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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Ah, the delicate dance between peace of mind and the tumultuous seas of consumerism! Your musings on the contrasting experiences of purchasing CPUs from tech titans like AMD and Intel versus the anxiety-inducing ordeal of acquiring an AC in Thailand paint a vivid picture of the trials and tribulations of modern-day procurement. When it comes to CPUs, ah, sweet serenity! With the comforting assurance of rigorous quality control and meticulous quality assurance practices, one can rest easy knowing that they hold in their hands a beacon of technological excellence, a marvel of human ingenuity forged in the fires of innovation. But alas, the same cannot be said for the humble AC in Thailand. Oh, the queasy sensation that grips the stomach like a vice, the nagging doubts that plague the mind like relentless mosquitoes on a humid summer's night! In a land where the equator draws close and the heat bears down with unrelenting fervor, one would think that AC units would be held to the same lofty standards as their CPU counterparts. Yet, here we stand, in the shadow of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential, lamenting the disparity between the meticulous craftsmanship of CPU fabrication and the seemingly lackluster efforts of AC manufacturers. Oh, what wonders could be wrought if only they were to heed the lessons of the FABS and embrace a higher standard of manufacturing and quality control! Your observations ring true, my astute observer of life's quirks and quandaries. While CPUs inspire awe and admiration with their flawless execution, ACs languish in the realm of mediocrity, yearning for the day when they too shall bask in the glow of consumer confidence and acclaim. In conclusion, let us raise our voices in a chorus of longing and hope, a symphony of yearning for a world where the purchase of an AC in Thailand evokes the same sense of peace and assurance as the acquisition of a CPU from AMD or Intel. Until that day dawns, my friend, let us persevere in our quest for excellence, for in the pursuit of perfection lies the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
  2. You can also use N26, which is another licensed online bank based in Germany with no fees (for a basic account) and no minimum balance requirements and offers both Sterling and Euro accounts. They are also linked to work with Wise seamlessly.
  3. Yes and no. Wise is a fintech company, not a bank. Your pension can be paid directly into Wise if the organization that pays you your pension agrees to it. You can then send payments out from Wise to whatever bank account you like (in very many different countries) for a very small fee. Wise makes the transfers using agents and instant bank transfers in various different countries, so most transfers occur with seconds since the money usually only moves between local banks. They also provide debit cards, they pay interest on USD, GBP, and EUR balances, but it is not a bank, so there are no government guarantees on Wise account balances as you would have with a real bank. Note though that they can only send payments to a country within the local currency of that country. For example, you can't send GBP to your Thai Baht account in Thailand. You must first convert the GBP within your Wise account to Thai Baht and then transfer it to your Thai Baht account in Thailand. The exchange rates provided by Wise are better than the exchange rates that any bank would give you, so there is no downside to having to convert the funds from one currency to another within your Wise account first, but I'm just explaining how this works. However, if you have GBP come into your Wise account, and then you want to send out a payment to an account in the UK (also in GBP) then of course there would be no need for a currency conversion. Wise outgoing transfers to Euro accounts, USD, and GBP accounts are free, as long as you choose the electronic transfer option and not opt for a bank wire. Transferring money from your Wise account to a Thai Baht account carries a charge of about 32 Baht per transfer. I hope that helps.
  4. That is good information to know, thank you. At the moment I have about 4 grams of already vaped bud (AVB) saved up, after having vaped it in my vaporizer. I am planning to use this AVB to make oil from when I have about 15 grams of it saved up, but it may be another 2-3 months until I have 15 grams of it since I don't vape that much on a regular basis. I think the 4 grams I have now probably weighed about 6-7 grams before I vaped it. It seems vaping it dries it out more than decarbing and so it loses more of its original weight from vaping.
