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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Caption competition....... "I think I will take.....errrr......this one. Should keep me in the Wife's good books for a while"
  2. You cracked it, there are no realistic safety protocols here, just knee jerk reactions, with no real safety guidelines, or build quality. Every time is the same, did they not order a crackdown a couple of years ago when a minibus caught fire and killed a group of Myanmar workers? Same again, in a few weeks it will be forgotten. The only crackdowns here are the ones on the officials rear ends nestled comfortably in their big office chairs as they count the envelopes.
  3. It seems to me that the people who are trying to manipulate the news, such as all the covidiocy lies, etc. are putting this out because more and more conspiracy theories are being shown to be fact, and they are trying to discredit them.
  4. Exactly, the WEF want CBDC all tied to a digital I.D. so they can control your money. It is so plain to see, but sadly there are still people who say it is just a conspiracy theory.
  5. My mistake, I never looked that close, once it was credited I never looked farther as I knew I would use it soon. Thanks for the info.
  6. I always use C.O.D. as I do not trust Lazada with my card details, (or anyone else here), I have been lucky so far in that I have only had to return goods 2 times. However, with Lazada you do not get your money back, but get a credit note to your account, that would be a nightmare if it was for a large sum.
  7. Well, The pavements looked just like that in the photo when I first came to Bangkok, in 1980. I have heard, and read so many times from so many Mayors that the issue will be addressed as a matter of urgency. However, I will put money on them looking the same in the next 44 years.
  8. Well said Sir. When I mention it to the ostriches with their head in the sand I am told to adjust my foil cap. Until I explain the analogy of thirty people paying 50 pounds cash for services there is still 50 pounds there. Whereas when people pay with cards etc, the banks take a percentage so eventually the bank owns the 50 pounds. Plus, as you say, once everyone is cashless (as the WEF want), the banks can charge you what they want.
  9. I believe it may have been a very poor attempt at humour. Which, when you think how many little childen died, alongside their teachers in that tragedy, it is pretty sick minded.
  10. That is what I was led to believe reading the article, however, talking to the boss this morning She said on the Thai news the driver ran to get a fire extinguisher, and He, along with another person were trying to get back into the bus. Guess we may never know exactly what happened apart from the usual money before life attitude coupled with the obvious corruption and ineptness of the regulating authorities..... Still bringing tears up everytime I think of it...
  11. Exactly what I said to the Wife this morning. I told Her about the hammers for the windows as She said the reports say they could not break the windows, also no emergency exit at the back where a dead teacher was found holding two or three children. So very sad that money comes before safety. Also, how long will these "inspections" last. I remember when they made it compulsory for buses to have seat belts, and I would put my pension on probably less than 20% are either still fitted, or in working order.
  12. NO, WRONG, I for one was not aware of this blatant discrimination, like thousands of others, so crawl back under the stone you squirmed from.
  13. There by the grace of god…..absolutely tragic, my heart bleeds for their families. RIP. Also a thought for the respnders who have to collect the little bodies, they also find peace soon.
  14. According to an article about three weeks ago, Thai tax lawyers stated it was against the constitution to access foreign accounts, and that to change this law would take years. I guess that is in place so all the rich people can salt their wealth abroad with impunity.
  15. Sounds good to me, back to the old days....
  16. Absolutely 100% correct Mike.
  17. Another nail in the coffin for cash, and one more small step towards CDBC & digital I.D. Once that is in place the banks can charge you whatever they want to use their cards. Yes, there will be the usual put your foil hat back on comments, but then you see who really has their heads in the sand.
  18. So very true Sir. The only power in this country - The Baht.
  19. The Thai way, by giving it away in Her mind She is absolved of any responsibility. Sloping shoulder syndrome so common here. What always amazes me too is the fact that the people in the neighbourhood know about this problem, yet do nothing about it. Again, the way here of not creating a fuss in case of someone losing face. How many more people, maybe young children, have to die before the Government does something, (rhetorical question, they will not do anything). R.I.P. to yet another innocent victim.
  20. Just about says it all about the law here when a Lawyer advises you not to make a report because the other person has connections. Do you know who I am?
  21. No my friend, it is not paranoia, Governments world wide are trying to get digital id, CBDC, no cash, so they can milk the people for every cent.
  22. Agree 100%. It just keeps getting worse too. In the U.K. now they are going to try to do away with the tax free allowance. So you will pay tax on every pound you earn.....
  23. This is what it is about in reality. The government does not care about the unworkable rules of positioning, safety gaps, etc. They are only interested in getting people registered so they can grab tax off them. No different to every other country, grab tax as much as they can.
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