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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. I do not know you, but we are fellow dharma travelers. You may want to check out these zen centers in Colorado. They are affiliated to Joshu Sasaki Roshi- a 102 yr old Zen teacher from Japan. May or may not be a fit for you. Hard work, but he is the real thing.

    Mountain Gazing Zen Center

    15975 CR30

    Dolores, CO 81321

    (970) 882-2530

    University Zen Center

    115 South 42nd St.

    Boulder, CO 80305


  2. From the way you explain it --you say insufficient funds, which mean just that. you do not have enough money in your account to pull out 400 pounds. Make sure you are using your correct account --saving-current, ect. All you have is 15800 in the account you are accessing.

    Either that or the ATM was empty


    But he went to 3 different machines

  3. Yes, this is the second time I have had to deal with it. The first time, AEON was of no help. Had to do it all through my US bank. Had to fill out and fax a dispute form. The funds were eventually credited to my account. There is a phone number on the AEON atm receipt, but all they say is that you need to contact the bank that issued the atm card.

    Thank you for the information--Good luck again


    I am not referring to the situation now. I am referring to the functioning of a mature democracy. A military coup would not be allowed to take place in the USA. PERIOD and i do not think it would be condoned in UK either. I leave this thread with that said.

    I think you had a functioning democracy - and then two functioning democracies - last time you had a civil war.

    I guess that we are lucky that our democratic processes are effective enough to return us a government that is accepted by the vast majority of the country - crown, people and institutions alike, regardless of whether it is the government that they actually wanted.

    But to blame the government for the actions of the army under a different government seems - obtuse. This government could not have prevented or averted or in any way mitigated that coup, and this government was formed by elected politicians, same as each previous government. I suggest that you take up the issue of ineffective government and coups with former politicians and fugitives.


    My apologies for maintaining this off-topic digression, and I understand fully that the mods may wish to delete this post as being off-topic. However, I do not want to leave the quoted post unanswered, for fear that others might think it relevant to the topic.

    It is ok Cowboy- We should both just shut up--Bangkok is Burning Now --I am sad

  5. Imagine if a radical minority party tried to achieve separatism in a small part of the UK through a violent campaign hiding behind peaceful protesters, and allegedly discharging firearms at the security forces....

    Would they be allowed to set up a fortress in the streets and stand off against the security forces for several weeks?

    I think the big difference is in the training and equipment of the security forces, not any difference in the politics.


    I am not referring to the situation now. I am referring to the functioning of a mature democracy. A military coup would not be allowed to take place in the USA. PERIOD and i do not think it would be condoned in UK either. I leave this thread with that said.

  6. If the coup had taken place in my country, the leaders would have been executed. Armed citizen militias would have been organized to take out any junta that remained. It would be a fight to death for millions. The US does not take kindly to these military coups! It never would have gotten to this junta-assisted puppet govt.

    true, but in USA nobody would be allowed to execute 2500 people (as Taksin did) claiming a "war on drug", Taksin would have been executed so no coup would have ever taken place.

    You are off the subject. Read the post.

  7. If the coup had taken place in my country, the leaders would have been executed. Armed citizen militias would have been organized to take out any junta that remained. It would be a fight to death for millions. The US does not take kindly to these military coups! It never would have gotten to this junta-assisted puppet govt.

    From a fellow American I agree with you. The battle would be immense. I hated Bush with a passion, but he finished his term and a a new government was elected, that is true democracy. What happens the next election if the elite and the Army do not like the results. Another Burma perhaps. But comparing Thailand and the USA is like comparing apples and oranges.

  8. STEVE - You're wasting your time, and energy, on people who have eyes, but can not see, ears, but can not hear. They simply can't grasp the concept that while you, and others, are not necessarily "defending" the Reds, but only pointing out the internationally recognized conduct for governments and their appropriate responses is being willfully violated by Thailand. Earlier someone posted a video to show the "violence" of the reds. Yes, the stopped an Army truck, yes, they attacked the soldiers, and then there was a gun shot. Accidental or deliberate is never made clear. But what I then see are protesters picking up this wounded soldier and carrying him to an ambulance. If they (Reds) are so violently evil, as some seem to think, wouldn't it have made more sense for them to just leave him laying in the street instead of trying to get him to an ambulance and medical help?

    Oh dear, I was going to make an ass out of you, but you finished the job before even giving me a chance.

