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Everything posted by Kinnock

  1. I started running after a bad breakup many years ago .... became a half-decent half marathon runner, and felt much better in myself. Still running 25 years later, although only 10k now, and still feeling the benefits.
  2. While I voted 'No', that's really on balance, ad its not a simple issue. Both NATO and the EU were too hasty .... it was just not wise to rush the rhetoric about Ukraine joining, and it's the Ukrainian people who have suffered. Arrogant politicians on all sides.
  3. I don't think most Thai people consider noise to be a problem. Many keep dogs as a sort of cheap alarm, and they bark at everything all the time, others have ginormous speakers in their ratty old pickups, blaring 'luk tung' pop music all night, or even worse, Thai rap, which sounds an angry toddler tantrum.
  4. India is much, much worse for litter .... I saw rivers where you couldn't see any water because it was a flow of pure litter. I also think some regions in Thailand are worse than others. In Chonburi, people seem to throw rubbish everywhere, but the local governments seem to attempt to collect it, and there's waste bins everywhere, normally surrounded by rubbish - as people are too lazy to make that last 1 meter of effort to actually put their rubbish in the bin. But I visited Chaiyaphum recently, and couldn't find a litter bin anywhere (and ended up carrying my plastic coffee cup all day) .... but didn't see much littering. While in Bangkok people seem to throw all their rubbish in the rivers and down the storm drains .... so it finds its way to the beaches.
  5. Agree .... many Thai people seem to view trees as large weeds.
  6. My wife is the same, and great that Sheryl's post gives the technical explanation and a mitigation. What makes my case worse is that she cooks me a wonderful 'English' breakfast every morning, but does not eat herself until we go out to her chosen restaurant of the day. She actually wakes up having dreamt of a particular restaurant for the day 😀 So I'm happy having eaten a huge breakfast, but she's now desperate to go out and eat, and getting moodier by the second. There should be a simple solution here, but she feels it's her duty to feed me three meals a day - and some of the restaurants we visit sell food that only a Thai person could eat. One is even called "Som Tam Sadist"!
  7. Interesting information .... and that 1.15mm must have been just enough. When I removed the end strip to get at the wheel adjuster, the door moved perfectly with equal gaps all round. I decided to take a file to the cover strip top groove rather than adjust the door, as the striker and latch all looked to line up perfectly.
  8. Glad I posted here before I got the grinder out! 😀
  9. Ah ..... good suggestion! I had a look and these look like the adjustment .... 1
  10. Our house has 8ft tall, glazed sliding doors, and several are now jammed because of lack of clearance to the top runner. I think it may be due to heat expansion? I'm planning to use a mini rotary saw or grinder to increase the clearance by enlarging the cut out by 1 or 2 mm. Thoughts? Bad idea? Better solution? Thanks for any suggestions.
  11. You have to climb over a heap of snoozing dogs to enter my local 7-11. They like the AC blast each time the doors open. "Hello, welcome and don't trip over the dogs"
  12. You'll be able to use the fast track security, so you could check in 1 hour before your flight, but why add unnecessary stress with journey to the airport. An unexpected traffic jam due to a VIP road closure could easily add an hour to the journey to the airport, so plan to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight. But as you'll have a lounge, why not check in 3 hours before for a stress free trip.
  13. So if I paid a chef to cook a meal for me, does that mean I hate food?
  14. Yes .... always wash fruit and veg using a 'vegga wash'. Pesticide use is not well controlled in Thailand.
  15. Yes, the 'listings' appear to be a way to promote the agent, and the property was either let years ago, or it's just a copy of another agent's listing. There's also some that just show a photo of the outside of the building, because they don't even have units to let. As mentioned above, just choose a suitable building by walking the area you want to live, then ask the management office about availability. Works for rent or buy.
  16. 1. BAE Systems 1,338 GBX With the current political environment, arms manufacture should be good business, and while BAE has been performing well, I believe there's more to come. 2. Boeing BA NYSA 167.84 Surely they can't continue to mess up forever, so should be good opportunities for growth, and they are another military supplier.
  17. Honda MSX 125 'Grom', Honda CT125 and Honda Monkey are full manual with a clutch. This post may get more replies in the Motorcycle forum?
  18. I used two different English/expat pension advisors .... both chose investments based on their commission and both lost me money, as well some investments still frozen due to scheme suspension. Now only invest in property in home country as it's so hard to find a trustworthy advisor.
  19. I think Thai women have wonderful eyes .....
  20. Would be good if they added a way to collect rice straw and sugar cane waste for use as fuel. That would also cut down on smoke pollution
  21. I listened to a couple of scam calls just out of curiosity. Yesterday it was an older Thai man explaining that I can earn money by just liking specific TikTok reels. He said he worked for a company that promotes TikTok reels to improve their ranking. Eventually he'd ask for my bank account number, but I didn't listen to his lies that long. Last year I had a call saying he was from Flash delivery and my package sent to Chiang Mai had been found to contain drugs. He said he understood it was probably not my package, but I still needed to speak to the police. He said he'd connect me to Chiang Mai Police to get more details. The 'policeman' told me how much trouble I was in and was obviously angling for a bribe which I could conveniently pay on line. I can see how some people could fall for these scams as the callers in both cases sounded like older Thai men, so the Thai respect for older people may work for the scammers. Both calls from Thai numbers. I used to get 2 or 3 a day, but after blocking the numbers following each call it's down to about 1 a week.
  22. It's possible to just plough the field without burning, and this is better for the soil. This can be an issue with multiple crop farms where the next planting may be in a couple of weeks, so on these farms they may need to remove the rice straw for use as animal feed or mulch, but for seasonal, single crop farms there's no reason for burning.
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