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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. Are you kidding me?? Not to many people are basing there vacation to Thailand on old crimes. Most people do not even know of these incidents. The image of Thailand has been tarnished more by the recent conflict. Do I want to visit a country that just killed over 80 of it's own People? A country that is repressive in free speech and actually will go so far as to try and buy a satellite to restrict anti-government venues. I am not a red shirt supporter by the way before you blast into me. This tourism article is misplaced and I think it is trying to shift the lack of visitors to Thailand away from ' Reality"

  2. If Farang wants to come to Thailand, they should contribute to the local economy too.

    Next time, they bring their own van, to visit their own bars, and drink their own beers, and perhaps even import their own girls (from the Philippines).

    Wow ! you are really trolling for some nasty comment aren't you. Have a good day my friend.

  3. I talked to my Thai family

    Do not bring food. They cannot eat after 1200 noon

    Flower ok

    Wear long pants shirt -not a lot of colors

    Normal conversation-not allowed alone. Respect her environment.

    She is going to practice-Maybe daily visits not necessary-but that is between her and you

    Yes donate to temple.

    Hope this heps

  4. People have risen up against inequality from day one and you say that things should just go on the same. The rage that was shown in Bangkok did not come out of the air. It has festered for a long time.

    That was funny Capealava. Thais don't rise up against inequality, they never have. They have been led to rise up against inequality though, not quite the same thing. From day one of the strategic plan of whoever orchestrated the move that time. Not quite the same thing, again.

    The parents of the people you talk about taught them, their own children that it is bad to question and criticize since before they could walk... They don't start wars or take any action even unless they are lead to it. They had parents who deliberately suppressed self confidence, creativity and initiative in them without thinking, to make the children easy to handle and to protect them from dangers. The solution lies in changing what the poor Thais themselves don't want to change, imagine poor Thais teaching their children not to blindly accept what they say and do... What you think happened will not happen from the poor the next generation either because this generation of the poor still teach their children the same way

    You are right that the rage that was shown in Bangkok did not come out of the air, I work at Central World so I was there and I heard it, it came out of loudspeakers at full blast. Burn, Burn, Burn and the crowds were cheering :D

    You support that? :)

    I was there also --so my opinion is different than your. So be it. You are putting word in my mouth. I am out here. No use discussing the issue with you.

  5. Maybe so. Sorry if I offended someone. But the facts remain change does not happen by itself. There are many in "history" who have 'sacrificed there own well being to construct change. Look at the protests against the Vietnam war in the USA. We stopped that war with our minds, hearts, and bodies. 56.000 USA dead-millions of Vietnamese. Violence ??? Off the subject --I am out of here.

  6. Peace only comes when there is prosperity, money makes the world go 'round, so the song goes!

    Do you think that Thailand will change in our lifetime? A hundred years ago Thailand was entertaining the Tzar of Russia, there were unreleased slaves and many poor people, all this 4 years before WWI...What's the problem? The poor will always be with us, as will the dis-affected! If you don't like it, get out amongst it and be an instrument of change instead of just bleating about the "poor". :)

    And if wealth distribution hits your pocketbook you will become "very annoyed" Love you people who come from developed countries where you would bitch to the high heavens if you where left out. You come to Thailand and enjoy all the benefits of low wages and economic discrimination against 40% of the population and then complain about the 'poor" or use "history ' as an excuse. Maybe you should check out the history of your home country.

  7. Judging from the leading peaceful countries, New Zealand and Iceland, it would seem the key to peacefullness is to be situated in a remote location with no bordering countries.

    Indeed. Theres no disputing that.

    Easy way out? Regarding this theory half he planets nations should have "red shirts" burning down the house!

    I live on Ko Samui here is no "social strife".... but everyone can feel waht all this rioting for "genuine democracy" did... many gone out of business already and they are the "have not's", the seasonal workers, the soup stall owners, those who seell fruits and other goodies at the beach - those who should have "benefited" from all this, have been hit worst, through the action of their feinted "friends" buy the lies and empty promises of the con-men they put their trust into.....it's nut's, absolutely nut's!

    It had the absolute reverse effects, it didn't help anyone, only a few swollen ego's... feel maybe "good" about the havoc they created!

    I hope for the sake of this nation that this will never, ever be allowed to be repeated!

    Koh Samui is hardly the picture of Thailand. It is a Farang Island being catered to by Thai's. You are obviously one of the those that benefit from the extreme low wages paid in Thailand. You enjoy being catered to on the beach by fruit sellers trying to scrape together 200 baht for the day. People have risen up against inequality from day one and you say that things should just go on the same. The rage that was shown in Bangkok did not come out of the air. It has festered for a long time. The history of the USA is strewn with riots and burnings and corporation and governments being forced into change that benefits all the people. I also hope it will not be repeated, but Thailand has to change, even if your idyllic Koh Samui retreat becomes as expensive as the South of France.

  8. Expats are at each other necks as much as Thai's on this issue-From the 2006 coup onward. Suffice to say I am not a Thaksin fan, but the government use of force and the deaths incurred needs to be throughly investigated. It is obvious the government cannot be relied upon to investigate itself. You cannot shoot 80 people and then just say "Bangkok is back to normal"

  9. Buddhism In Thailand is also under the governments thumb, much as it is in Burma. It is of course the state religion and under government regulations. Any monkish interference in government policies is seriously looked down upon. Social awareness in Thai Buddhism has no place in Thailand politics.

