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Everything posted by Kinnock

  1. That's a very annoying situation. I use Skype to phone them, as I'm always left listening to hold messages for 30 minutes or more. Skype can connect to UK freephone numbers, and if a normal number, the cost is much lower than making a mobile call. I'm surprised you're paying tax on your Gov pension, is this because other income takes you over the limit? Are you filing an annual tax return? Is your pension paid direct into a Thai bank account?
  2. If the employee is from China, it's a good bet the owner is also from the land of the overturning tour boats. But as owning the business (and the cub) is technically illegal, he's probably off trying to find a Thai fall guy.
  3. That's the other viewpoint of the photo I posted earlier 😆
  4. Still don't understand that one. Do you have an oil leak from the cam cover that's causing the water hose to be soaked in oil? Or do they mean oil in the water effecting the hose from inside? Either way, it's the oil leak that's the key issue, not the hose. Hoses are easy and cheap to replace, but why is the oil there.
  5. Maybe it's the translation, but this explanation does not sound logical to me .... "radiator leaking, oil is mixed with coolant which is cause pipe to swell. oil flowing inside pipe, the coolant is sludge. " There's several points where oil and water can mix, the headgasket being the most common, the water pump is another possibility, or internal corrosion in the cooling galleries. But you can also lose water through leaking hoses, radiator or pump, and you can lose oil through a simple gasket leak. The key issue is if there's evidence of oil and water mixing rather than simple, separate oil and water leaks. The classic sign of a steamy exhaust is easier to spot in cold countries, harder to spot in Thailand. So the best diagnosis is emulsion 'yoghurt' in the oil. Easy to spot if you remove the oil filler cap or dipstick (in serious cases) and also if you drain the oil. An oily haze and smell when you remove the radiator cap is another sign (the real radiator cap, not the expansion rank cap ... but be careful removing it if the engine is hot ... ask me how I know). Some newer engines may not have an easily accessed radiator cap. If no emulsion in the oil, probably just leaky hoses and gaskets. Cheaper job, but still needs some dismantling.
  6. As mentioned in the reply above - the big home improvement stores. Megahome and Thaiwatsadu have a wide range of window seals - I bought some similar to your photo for dust proofing and sound reduction. Available in white and brown.
  7. I was trying a new remote flashgun using the Missus as a test model .... and I think her long hair looks great. Short hair just isn't as sensual .... or photogenic.
  8. Your example photos confirm my view that long hair is more beautiful.
  9. Some of the scooter dealers are not really bike shops - they are just fronts for loan companies who 'sell' bikes just to get the loan business. So if you want to pay cash they are not interested and hike the price. You can normally spot the debt pushers as they have all the bike brands in stock rather than being dedicated to one .... even if they have a Honda sign on the shop front they have new Yamaha bikes on show. Probably no proper workshop either. A real dealer will add a bit for tax and plates, but only around 3000 THB on list. Sometimes with a new model they will charge more until the hype dies down.
  10. I've given up reporting scams on Facebook, all you get is an auto-note reply in about 30 seconds saying it does not go against their policies. I belong to a motorcycle group on FB and 3 or 4 times a week there's some scammer posting parts for sale using photos from an old post. A reverse image search on Google Lens will find the original photos, and the Group Mods are good at banning the scammers, but then a new one will appear a few days later.
  11. Yes, many of the most persistent scams on FB are 'Sponsored' ads, so there's no incentive for FB to remove them, as they'd lose revenue.
  12. Mae Hong Son .... we're they buried with their motorbikes? Being prehistoric times, perhaps an AJS or an early version of a Supercub?
  13. Eastern National Sports Arena
  14. I went on Saturday. Three stages, lots of bands, loads of food and beer, Triumph stand had the new 400's and Royal Enfield had the Super Meteor. But a slightly unfriendly atmosphere compared to other bike meets I've been to, and I felt distinctly under-tattood. It's really for the Thai bike gangs with their sleeveless leathers sporting colors. Lots of chopper 'rat-bikes' and loads of Harleys. As a Falang on an adventure bike I didn't really fit in .... but it was still a fun afternoon and evening.
  15. There's was a wonderful gap of about a year after I stopped working full time and the 'part time' consulting work hadn't got going. I was in heaven ... house near the sea, running, cycling, messing with a kayak, motorbike trips and watching the young Missus doing the housework whilst she's wearing minimal clothing. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think I'd never get bored if I stopped all work. The consulting work I do is interesting, but having fixed appointments every week makes trips difficult and interrupts longer rides, runs, paddling. But the idea of no income except pensions scares me, so I work. I worry I may be working until I croak.
  16. I can understand someone losing control of their horse .... or a dog, or their bladder, or losing control driving on ice or snow. But driving on an inner city road when it's not even rained for 2 months?
  17. Hang on to that towel. It's scary how fast your body and brain can deteriorate if you stop exercising. A friend the same age as me (66) snapped his achilles tendon playing tennis, and within weeks he was speaking, thinking, moving like a much older man. I now find running tough on my ankles, so switched to a bike. Try alternative exercise if the gym is not fun anymore.
  18. I don't think Thailand needs any foreign help with anti-democratic meddling. 😄
  19. Not everyone can afford to buy and run a car.
  20. "Authorities identified the victim as an unidentified Thai male" Great work! A sad incident, and sounds (and looks) like the truck driver changed lanes without looking.
  21. 'Our' house is in her name, and after 13 years together she's not shown any inclination to throw me off the balcony .... mind you the balcony is only one floor up.😀 But I decided to not go with the complexity of company ownership or leasing the land, as I want her to have the house after I've gone. We also have a will in case she goes before me ... unlikely as she's quite a bit younger than me. I trust her completely, and she's never given me any doubts. However, the post about family pressure is a highly valid one. She is regularly asked to give financial support to various family members, and as she's the youngest in the family, there's an expectation she should help - simply because her sisters are entitled by being born before her. She's smart and tough enough to either just say no, or structure it as a loan, with no further support given until it's paid off. To my surprise they eventually do pay her back, but not without mounting resentment and friction. My wife is no longer on speaking terms with her older siblings. (The nieces and nephews are very different and more independent, but the older generation clings to the idea of 'gert gorn' entitlement). I've given up trying to explain the destruction of value by providing interest free loans, and the amounts are not huge, but the family's perception of her 'wealth' has created many issues. I should add that she project managed the design and build of the house, so it's right that it's at least partially hers ..... and she's super hot - so I tend to do as she asks anyway 🙂.
  22. Went to the UK visa agent (VFS) office last year .... as others have said, entering the Trendy foyer area is no problem as there's coffee shops and restaurants there. Also several visa agents and places to copy docs. Going up to the offices there's a couple of private security guys to help organise the queues, but no checks for phones etc. While waiting for the Missus to get a visa I was messaging on my phone, but making a loud phone call with the speaker on would be bad form (anywhere).
  23. Better to find a trusted lady here and fly her to your home country to look after the old chap. He'd probably prefer someone to cook and clean for him. Get her a French Maid uniform to cheer him up.
  24. Don't think so - giving blood is part of the Buddhist 'making merit' tradition here. And if you come from a country that had CJD cases during the BSE issue you can't even be a blood donor here (although I heard that rule may change)
  25. I caught a few random episodes of Yellostone .... I thought it was a shame that such good production values and actors was wasted on a sub-Dallas storyline. And (spoiler alert) could you really kill someone by throwing a snake at them?
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