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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. Highly doubtful. You cannot bargain on a Mac. If you buy one I suggest the also buying the 3 year service plan. It will save you money in the long run. Also make sure you have english speaking phone techs. Unless you are very used to Mac you will need them. Paying with Credit card is same as cash and safer.If you have a problem early can stop payment. Buying a Mac in Thailand is not the same as buying one in USA. It would be the Thailand support I would worry about.

  2. My bank charges a fee of 1%-....

    OP is talking about CASH, which bank charges 1% for Cash exchange??

    If the Op wants to bring cash to Thailand and exchange it at a street exchange that is up to him I suppose. If he brings a Debit card and uses it a Aeon ATM he will get a better rate, since Aeon does not charge 150 baht fee. All bank cards also charge a international exchange fee. My Bank charges 1%. Even with paying the 150 baht Thailand Bank Atm fee charged by all banks whether from a Atm or at the counter, he will probably get a better rate than a street kiosk exchange.

  3. Great website for getting up-to-date rates across all major Thai banks:


    Average about 28.78 AUDTHB today

    You will always getting a slightly better baht for you buck from one of the money changers around Suk Soi 3.

    Go to a Aeon Atm and get the current best rate. No 150 baht charge. My bank charges a fee of 1%-but that is still better than any exchange on the streets. Exchanges rip you off.

  4. But Abhist says everything is "back to normal". lol

    Abhisit is a young tool of the Army. Military repression is not what i would call reconciliation, such as placing a Army Division in the middle of Issan, which will only provoke more violence. Force begets force. It is a good call by the USA and Australia.

  5. Steve: Well Bill you made a lot of money copying Apple. From Windows on. I hear also you did not create DOS either, which you sold to IBM and really got Microsoft's foot in the door.

    Bill: Yes I hope you do not think bad of me. I am in the process of giving most of the money away now. You know I never really felt I earned it.

    Steve: Well Bill, that is good that your can see reality now. I notice you are going to copy Ipad. I wish you well with that so you can give away more money you do not deserve.

    Bill: GEE !! Steve you are so understanding

  6. The only calm beach in near Patong is Kata beach. can swim in Monsoon season. Others are dangerous. No Tesco or Carrefore. Both are about 20 min away. You may have to choose between the beach and convenience.

  7. Nope. Time for you to leave I think. Otherwise you might turn into one of those bitter old expats we hear so much about.

    Agreed, neither do I. Time for this puppy to finish his experiment away from civilisation. Another dissatisfied customer, needing dwell and overwhelm himself with the perceived negative and blind to any such positives and niceties. Bye-Bye... :jap:


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  8. 11. According to the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand:
    (6) Having been imprisoned by judgment of the Thai Court; or by lawful injunction or judgment of the Court of a foreign country, except for when the penalty is for a petty offence, or negligence, or is provided for as an exception by the Ministerial Regulations.

    Would 30 years exempt it by Ministerial Regulations? I have no idea; but suspect any stay in Thailand could be problematic at some point if not.

    Wrong. have been here for 8 years-tourist visas, Non-immigrant O. ect. I have a felony pot conviction from the 70"s. Thus question was poised to immigration in Phuket Gazette a few years ago. The immigration answered in this way http://www.phuketgazette.net/archives/issuesanswers/2005/article786.html

  9. Normally, with unreported incidents, insured would have to cough up about 1k to 2k out of pocket expense, the rest of the repair bill would then be paid by the insurance company.

    Early this evening, just paid to the auto repair shop 3k thb out of pocket expense to cover the 30k repair work which was also not reported during the past 2 yrs.

    However, the insurance rep said that the insurance co will pay all repair expense, if incident is reported promptly each time. I too was too busy and too lazy under tropical heat.

    Perhaps, a good lesson for every auto owner not to follow. LOL

    ONE OTHER MAJOR CONSIDERATION, auto owners would be well to compare insurance premiums among major insurance companies. For a 3 yr old Ford Ranger, one company quoted 19k thb but then there was another company offered to insure the beast for only 13k thb.... on the same first class policy. :) Both of these companies do have local rep whom we can call on for help 24/7.

    When your renewal date is up, search for a less expensive company that has local office and local rep. Cheers everyone.

