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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. I wonder if they will identify the 150b international transaction ATM fee as being unfair?!...somehow I think not!

    or the charge they make you pay for changing small change into notes, and the fee i was once charged for paying in 3000 baht in small change into my account, apparently to pay for the time and energy taken to count the money that was already counted and bagged ready for the teller to put it on their money scales.

    International fee is beyond Bank of Thailand jurisdiction.

    Anyway, you people can afford it.

    150 Baht foreign transaction fee is ridiculous! The money is being spent in Thailand supporting Thai business's. In case you didn't know there are a lack of tourists lately :realangry:

    Well--at 1000 withdrawals per day--(is that high) ? It is $16,200,000 US dollars a year. Split between the banks it is not a lot. But I am sure it buys a few BMW's for year end bonuses.

    Still the charge is one of the highest in the world and shows contempt for foreign tourist's and expat's.

    My girlfriend today has to accompany her bosses assistant to Silom BMW to listen to sales pitch. They want to sell a block of BMW's to several company high ups (Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn) included (that is like 20 -30 cars or more). Discount's of course.

    Nickel and diming has always been Banks attitude. It all adds up. Cheap fellows really. But they sure like the perks!!!!

  2. I wonder if they will identify the 150b international transaction ATM fee as being unfair?!...somehow I think not!

    or the charge they make you pay for changing small change into notes, and the fee i was once charged for paying in 3000 baht in small change into my account, apparently to pay for the time and energy taken to count the money that was already counted and bagged ready for the teller to put it on their money scales.

    International fee is beyond Bank of Thailand jurisdiction.

    Anyway, you people can afford it.

    Who is 'You People" HAHAH. The 150 baht is not international fee-It is charged by Thai banks. The international fee is charged by the bank of your credit card

  3. I wonder how much the fee of 150 baht for foreign ATM withdrawals accounts for. That will be good for a nice profit. :bah:

    Well--at 1000 withdrawals per day--(is that high) ? It is $16,200,000 US dollars a year. Split between the banks it is not a lot. But I am sure it buys a few BMW's for year end bonuses.

    Still the charge is one of the highest in the world and shows contempt for foreign tourist's and expat's.

    My girlfriend today has to accompany her bosses assistant to Silom BMW to listen to sales pitch. They want to sell a block of BMW's to several company high ups (that is like 20 -30 cars or more). Discount's of course.

    Nickel and diming has always been Banks attitude. It all adds up. Cheap fellows really. But they sure like the perks!!!!

  4. From a fellow Washingtonian

    I have received double entry tourist visa's from LA consulate through the mail several times. Stating 6 months is not a problem. Portland Oregon is a 3 hr drive from you. Yes -double entry tourist visa's are available there also. I am not sure if Portland uses mail-might have to drive down there. Look up Portland Consulate on internet for directions and phone number. Either consulate is ok for this type of visa. I have used both consulates.

  5. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    From poco mail to thunderbird and from thunderbird to mail

    (and then archive those 30.000 emails...who needs to keep 30.000 emails)

    And one more. Where do I tell it which programs I want associated with which file types?

    select the file, press command+i and a window will open where you can change that

    I am a mac user. I always have been. The questions you are asking are simple but to ask someone to write them out for you is ardous. I suggest you take a simple Mac course. You will love your Mac I am sure. As for importing pocomail-you might try opening mail- select import mailboxes in file (top of screen) and select other and then select pocomail. But pocomail seems to be a very windows based program so good luck there. Safari browser you can change font by going to preferences and selecting appearances. Mac is a very easy system but to a first time user versed in windows it may seem confusing at first. Give your self some time. Also if you bought it new you should have free support for 1 year. You can ask them anything-Mac has a great support personal.

    Thanks. I did buy it new. Is the support only at the place I purchased it?

    I assume you bought it in Thailand. Yes go back to shop and ask for support telephone number. It should have been given to you - with all the paperwork with computer. Hopefully they have english speaking Apple techs in Thailand.

  6. I've no doubt that the Red Apologies, sorry Apologists who are playing down the worth of this resolution would be singing a different tune had it gone the other way.

