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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. Not sure i understand this "annual basis" do you mean the anniversary of when i started to receive the pension. It is currently paid 4 weekly.
  2. These guys are professional golf players, it follows that they will go where the money is best imo Whatever i or the world thinks of their decision is immaterial, they are professionals earning a living.
  3. I'm already receiving a UK state pension and have it paid into my UK bank account but i'm thinking of having it paid into my Thai bank account. What is the process to achieve this, is it purely a case of contacting the UK DWP by phone or can it be done online ? Has anyone experience of doing this ? How does the exchange rate used by the UK DWP compare to Wise rate ? Thanks for any help guys.
  4. Now i'm getting really confused. In all my years completing tax returns for the UK taxman i've never ever seen a spouse mentioned on any return, its personal to the individual is my experience.
  5. I've never heard of "primary account holder" i was under the impression that a joint account afforded each person exactly the same rights with respect to the account. I learn something every day lol
  6. The issue with joint accounts is Immigration will not accept for the 800K method but may do for the 65K, i don't know, maybe someone has experience. One way over the joint account issue is to approach your bank and ask them if they can add your wife to the account without her being named as a joint account holder thus giving her legal access to the account on your death. I have approached BB and they confirm that they can do for me as long as i take our marriage certificate to the branch.
  7. BINGO, and by the way guys how do the authorities/bank(s) know WHO actually withdrew the moneys in my accounts after my death as if they would care TIT.
  8. The only assets i have in Thailand is two bank accounts so to go to the trouble of writing a will and either paying a lawyer or having your local Amphur register a translated copy is just looking for work and expense which i don't need or want. I only ever have enough money in these two accounts for day to day living expenses and my wifey has the ATM cards and pin numbers as she always withdraws any cash we need. I reiterate a previous post "How does my bank(s) know i have died ?
  9. Apologies, should be ok now.
  10. Can you please PM me the contact details, TIA
  11. So how would your bank know of your death ?
  12. Yep first place i looked but i thought i'd go for any recco available as they have so many i'm spoilt for choice and how does one differentiate between whats available. Yep i'd previously read that Decathlon are a good bike and recco'd by many.
  13. The very cheap labour costs here in Thailand using the Toyota main dealer network just does'nt imo justify me messing around with servicing/repair of my car or ignoring their advice re 10K kms/6 months service intervals. They service my Fortuner every 6 months and the peanuts they charge they are welcome to it, a frequent change of oil is very good for the longevity of the engine.
  14. I get Ultracet from my local Siam pharmacy and they always have me sign for them. The pharmacist told me not to take more than 4 tabs per day, no probs as i only use when i really need and the max i take is 2 tabs per day. I find they are the only tabs that really do the job, forget Nurofen etc and the other tabs available in 7/11, a waste of time for me.
  15. I enquired last week at Bangkok bank to put wifey on my account not as a joint account holder but just named so she can access monies in the event of my death. There reply "no problem Sir, just bring in your passport, passbook and your marriage certificate" Now i wonder what they would say if we were not married, anybody have experience ?
  16. Here's the address i received by email from them, looks like i missed the @ lol
  17. Try "thesessionbangkok.gmail.com"
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