    Religions have been used throughout history to prop up governments and Thailand is no exception. Enlightenment has no place in Parliament. But if you are thinking of Buddhism making everyone happy and accepting of there position in society, that is exactly what the government wants.

    Separation of Church and state is one of the westerns world best aspects. But Religion can teach a good life, a moral life and hope it filters into the governance of the people in a fair way. Unfortunately these morals are not followed in Thai politics. Buying merit does not make the man.

  10. "...they just pass their increased bad debt expenses onto other customers in higher rates and fees."

    That's what they would like us to believe.

    And when banks have record smashing profits, do they pass the good fortune on to customers?

    Nope, higher rates and fees. And executive bonuses and cutbacks in employee benefits.

    When they get gazillion dollar bailouts what happens?

    Higher rates and fees. And executive bonuses, of course.

    When inflation ran up years ago banks were "forced" to jack credit card rates sky high.

    Then when the fed rate tumbled, "Well, you see, the price of funds is a very small part of our costs".

    Higher rates and fees.

    Spot on , just do not get caught with all your funds in one Thai bank. The credit card vultures will eventually catch up with you and freeze your account. Not a good position if you live off the ATM. Keep a pile of cash just in case.

    Thank you all for your posts. A rather delicate subject. I do not consider myself a dead beat-just caught up in credit card interest rate increases and medical problems I have to pay for. I will have my Social security check sent to Us embassy and avoid banks and use my wife account.

  11. Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

    I agree. The governments attitude of lets just rebuild and without any thought to those killed and maimed is not a sound idea. Bringing expats into the equation just bolsters the Government position.

  12. cut the word terrorism and replace it with the word "COUP"

    As I recall, nobody got hurt in the coup and people were giving soldiers flowers in the street. The yellow shirts didn't hurt anyone in their protest either. How many people have died or been maimed at the hands of the redshirts? How many grenade attacks and shootings?

    The comparison of the coup to terrorism is ridiculous, particularly since the coup was partly conducted to avoid violence.

    correct! it took 4 years (yes thais are slooowminded) to the people to realize they've been a$$<deleted>**ed.. but once they understood... (see the last 3 months)

    incorrect. police officers who dared to attempt to push them away from the prime minister's office compound (august 2008) has been injured (and some hospitals in bangkok refused to heal them)

    oh please, be serious, i'm not thai, not even a young boy....


    WHO'll take seriously an arrest warrant for terrorism issued by a country that repeatedly ignored an international court decision? (see the Preah Vihear Temple dispute)

    Thai latest incidence was the reaction tho the Coup. If they people had been prepared as now -the coup would not have been non-violent. Everyone was caught off guard. It has taken the Red idealism years to react to the coup as people would react to any coup in any country. I am not a Thaksin supporter, but I am certainly against military coups. If there was a military coup in your home country do you think there would be flowers in gun barrels ?? Think again. I know that is there was a coups in the USA even against Bush who I desisted, I would take up take up arms and so would millions of others.

  13. It hardly matters whether Thanksin is or isn't extradited. The Red Shirt movement will grow in strength and eventually their demands will need to be accommodated.

    :) Sure they took a big step towards that last week when they burnt down 30+ buildings and left thousands of working class BKK people out of work! Who wouldn't want to back that kind of movement? All of Thailand is thrilled with the way they handled themsleves haven't you seen the praise they are getting :D:D Will grow in strenth :D it seems to have self destructed! where do you people come from?

    Obviously you are running on emotion. The prior poster is correct, red idealism or the movement will eventually grow. Bangkok is not Thailand. I do hope there is no further chaos, but the door was opened for "Red Thought" by the Military coup. Repression by the government will only lead to more confrontations. It is time to address the needs of all Thailand not just Bangkok and I believe Abhisit knows this. I do believe he has the smarts and the will to lead Thailand into a new era.

  14. There's a number of ways to look at this.

    1) While the warrant was issued in Thailand, a lot of countries pretty much consider Thailand as not much better than some Banana Republics, and therefore not pay much attention to this warrant.

    2) Even should they recognize it, that does not mean that if he were apprehended that the country which apprehended him, or even if it is Interpol, will be willing to extradite him, as many, if not most civilized countries will not extradite someone who faces a possible death sentence if returned to their country of origin which has issued the warrant.

    3) While this undoubtedly place some "pressure" on him, it hardly stops him in his tracks, as there are still a whole list of countries who will still allow him to come and go freely, based on their own corruption, and his financial contributions to it.

    In my opinion, bringing Thaksin back to Thailand would be a major mistake by the current government. That would put the hero of the Reds on their soil, and they would probably storm any prison or jail he was being kept in, or at least attempt to. And should he die, whether by true accident or something like a heart attack, while in custody, the entire world would be suspicious, and the Reds would truly rampage then. What we saw in BKK and the provinces with fires and arson would look like a Sunday picnic and this country would go up in flames.

    To me, the best thing this government could do is make Thaksin a "non issue", stop putting him on the front page every day, and stop trying to blame everything on him. Make him a non entity that doesn't exist. They have themselves to blame, in some ways, for continuing to make him an issue. My advice to the government: "Forget about him and get on with business".

    But, hey, to me that would make sense, and everyone knows that "sense" is something in seriously short supply of here.

    Thank you----finally an intelligent post. The rancor and hate dumped on this man does not help the situation now. There is enough blame to go around on both sides, starting the with a military coup. If there was a military coups in the USA or England or France-What do you think the reaction would be by the general populations--Flowers in the barrels of Guns. I do not think so. One mistake has lead to many-now is the time to find real solutions.

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