    :) yes a gun from an unarmed red accidentally went off when they were not beating on the soldiers in the truck. Yeah they are not so bad see how they care for the man they shot after they shot him??????????? and the baby wasn't a human shield his dad was doing a good thing teaching him to be polite to the soldiers by waving at them see.

    Just wait and see, the redtards will soon claim that the soldier shot himself because he saw the light and understood being all wrong. But they, the godly reds, in their awesome and humble dignity, tried to save his life.

    There is dumb, the reds, and then there's dumber, the red defenders. They had a win, the early elections in their pocket and came up with the most idiotic excuse imaginable to continue shitting all over the place.

    Good luck in convincing me that the thugs and scum burning Bangkok are holy and shouldn't be shot.

    I so not think anyone would try to convince a redneck like you. Do not get worked up now -you need your rest.

  9. Oh, these rioters are well armed! Easy to say that when your feet are standing in London.

    The live fire zone has warning posted everywhere. as with other public warning signs, if you proceed then.........!!!

    Please explain why over 50 protesters have been killed by rifle fire and only one Army person has been killed, if the Red shirts are so well armed. And of course you are the final say about Amnesty international. I am sick of these purely unsubstantiated posts. All you show is your predjuices and your personal biases.

    So many of the post on this situation in Thailand by ex-pats or other foreigners in Thaivisa disappoint me. To understand the situation in Thailand now you all need Thailand history course. Most of you are only concerned about your personal needs, rather it be my next beer, or your business.

  10. Can US Banks freeze Banks accounts in Thailand for credit card debt? Can they request a overseas freeze if all funds in a account are specifically Social security or pension funds ? In this case Bangkok Bank

    I see in the USA pension and Social Security funds cannot be garnished, but Banks can freeze all bank accounts making it impossible to access those Funds. They do not get their money but either do you.

  11. Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

    By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

    So thats every single red or just the hardcore ones like yellows, muslims, yanks etc etc

    I am not a red nor yellow just a simple farang that lives in bangkok btw. I cant choose a colour as its not my business.

    This is a terrible time for all thais and maybe farang thai wannabees jingthing :)

    Good post. Lots of blood thirsty Farangs here I see

  12. Well let's see. The government has been more than patient in my humble opinion. They can't let this drag on. Had this been China and may other places the Reds would have been forced out long ago. I hope that no one is killed,but if they are so stupid to think they can over throw the government which has the support of the police and army, they are mad.

    Thank God this is not China!!!!!! A very repressive place.

  13. A visa is always at the descretion of the embassy/consulate.

    Not surpised about Singapore, and you might have more luck in vientianne, where you even might get a double entry tourist visa.

    If you have a friend in Thailand, you can get a multiple non-O at Perth, Australia with a copy of your friends ID-card and a simple note asking for a visa for you.

    When you publicize these types of illegal get arounds it makes it harder for the rest of us later on. Why doesn't OP simply follow the rules of Thailand instead of trying to scam? :)

    Not a scam just a regular way to get a 1 year visa. PERTH & HULL England are great places to get these easy visas if the applicant is under 40 and not married (not working too).

    He said he was a US citizen. Hull will give out non-imm O visa's so readily to Non-Australian?? That like a Aussie going to LA consulate n USA and asking for a visa. Does not sound right to me.

    Sorry i meant England

  14. A visa is always at the descretion of the embassy/consulate.

    Not surpised about Singapore, and you might have more luck in vientianne, where you even might get a double entry tourist visa.

    If you have a friend in Thailand, you can get a multiple non-O at Perth, Australia with a copy of your friends ID-card and a simple note asking for a visa for you.

    When you publicize these types of illegal get arounds it makes it harder for the rest of us later on. Why doesn't OP simply follow the rules of Thailand instead of trying to scam? :)

    Not a scam just a regular way to get a 1 year visa. PERTH & HULL England are great places to get these easy visas if the applicant is under 40 and not married (not working too).

    He said he was a US citizen. Hull will give out non-imm O visa's so readily to Non-Australian?? That like a Aussie going to LA consulate n USA and asking for a visa. Does not sound right to me.

  15. The hotel or wherever you are staying my have a wifi, you should check with them. You can use your phone easily in Thailand to connect to internet by connecting phone to your computer with bluetooth or other means. Call the the company of whatever sim you use, DTAC, AIS, ect for details. A bit slow but it works at 1 baht a minute.

    you can get 150 hours for 500 bt per month...so it's a bit lower than 1 bt/ minute :):D

    Yes you are correct, I have not used my phone to connect to internet for years in Thailand. Things have changed. The original poster has several options. Thanks for bringing me up to date.

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