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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. The hotel or wherever you are staying my have a wifi, you should check with them. You can use your phone easily in Thailand to connect to internet by connecting phone to your computer with bluetooth or other means. Call the the company of whatever sim you use, DTAC, AIS, ect for details. A bit slow but it works at 1 baht a minute.

  2. For extension of stay based on retirement, the financial requirements are 65k/month income OR 800k in bank OR combination of the two totalling at least 800k. If you have some money in Thai bank you could use that to make up the income shortfall to reach 800k using the 'combination' method. And there is no seasoning period attached to bank funds if using the combination method.

    If you can't do that, within the region Vientiane and Phnom Penh are currently issuing double entry tourist visas if you need that much time, or being over 50 can obtain single entry Non-O visa which would give 90 days permission to stay on entry.

    :) Thank you Thaiphoon. I know the conditions and until now my pension was always near 68k/month and so I no needed any deposit in a thai bank. I transfered just monthly my needs in one step to pay only once 150 ATM fees. But as I said I don't recognozed the THB rise such quick that my pension went only 1,2k under 65k/month (as exchange with foreign currency).

    Of course I am over 50 otherwise I couldn't hold the third NON-IMM visa.

    A NON-O not work because June/July for holiday purpose with kids I must visit 3 neighbour countries.

    Sure I order the transfer of 100k/THB but this have to sleep 3 month in a thai bank before applay new NON-IMM. So with double entry tourist visa I guess be on the safe side. So let's fly PP.

    Thank you for your advise, we can close this matter.

    As Thapro stated " And there is no seasoning period attached to bank funds if using the combination method." You do not have to let the 100 K sleep in Bank for 3 months before apply for extension if up use combination method.

    As Thaipoon stated " And there is no seasoning period attached to bank funds if using the combination method." Yoiu do not need to let the 100K sleep in Bank before you apply for extension.

  3. I was issued a Non-Imm O multiple entry visa March of this year based on visiting friends and possible medical treatments. It was issued without formality and within 30 min. of my arrival, I had documents from a Thai hospital, but she seems unconcerned and only glanced at them. She answered all my prior e-mails, but I never spoke to her on the phone. I see no problem with her issuing you a Non-Imm O Visa.

    She did mention that she was being limited in providing certain types of Visa's (retirement)-I believe). Why she is not answering you is rather strange. I do hope this Honorary Consulate continues as it much friendlier nd accommodating than LA Consulate.

    However, since your visa is straight forward and you have a Thai citizen as a wife I think LA consulate would also be accommodating. You should have visa in hand about 2 weeks before departure to be on the safe side.

    You can have the visa extended yearly based on Marriage at Thailand immigration, 400,000 baht in Bank or 40,000 Baht monthly income.

  4. My apartment alone is 2,000 baht per month for VAT. They give me a monthly receipt noting VAT charge. I am also saving all receipts of other kind from Groceries to shopping at the malls that note VAT charge.

    I was told I needed at least 5,000 baht worth of Vat to meet the requirement for return of VAT when I leave Thailand.

    I will be here about a year and I will easily have over 15,000 Baht in VAT charges.

    My questions are to anyone who has anyone received VAT back??

    Do I need any special forms to list all VAT.

    This is all done at the Airport before you leave --CORRECT ??

    How much time should I give myself before boarding Flight back to take car of this.

    Are all receipts noting Vat charge accepted if total is more than 5,000 baht??

    Thanks for any help

  5. I am really sick or all these expat farangs who have been in Thailand so long and think they. know it all, Ex-pat's who look down on tourists as a breed below them.

    Who exactly do you think you are ??? You are not Thai that is for sure. Those who automatically blame the tourists especially in a situation where people are being beaten should do a double check of themselves.

    I would bet every person who blamed the tourist considers himself a ex-pat.

  6. What is an Iranian doing in a bar ? Drinking alcohol is prohibited by the Muslim faith. It always amazes me seeing Muslim's ranting and raving concerning western morals and berating their Muslim women who do not dress properly, and then we see them come from Malaysia or Iran to do exactly the opposite. Drinking and fornicating. Ridiculous !!!!

    I am not against Muslims just against hypocrites.

  7. These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

    The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

    Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

    Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

  8. Be sure and bring converters with you next time you come. I always bring them with me. If you check out equipment before you buy them and bring then overseas many have dual capabilities such as computers and printers.

    Try the local Thai hardware shops--never know what you can find there-but I found one a few years ago. Major stores such as Tesco , Big C may have I have them. I have seen them in Patong Carrefore.

    Sorry I know not much help

  9. Dubai, this place is one of the worst places on earth to go, I don't recommend that anyone ever goes there, as an extension of this I personally boycott the Emirates airline and will never travel with them as a matter of principal.

    They will look for any excuse to throw people in prison, no matter how small.

    I rue the day I get to meet someone from Dubai in my day to day dealings so I can exact some measure of revenge on them on behalf of what I believe to be the wrongs done to the rest of the worlds population. Given the chance I would make them pay in full the debt that they owe.


    If you think Dubai is bad you ought to try Yemen or Colombia.

    The difference is that Yemen and Columbia do not advertise themselves as a Tourist Mecca. It seems there is a contradiction. If you enjoy yourself you get thrown in Prison or fined.

  10. I just read about a couple who were arrested for kissing and drinking alcohol in a restaurant. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8602449.stm

    I have never been there. I am wondering what is the attraction or desire to visit a place where you can be arrested for kissing or drinking alcohol. How can such Muslim puritan attitudes attract tourists. If someone complains that you are kissing in public --what about wearing a short skirt or a swim suit.

    Is Dubai just a business center or do people actually go there as tourists ??

    Happy to be in Thailand

  11. I find it amazing.......

    Not a single post condemning her for what she is....a drug trafficker...If she was a male there would have been numerous posts calling for the death penalty or other horrible methods of punishment....

    A drug trafficker is a drug trafficker and she admits she knew what she was carrying.....Male or female makes no difference.

    3.2 kilos is not a small amount by any means.

    BTW I dont believe the tip off to protect bigger fish theory.......the amount is too big for that

    Yes not a single post except for yours. That may tell you something. Possibly you should think about it more instead of a knee jerk attitude.

  12. She's basically thrown her life away for 1,000 dollars. She must be very stupid or very desperate.

    It is the hysteria concerning Drugs and the Governments view will destroy her life. The war on drugs will never be won. She is just one of many caught in the trap of intolerance and idiocy. If you want to read a very good book concerning Drugs the laws and the powers that be -read Ceremonial Chemistry Thomas Szasz

    This girl is just trying to survive just as the bargirls you may visit in Patpong. Your comments are not though out and mislead.


  13. Can one use HSBC as the choice of banks concerning the 800,000 baht for retirement visa?

    Also when combining Pension and Bank for retirement visa-

    (Example 500,000 baht pension and 300,000 in bank )-does the money in the bank still have to be in the bank 2 month's before applying for the Visa??

    Or does using the pension override that regulation?

    Thanks for help

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