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Everything posted by Kinnock

  1. Mine's a stunner from Samut Prakarn ..... 11 years together and she still peels my grapes. When does the grape peeling phase end?
  2. I've gone for the property back home option. I dabbled with shares, but unless you are an active and skilled (or very lucky) trader - which is not 'passive' income anyway, you'd need huge investments to generate a decent living income.
  3. I have one of those, but the maintenance costs are high, and she refuses to marry for money.
  4. Well it's not like police in Sattahip have anything more valuable to with their time. After all, what possible benefit could there be in enforcing proper fire safety in clubs for example.
  5. The most worrying thing for me is that he missed the key points. Staff training are evacuation plans are of little use when a club fills with thick black smoke and flames in seconds. Unlocked fire exits with push bars, sprinkler systems, emergency lighting and non flammable ceilings are of more value.
  6. Do the tourists from Europe, Middle East and India who refuse to wear a mask anywhere base their decision on a diligent review of the risks? The overall aim of mask wearing is to protect other people from ourselves. And there are selfish cultures and communiy cultures. Which culture do you prefer? And as the OP is in Thailand, I think we know the answer to that one.
  7. Real owners name too. Pretty sure the guy going to jail is not the money.
  8. First world people need to learn to be less patronising.
  9. ..... And their minions will visit every week for envelope collection.
  10. The police only 'discovered' that it had no licence after the horrific fire. What did they think ithe building was used for before the fire ..... a 7-11? ???? A bit or pro-active 'discovering' before the next fire would be useful.
  11. I bought mine from a local DIY shop for about 200 THB, but it's identical to the one below. Used it for over a year, it's robust, has a rubber 'bump cover' and works well. I didn't expect it to be so good, as it was cheap, and was the only one in the shop, but I needed one quick to diagnose a motorcycle electrical issue. Gets my recommendation. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.SfkZx
  12. That bar at the entrance to Nana Plaza should be renamed 'The Glass House'.
  13. If they are serious about buying US high tech weapons, then this would need a major shift in political strategy away from China ..... unlikely. But if strategic thinking was being employed, they'd be buying hundreds of shoulder launched weapons rather than one F35.
  14. Sounds very unreasonable to me ..... I've had the same number with AIS for 14 years, and in that time changed from a business contract to personal and several different plans and 3 or 4 sim cards. No additional costs to keep my number.
  15. Yes .... I was shouting at the phone watching the video ..... "put your f#<×!◇ng phone away and help!"
  16. Yes, tragically similar to the Santika new years eve disaster. That club was owned by senior police officers, but only the manager was prosecuted.
  17. BBC News - Ukraine war: UN chief Guterres slams oil and gas firms' 'grotesque greed' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62415904
  18. Still not sure if the OP is serious .... suspect a troll. Jumping from an auto scooter to (I guess) a Honda CB500 without knowing how to use clutch and brakes properly seems like a high risk plan .... but just in case the OP was serious ..... Except in an emergency stop situation, you go down through the gears to slow down, adding a touch of front and rear brake if needed, then to come to a complete stop from low speed, you can use either brake, but it easier to use the rear, or perhaps one finger on the front. To prevent the engine stalling, you also pull in the clutch. If riding an older bike (or an old design bike ... i.e Chinese) you will flip it into neutral before you stop, otherwise you'll be faffing about trying to find neutral. For an emergency stop - you need to practice this, a lot, so it becomes an automated reaction. Ease on the front brake quite firmly until you feel the front wheel load up (you can sense this by the suspension diving and the sound from the tyre) then pull the front brake hard, but release a little if you feel the front is going to lock. At the same time lightly press the rear brake, and go quickly down through the gears - so you are always in the right gear for your rapidly reducing speed (as accelerating quickly may become a better option than braking, depending on the situation. To do all this quickly is why you need to practice - ideally on different surfaces ... wet, dry, gravel, off road. ABS adds to the safety, but still good to be able to 'feel' your wheels when stopping.
  19. I get about 3 or 4 a week. Recorded message in Thai about DHL package, customs duty or similar. I ignore any calls from countries where I don't have customers, but the scammers VOIP system seems to generate random country codes, so I answer UK and US numbers, then hang up and block. I once let it run out of curiosity, when my TGF was worried that the call may be genuine. It's an impressive routine. You press the number, a person answers and tells you the tale ...... "your DHL package has been stopped by customs at the airport because it contained illegal items". He then offers to connect you to 'the police' to explain that you did not order the items. He gave us a Line account - which has the Royal Thai Police logo on the account. The 'policeman' waffles on about how much trouble you're in, then asks for a bribe. By then the TGF agreed with me that it was a scam, and we rang off. But as others have said, the scam is reliant on the victims believing that the police would ask for a bribe - which is why Thailand, India, Pakistan are top of the scammers league.
  20. Well you asked ..... then you disagree with what I said. Fair enough, although why ask if you know everything? ..... but I've not eaten red meats for over 30 years, and seem to be in decent condition, and sugars in fruits are not a problem compared to the high sugar levels in most Thai foods and most carbonated drinks.
  21. Taa tiab cruang-bhin ท่าเทียบเครื่องบิน Or just 'sapan loi' ..... same as a footbridge.
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