    A classic example of personal self censorship. You only believe what you like to believe no matter what the truth is.

    Can you see the USA government supporting the Red Shirts-while a government backed by a army is in place. Give me a break. And even if the USA supported the red shirts ideals it would be diplomatically unwise to even mention it. Do you remember Kasits triad at the USA Ambassador in Bangkok when a US diplomat visited the Red Shirts. It may be similar to the USA lack support of public support for Tibet ideals because China would go ballistic.

    As I said before all the resolution is saying is "Do the right thing" It hardly endorses anyone.

  7. People are taking far too much from this touchie feelie resolution. Please read the resolution. In particular, look at the request that the Thai government (along with protestors) renounce the use of violence. Yes the resolution supports the 5 point plan, but that support is for the promises Mr. Abhisit is making. A gangster can say that he likes puppies and I would agree, because I like puppies too. That doesn't mean that I support the gangster, just that i agree with his statement.

    The resolution is not an endorsement of Mr. Abhisit. Wrapped up in the diplomatic language about reconciliation there is mention of timely free and fair elections and a free media. Anyone taking the resolution as anything more than support of basic freedoms is misguided.

    H. Res. 1321

    In the House of Representatives, U. S.,

    July 1, 2010.

    Whereas Thailand became the first treaty ally of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region with the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, signed at Sia-Yut'hia (Bangkok) March 20, 1833, between the United States and Siam, during the administration of President Andrew Jackson and the reign of King Rama III;

    Whereas the United States and Thailand furthered their alliance with the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, (commonly known as the 'Manila Pact of 1954') signed at Manila September 8, 1954, and the United States designated Thailand as a major non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally in December 2003;

    Whereas, through the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations, signed at Bangkok May 26, 1966, along with a diverse and growing trading relationship, the United States and Thailand have developed critical economic ties;

    Whereas Thailand is a key partner of the United States in Southeast Asia and has supported closer relations between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN);

    Whereas Thailand has the longest-serving monarch in the world, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is loved and respected for his dedication to the people of Thailand;

    Whereas Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has issued a 5-point roadmap designed to promote the peaceful resolution of the current political crisis in Thailand;

    Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries; and

    Whereas Thailand remains a steadfast friend with shared values of freedom, democracy, and liberty: Now, therefore, be it Resolved,

    That the House of Representatives--

    (1) affirms the support of the people and the Government of the United States for a strong and vital alliance with Thailand;

    (2) calls for the restoration of peace and stability throughout Thailand;

    (3) urges all parties involved in the political crisis in Thailand to renounce the use of violence and to resolve their differences peacefully through dialogue;

    (4) supports the goals of the 5-point roadmap of the Government of Thailand for national reconciliation, which seeks to--

    (A) uphold, protect, and respect the institution of the constitutional monarchy;

    (B ) resolve fundamental problems of social justice systematically and with participation by all sectors of society;

    (c ) ensure that the media can operate freely and constructively;

    (D) establish facts about the recent violence through investigation by an independent committee; and

    (E) establish mutually acceptable political rules through the solicitation of views from all sides; and

    (5) promotes the timely implementation of an agreed plan for national reconciliation in Thailand so that free and fair elections can be held.



    Not sure what you think a resolution is, but it literally means to resolve to do or to support something, and this is a staggering near unanimous resolution of 411 US lawmakers who,

    calling the Kingdom of Thailand a strong and vital ally, a major ally and a key partner in Southeast Asia, a country with whom they have critical economic ties, a steadfast friend with shared values of freedom, democracy, all the way back to Andrew Jackson and King Rama III! (Lord of lords, the number 51 does come to mind)

    .... resolve to provide strong support for Thailand, strong support for the monarchy, strong support for the government, and strong support for each every one of the 5 points of Abhisit's plan for reconciliation, and strong support for elections to be held in a "timely" manner, as expressed by the current prime minister, Mr. Abhisit..