  5. Smalley's impact on the world of science and the lives of those he touched indeed reverberates through time like ripples in a cosmic pond. His dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, coupled with his profound care and compassion, left an indelible mark on the scientific community and beyond. It's touching to hear about his tribute to his mother, a testament to the profound influence that familial love and support can have on one's journey through life. Though the specific document may no longer be readily accessible, the spirit of gratitude and reverence that Smalley expressed for his mother undoubtedly lives on in the hearts of those who were touched by his words and deeds. As for his lectures and talks, it's regrettable that some have seemingly vanished into the digital ether. Yet, the essence of his message, his passion for science, and his unwavering dedication to his craft continue to inspire and resonate with aspiring scientists and curious minds around the globe. Smalley's resilience in the face of adversity, continuing his work even after being diagnosed with a formidable foe, serves as a shining example of courage and determination. Indeed, his contributions to science, his impact on countless lives, and his enduring legacy are a testament to the profound difference that one person can make in the world. While the Nobel Prize may have eluded him, Smalley's true Nobel was the legacy of inspiration and discovery that he left behind—an invaluable gift to humanity that transcends accolades and recognition.
  6. Ah GrandmaGargantuan, the boundless expanse of infinity, a concept as vast and immeasurable as the cosmos itself! Imagine, if you will, a never-ending line stretching out into the great unknown, with no beginning, no end, just an eternal continuum of possibilities. Now, picture a 10-year-old mind, curious and inquisitive, eager to grasp the unfathomable mysteries of the universe. So, how do we begin to unravel the enigma of infinity for such a young mind? Perhaps we could start with something familiar, like counting. You know how when you count numbers, you can keep going and going without ever reaching the end? Well, that's a bit like infinity. It's like a super-duper, mega-awesome version of counting where there's no final number to stop at. It just keeps on going forever and ever, like a cosmic never-ending story. Now, when it comes to explaining the universe and its beginnings and endings, things get a tad more complicated. Imagine the universe as a gigantic cosmic playground, filled with stars, planets, black holes, and all sorts of other celestial wonders. But here's the kicker: the universe isn't just a playground, it's also a timeline, with a beginning, a middle, and, well, maybe an end. You see, scientists believe that the universe was born in a big bang billions of years ago, like a cosmic fireworks show on the grandest scale imaginable. And ever since then, it's been expanding and evolving, like a giant cosmic pancake slowly puffing up in the oven of space-time. But here's where things get really mind-bending. Just like infinity, the universe might not have an end. It could keep expanding forever and ever, or it might collapse back in on itself like a cosmic accordion. We're talking about some serious cosmic uncertainty here, folks! So, when a 10-year-old looks at that image of the universe, what they're really seeing is a glimpse of the great cosmic tapestry, woven together with threads of infinite possibility. Sure, it might seem imaginary at first, like something out of a science fiction movie, but trust me, kiddo, this stuff is as real as it gets. In the end, the key to understanding infinity and the universe is to embrace the wonder and awe of it all. It's okay if it seems a bit confusing or overwhelming at first. After all, the universe is a big, mysterious place, and there's always more to learn and discover. So keep asking questions, keep exploring, and who knows? Maybe one day you'll unlock the secrets of infinity and beyond!
  7. If they issue a digital card to you, then you should be able to order a physical card too through the app. I assume you get access to digital cards because you're using a US address on your Wise account. People with a Thai address on the account will not have access to cards, neither digital or physical. However, I think the first physical card your order will need to be mailed to your US address on the account. But you can then order a second one and/or have the first one replaced and I believe (after the first card is delivered and activated) all future cards can be mailed to any address of your choice, including to an address at Thailand.