    Very good information. My girlfriend had a minor fender bender 2 weeks ago and did not notice the damage until later. Thinking that her 1st class insurance would not cover it, she did not report it to them immediately. She will call insurance company today due to your information. Thank you

  10. Anyone who buys these machines is just inflating their ego's and want to show off their wealth. These machines are made to roam and let lose. I caanot see that happenning in BKK traffic jams or the streets of Pattaya. I guess you could outrun all the cops on a trip to Chiang Mai. They have no respect for the machine they bought.

    Let's face it. They're penis cars. If you're having trouble in that department, I wouldn't suggest enlargement surgery but there's always Vitamin V.

    They replace Jingthing's penis then-That is cool. Grouchy today I see

  11. Anyone who buys these machines is just inflating their ego's and want to show off their wealth. These machines are made to roam and let lose. I caanot see that happenning in BKK traffic jams or the streets of Pattaya. I guess you could outrun all the cops on a trip to Chiang Mai. They have no respect for the machine they bought.

  12. To say it's a Thai problem and crime is just to simplify matters, it happens all around the world, so greed and human exploations isn't confined to Thailand or Asia.

    We have had and have serious problems in Sweden with human trafficking, women from Russia, Latvia, Estonia etc. are being deceived to go and work but ending up as sexual slaves.

    Sometimes the police makes a raid and captures some of the criminals but as I see it, they don't do enough even in a "democratic and legislated" country as Sweden.

    This must be handled by a global police network and it must be handled swiftly and seriously by all nations around the world.

    The first thing we can do as individuals is never to use the services from these thugs. With no buyers, no market. Simpel as that.

    Internet could be used, and probably is, as a track down service of companies and gangs abusing people in this way.

    publishing names, companies and others benefitting from this trade would posses a serious threat to their income.

    So far I haven't seen or been able to locate any site giving out this kind of information.

    Hopefully they exist.

    I understand your post, but Sweden's problem with this is hardly on the scale of Thailand, Burma, and Cambodia. I was using the topic to point out one of the root causes of the problem , which is ingrained corruption and looking the other way.

  13. Thai society is based on taking advantage of the weak. This is just a mirror of the rich and powerful of a unjust social structure. It will not stop until Thailand transforms itself into a viable, democratic, uncorrupted country. Which is a long way coming.

    Why only mention the Thai society?

    I have no idea where you come from, but where in the world the richt don't take advantage of the poor?

    Even in, as you call it, viable, democratic, uncorrupted countries?

    Where in the world can you find a just social structure?

    Where in the world there is, in one way or another, no trade in human.

    Even labour-agencies, if you look up the UN-rules, can be classified as dealing in human trade.

    One step furthe you might call "hire and fire" a disguised form of human trafficking.

    The point is, the rich using poor people to get even richer is something of all times and places.

    You can agree with it, or not agree with it, it will not change.

    Mind, I do not condone things, but I realise that I do not have any power to fight it.

    And I most certainly do not like the idea the country where I live in seems not to do much about it.

    That said, even in my home country and the surrounding countries there seem to be a livily trade in human beings.

    Be it for the sex industry, or "slave" labour in sweatshops.

    Kicking the Thai in the collective balls is not the way to success.

    And thinking that a "real" democracy, whatever that may be, will stop human trafficking is living in a kind of LaLaLand.

    Even in viable, democratic, uncorrupted countries the poor are used.

    "Kicking the Thai in the collective balls is not the way to success."

    Good post there, and in addition every other point of your post. I hate it whenever TV brings out another piece of news from "The Nation" and more than half of all the comments are so negatively such as, 'Thais are like this, like that, or the country is screwed up, no hope for this and that......, etc.' There are so many anti-'Thai as a whole' thoughts out there.

    I think the standards of everything in this country has been improved and is constantly improving. It is not perfect here, nowhere is. It is good and bad mixed, however, with the majority of things around us fortunately on the good side.

    I've been here for 22 yrs and traveled the world in my profession and dealt with people from various races. I think Thais in collective are a shy, honest and cute people, although a bit too slow for my standards. But then, if one keeps his or her eyes open to avoid the less than a few percents of bad people of the population, plus look at the good things around you, then there you have a land of smile.

    If you will note the Title of the original post it refers to Thailand, not Russia or Mexico-so the responses would naturally be about Thailand. I am not talking about Thai people in general. I am talking about a political system and corruption that is ingrained into a culture, that promotes and even partakes in these activities. Maybe Thai's do need to need to be "collectively kicked in the balls" It is in Thailand best interest to think intelligently and work for the betterment of all it citizens. Of course it happens worldwide-is that an excuse? The topic is Thailand.

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