    (wave US flag above images of Thailand and the King, fade to Abhisit addressing the country)

    This resolution leaves no legitimacy whatsoever for Thaksin and his thugs program of violence and disruption of the country. Thaksin's entire modus operandi is out the door. It also calls on Abhisit to be a man of his word and carry through with what he has said he will do.As long as he does, he will get strong US support. If Thaksin tries to further destabilize the country or derail the reconciliation with his money and violence, the resolution clearly states that the US will support Thailand and its institutions. The resolution is also the first step in the legitimization of any actions the US might take to prevent the derailment of a peaceful resolution, such as support to help stop Thaksin's activities if required.

    Such a resolution does not happen by accident, but through careful diplomatic work. I strongly suspect that this is the work of the US State Department itself and Ambassador John and his staff here in Bangkok.

    Then is would have been worded in a more decisive way. Is it a form letter resolution. The letter does not mention Thaksin at all. You are reading to much into it. You are acting the like the government looking for support even as weak as this. The USA will give full and more complete support to the "elected leader' of Thailand. Obviously you do not understand the workings of the US State Dept.

  8. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    From poco mail to thunderbird and from thunderbird to mail

    (and then archive those 30.000 emails...who needs to keep 30.000 emails)

    And one more. Where do I tell it which programs I want associated with which file types?

    select the file, press command+i and a window will open where you can change that

    I am a mac user. I always have been. The questions you are asking are simple but to ask someone to write them out for you is ardous. I suggest you take a simple Mac course. You will love your Mac I am sure. As for importing pocomail-you might try opening mail- select import mailboxes in file (top of screen) and select other and then select pocomail. But pocomail seems to be a very windows based program so good luck there. Safari browser you can change font by going to preferences and selecting appearances. Mac is a very easy system but to a first time user versed in windows it may seem confusing at first. Give your self some time. Also if you bought it new you should have free support for 1 year. You can ask them anything-Mac has a great support personal.

  9. People are taking far too much from this touchie feelie resolution. Please read the resolution. In particular, look at the request that the Thai government (along with protestors) renounce the use of violence. Yes the resolution supports the 5 point plan, but that support is for the promises Mr. Abhisit is making. A gangster can say that he likes puppies and I would agree, because I like puppies too. That doesn't mean that I support the gangster, just that i agree with his statement.

    The resolution is not an endorsement of Mr. Abhisit. Wrapped up in the diplomatic language about reconciliation there is mention of timely free and fair elections and a free media. Anyone taking the resolution as anything more than support of basic freedoms is misguided.

    H. Res. 1321

    In the House of Representatives, U. S.,

    July 1, 2010.

    Whereas Thailand became the first treaty ally of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region with the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, signed at Sia-Yut'hia (Bangkok) March 20, 1833, between the United States and Siam, during the administration of President Andrew Jackson and the reign of King Rama III;

    Whereas the United States and Thailand furthered their alliance with the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, (commonly known as the 'Manila Pact of 1954') signed at Manila September 8, 1954, and the United States designated Thailand as a major non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally in December 2003;

    Whereas, through the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations, signed at Bangkok May 26, 1966, along with a diverse and growing trading relationship, the United States and Thailand have developed critical economic ties;

    Whereas Thailand is a key partner of the United States in Southeast Asia and has supported closer relations between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN);

    Whereas Thailand has the longest-serving monarch in the world, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is loved and respected for his dedication to the people of Thailand;

    Whereas Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has issued a 5-point roadmap designed to promote the peaceful resolution of the current political crisis in Thailand;

    Whereas approximately 500,000 people of Thai descent live in the United States and foster strong cultural ties between the 2 countries; and

    Whereas Thailand remains a steadfast friend with shared values of freedom, democracy, and liberty: Now, therefore, be it Resolved,

    That the House of Representatives--

    (1) affirms the support of the people and the Government of the United States for a strong and vital alliance with Thailand;

    (2) calls for the restoration of peace and stability throughout Thailand;

    (3) urges all parties involved in the political crisis in Thailand to renounce the use of violence and to resolve their differences peacefully through dialogue;

    (4) supports the goals of the 5-point roadmap of the Government of Thailand for national reconciliation, which seeks to--

    (A) uphold, protect, and respect the institution of the constitutional monarchy;

    (B ) resolve fundamental problems of social justice systematically and with participation by all sectors of society;

    (c ) ensure that the media can operate freely and constructively;

    (D) establish facts about the recent violence through investigation by an independent committee; and

    (E) establish mutually acceptable political rules through the solicitation of views from all sides; and

    (5) promotes the timely implementation of an agreed plan for national reconciliation in Thailand so that free and fair elections can be held.