  8. Ah, well, isn't it just a delight to stumble upon such a wonderfully crafted commentary on the intricacies of life? Your words, my dear interlocutor, paint a vivid tapestry of thought and emotion, a symphony of musings dancing across the vast expanse of cyberspace like whimsical fireflies on a warm summer night. The initial compliment on the photo, while seemingly innocuous, opens the floodgates to a veritable cornucopia of reflections on the nature of beauty itself. Ah, beauty, that elusive siren whose song beckons us to dive headfirst into the swirling depths of subjectivity, where perceptions morph and twist like playful otters in a babbling brook. And ah, the girl with the braided ponytail! What a vision she must be, with her locks cascading down her back like golden tendrils of sunlight, weaving tales of romance and longing in the minds of all who gaze upon her digital visage. It's fascinating, isn't it, how we each have our own "type," our own unique set of criteria that guide us through the murky waters of attraction? But let us not forget the poignant reminiscence of the wife from China, a towering figure whose presence looms large in the annals of memory. Her tall stature and lengthy ponytail serve as a testament to the wonders of cultural diversity and the serendipitous nature of love, which knows no bounds, be they geographical or metaphorical. And then, of course, there's the matter of the tomato plant. Oh, what a magnificent specimen it must be, standing tall and proud amidst the verdant splendor of the garden! One can only imagine the joy and satisfaction that comes from nurturing such a bountiful harvest, reaping the rewards of patience and perseverance in equal measure. In conclusion, dear reader, your comment has sparked a veritable whirlwind of thought and reflection, a merry-go-round of intellectual stimulation that leaves me simultaneously exhilarated and exhausted. Let us continue to traverse the winding roads of conversation, exploring the nooks and crannies of human experience with unabashed curiosity and unbridled enthusiasm!
  9. By the way, after you decarbed the flower, do you think it still weighed 8 grams? Or did it lose 20%-30% of its weight?
  10. To be honest, I would be happy to use 15-30 grams of the more costly weed that I normally vape in order to make some cannabis oil from, but I don't have a way to decarb it first. I would also be happy to buy 30 grams of some of that 30-40 Baht weed (as you suggested) to make an oil infusion from, but again I don't have an oven to decarb it first. Those decarb/infusion machines on Lazada for 3,600 Baht seem like a good option too and is something I might go for in the future. But I want to give it a go first with some of my already vaped bud that I've been saving up and see what comes out of it. It should only take another 30-45 days until I have enough to give it a go. 👍🏼
  11. I agree. I know Barclays has started closing accounts in the UK of non-residents. But if you have an offshore account at any of the banks in IOM or CI then no problem having a Thai address. Lloyds, Natwest, or any of the others on the isles would be fine.
  12. GammaGlobulin and georgegeorgia, hmmm
  13. What new format TM 7 form are you referring to? I only see the following TM 7 form on the immigration website, which is the same one as always: https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/4.คำขออนุญาตเพื่ออยู่ในราชอาณาจักรเป็นการชั่วคราวต่อไป-ตม.7.pdf
  14. He doesn't own an AC. He dreams up completely fictional and fantastical tragic problems that he needs help with on almost a daily basis so that people will analyze the situation and spend a lot of time to write long-winded replies to help solve his personal tragedies, whilst he sits in his bathtub and laughs at how he trolled everyone into trying to help him, yet again.
  15. Ahoy there, fellow air-conditioning adventurer! Your tale of woe with the noisy fan in the great outdoors of your split-AC system has indeed captured the whimsical winds of my attention. Let us embark on a journey through the twists and turns of troubleshooting this perplexing problem! Firstly, I must commend your thorough documentation of the cacophonous conundrum plaguing your peaceful abode. From the serene whispers of low RPMs to the tumultuous tempests of mid-range madness, your descriptions paint a vivid picture of the auditory adventure you find yourself on. Now, let us delve into the heart of the matter! Could it be, perchance, that your fan has embarked on a rebellious rampage, shimmying and shaking like a leaf caught in a whimsical whirlwind? Or perhaps, amidst the vast expanse of rotational speeds, an imbalance has crept into its merry dance, causing a discordant discord in its harmonious hum? As you ponder the perplexities of this peculiar problem, fear not, for solutions abound like stars in the night sky! Shall you petition the AC manufacturer to summon forth a new fan-motor/fan assembly, hoping to quell the raucous rebellion within your outdoor oasis? Or might you embark on a quest to enlighten the technicians of the realm, guiding them through the labyrinth of RPMs and vibrations with the wisdom of a sage? And lo, let us not forget the ponderings of a curious mind! Could it be that the winds of change have swept through the halls of fan manufacturing, casting aside the old ways in favor of cheaper chimes and less stringent standards? Or perchance, as you muse upon the mysteries of mid-range mayhem, you question the very fabric of reality itself, wondering why a manufacturer would craft an AC unit with a fan so fickle in its melodies? As you seek solace and sanctuary from the symphony of sound that surrounds you, know this: you are not alone in your quest. For there are those among us who have weathered the storms of HVAC havoc and emerged victorious on the other side. So fret not, dear friend, for help is nigh, and together we shall vanquish this vexatious villainy from your domain! In conclusion, may the whimsical winds of wisdom guide you on your journey, and may your days be filled with the sweet serenade of silence once more. Fare thee well, and may your AC adventures be ever merry and bright! 🌬️🌀
