not come to Saudi then there would be no accident.
  11. I have an idea for the irate Netizens to ponder over. Why not arrest the Thai captain, and all his crew for allowing it to happen in the first place. If there is a law being broken, then they would be more knowledgeable than the Foreigner, therefore more culpable.
  12. " You have stolen our customers. This is unacceptable. We have warned you.” Surely the wording of this notice is a threat to violence, or intimidation. An illegal act in any civilised society. I guess the taxi mafia are paying off the RTP mafia to turn the other way, until it erupts and some innocent person is injured or worse. Disgraceful behaviour.
  13. Maybe cancel the order and go to the French...........................
  14. A 24 hour Nana Plaza..................
  15. Yes, hard to pick him out in that crowd.................
  16. Why is this news worthy. I appreciate there is a certain amount off fallout after the tragedy the other day. However, these people should already be doing checks on a regular basis.
  17. The Phuket Express notes that officials did not inspect Patong, which is where many of the complaints stemmed from.
  18. He sadly passed away on 22nd. last month...............
  19. It is not the dirt you can see that needs a deep clean.........
  20. We believe that a week before he became a prime minister for 8 years would be the best time because if we let it go any longer there would be a risk of damaging the management of the country,” Well that horse has well and truly bolted a long time ago................
  21. My apologies, I wrongly assumed you were talking about a car, not a motorbike......
  22. Buy an automatic, the decision is made for you...........
  23. No worries, They just closed my thread.
  24. Thirty minutes ago I started a thread to ask why there were no newsletters. Guess i need to remove it now !!!
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