    This is a a great reply. The USA resolution is so weak it almost looks like a form letter. It is not an endorsement of Abhisit or the prior and recent behavior of the government. In so many words it is simply saying 'do the right thing". But the Government is desperate for any endorsement at all latches on to this extremely weak paper to endorse everything they do, from censorship to corruption, to their desire to stay in power without elections.

  10. I am away from my vehicle for long periods of time due to work. Mice nests and urine feces deposits and well as wire damage caused over $1500 baht damage. I put bags of mothballs in the engine compartment and made sure all opening (heater,ect) were plugged. Never been attacked since.

  11. According to the Thai Constitution the Government and the Military is at the same command level, meaning to say the PM cannot order the military to anything at all. Strange but true. Part and conquer. :rolleyes:

    Thank you for the info. No wonder Thailand can never move forward.

  12. Obama fires General McChrystal.

    The separation of the Military and Government is the cornerstone to valid functioning democracies such and England, France, USA, ,ect. Would Thailand face another coups if the military was interfered with by a duly elected Government in Thailand ?

  13. first , 40,000 in bangkok is small money . keep that in mind . 60,000 would make a BIG difference .

    it is SUPER important to have a place here which you look forward to coming home to (i.e., not a 6,000 a month thai style "dump")

    living here with the heat , humidity , crowds , noise , pollution can be brutal on the senses . if u do it right ur home will be ur oasis .

    paying 50% of you income for a place , though , is too high . the correct proportion is one-third .

    sathorn / silom is like the most expensive part of the city ; even 60's not enough to live there . look along sukhumvit and u wanna be at most a 5 / 10 minute walk to the BTS (elevated train) .

    good luck and wrangle like h e l l for the 60 k salary

    Good reply --these guys that think living in a 5000 baht thai room is fun are crazy. Maybe if your a back packer. But you will be working most everyday and coming home is always a relief where ever you live. Coming home to a place you like is even better.

  14. And who are you Mr. Sherman. What are your credentials ? Did the Nation or the Thailand Government pay you well for your rebuttal ?

    Thank you for your opinion piece, but it only supports the government and does not help any any type of national reconciliation. You are being used or willing being used. The government propaganda fight to ward off any blame at all in Thailand's problem is well served by you.

    I for one would believe CNN and BBC and rather than Mr Sherman AND THE NATION, but I am a long visitor to Thailand to I do not need any of the propaganda to help me make my own decisions. I see it with my own eyes everyday.

    You seem to ignore the fact that the above piece mentions a lot of vital information that was simply IGNORED by the mainstream press; forget about who's site you think you're own, this is just simply what happened...

    Unlike the writer of the above piece, you immediately take a stand and feel the need to express you're political views. Why the need for this? Just discuss the topic at hand; nobody cares about your political views. The writer didn't seem to express any view favorable to either side; he just criticizes the reporting done by CNN and BCC, and I think he's right in doing so (and many others who have been criticizing the mainstream media).

    Don't try to turn every topic relating to the protests in another thread about annoying farang Expats who feel the need to vent their views.

    I am sorry you are so adverse to my post. I will let the the forum decide for itself on their views. I do not need your advise thank you very much

  15. And who are you Mr. Sherman. What are your credentials ? Did the Nation or the Thailand Government pay you well for your rebuttal ?

    Thank you for your opinion piece, but it only supports the government and does not help any any type of national reconciliation. You are being used or willing being used. The government propaganda fight to ward off any blame at all in Thailand's problem is well served by you.

    I for one would believe CNN and BBC and rather than Mr Sherman AND THE NATION, but I am a long visitor to Thailand to I do not need any of the propaganda to help me make my own decisions. I see it with my own eyes everyday.

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