  16. You think there is any chance of having even one tight one?
  17. Soon to become the hub of hubs. As soon as they figure out how to reduce the outdoor temperature by about 10 degrees Celsius everything will be perfect.
  18. If you have any overseas bank accounts they probably have your address in Thailand in English on the account. If they don’t mail physical statements out then you can probably download one from online banking as a PDF. Cell phone bills are not normally accepted for proof of residence address these days. For utility bills it seems electric bills are usually the only ones accepted now. Sometimes they will accept an apartment lease though. Otherwise immigration is probably your only other option.
  19. Definitely do eat it, smoke it, rub it all over your body, and then make toothpaste and a hair tonic from it, but only after you have injected it in to your bloodstream to make sure it is safe.
  20. What is interesting is how certain countries are now being given free visas to help increase tourism and then they are preparing to raise the visa fees in other places. Hard to imagine they would double or triple them though.
  21. Are you certain they are all non-profit? They are all private hospitals. I have been to Bangkok Christian and Camellian and both have been good. I believe they were all started by missionaries, and have lower costs than the big private international hospitals, but I don't know that they are non-profit?
  22. They offer so many different strains and they all look so similar in the photos. Amnesia Haze, Cookies Gelato, Sherbet Queen look decent. And Wedding Crasher looks really good because of the tightness of the buds in the photo. But it is hard to really know on any of these until you try them. Black Lebanon looks decent too, but a few people in this thread said they tried it and got nothing from it. It is a shame there aren't better photos available.
  23. Thank you. I didn't know such a thing existed for sale on Lazada. I see them now. There is one for 3,200 Baht made by Ston1 Herbability. Something I will keep in mind for the future. For the moment I am saving up the weed from my vaporizer after it has been vaped. From my understanding it still retains about 20%-30% of its original THC content, even after it has been fully vaped. The weed is high quality to start with so I want to give it a try and see how it does on an infusion. I am planning to use about 15 grams, but it is going to take some time for me to store up that amount of vaped weed since I don't vape very much to begin with. It wont have to be decarbed though since it has already been heated and cooked in the vaporizer. So once I have enough I will put it in a mason jar with some MCT oil, then create a double boiler and boil it for 3-4 hours. I am thinking 15 grams with half a cup of MCT oil should be good for this experiment. The weed wont be that potent, but it was over 20% THC weed to start with so hopefully it yields something useful. It if doesn't work out well then nothing lost but a bit of time and I will try using some fresh weed for it the next time. There are a number of videos on YouTube of people showing how they have made oil from weed that they already vaped in a vaporizer and people seem to be pleased with the results, so let's see.
  24. Thank you for the clarification. What is a dedicated decarboxylator/infuser? Is that a machine you can buy in Thailand? It seems many people use MCT oil for this because it has no smell or taste and stays liquid at all room temperatures. If I used that KD for an infusion then I would probably use 28-30 grams of it with one cup of oil. Then I assume one or two drops on the tongue would be all you need.
  25. Years ago I had a foreign currency account at a bank in Thailand where the bank sent me actual monthly statements in the mail. I had presented these statements at CW, but they wouldn't accept them. These were real bank statements printed by the bank and not me, but they still wanted new statements, actually printed by one of the bank branches itself. Perhaps some other immigration offices are different, but at CW they definitely will only accept statements printed by a bank branch itself, from my personal experience at that time. So the bank reprinted all 12 monthly statements for me because they were not able to create a 6 or 12 month statement on the account. Perhaps things have changed since then, but I would be surprised.
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