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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. dont know if its cheap or not but i had a back tooth (molar ) that was giving me mild grief for a year

    and i waited as long as possible because i dont love dentistry but it only got worse

    a dentist in lat phrao diagosed it as a stage 3 cavity and filled it up with grey metal stuff for 700b

    (if i waited much longer they would have had to pull it out ie stage 4 cavity )

  2. Yes, I should specify that I'm quite well built and those 3B Bestatin are 20mg tablets.

    Prices can vary wildly from one pharmacy to another with the private hospital/clinic pharmacies usually being the most expensive. Pay for advice from the doctor and then check the hospital price for the medicine and buy elsewhere if needed. The same applies for blood tests etc: often much cheaper to get them done at a lab yourself and then go and see the doctor with them.

    Bestatin is sold without prescription.

    where can you get blood tests alone without any consultation with a doctor ?

  3. Yes, I should specify that I'm quite well built and those 3B Bestatin are 20mg tablets.

    Prices can vary wildly from one pharmacy to another with the private hospital/clinic pharmacies usually being the most expensive. Pay for advice from the doctor and then check the hospital price for the medicine and buy elsewhere if needed. The same applies for blood tests etc: often much cheaper to get them done at a lab yourself and then go and see the doctor with them.

    Bestatin is sold without prescription.

    where can you get blood tests alone without any consultation with a doctor ?

  4. I did not fully understand the op (sorry but not unusual with this poster) . Appears that he ordered 27 litres of fuel, which would almost certainly come to an odd fraction of a Baht, needing rounding up or down.

    Thought people usually ordered fuel by the monetary amount ie 100,500 or1000 baht meaning no baht fractions. Even ordering dtem they usually wait till the pump clicks off and fill to the next 10baht.

    Again perhaps I did not understand the problem.

    i normally ask for a full tank rather than a numbered amount in thb or litres and its always rounded to the nearest ten after the auto shut off they dribble in a little bit more so if it stops on 986 they will put another 4 thb in and 10 thb change from 1k

  5. What's the use of tougher tests if the staff are still allowed to "sell" The license....

    If anything, this will just make more people pay for a pass than take the risk of failing a "difficult" test

    Loss of face and all that..... The money would be better spent on a system that forces out the corrupt staff in the testing places but pigs will fly before anyone suggests that Option

    when was the last time you had a Thai DL ?...if you ever had one ?.....the days of bunging someone in the traffic department to give you a DL are long gone with the electronic/credit card type system in place

    When Mrs S took her full driving test, she failed some of the written questions, by 2 I it was, and like all good Thai's she "offered a consideration" and was told "cannot not", even the Ex-copper was teaching her to drive phoned the department and he used to deal with them when he was copper to "smooth things" over...and was told the same thing "cannot"

    She went back a second time and passed, problem solved

    No one is disputing that you used to be able to put a few bob on the table and walk out with a DL, but from what I have seen, these days have ended

    i have a licence now valid until 2018 but i didnt need to pay for it ,got 29/30 in the test

    the one question i got wrong was "if there is a war ,am i allowed to drive an army tank on the road ?"

    i said no but the answer was strangely "yes i am " :D

    my gfs sister drives a fortuner and she bought hers so i assume

    they are still buyable

    she cant even park the f ucking thing so she gets security to park it everywhere she goes

  6. i know of 4 that i would recommend :

    one ni soi pracha songkro

    one in chok chai 4

    one on dindeang rd

    one on soi na thong

    drive slow and look into the shop houses ,there will be foam shavings all over the floor and likely

    a stack of bikes on the footpath

    dont pay more than 400-500 i would recommend and thats the farang price ,a thai might well be charged well less

    • Like 1
  7. Tourists are not expected to know all the mores and customs of every country they visit. Nor do they feel they need to conform to them. Thais understand this in the main and are pretty tolerant. There is no Sharia law here yet.

    So why not put it down to people relaxing and letting their hair down while they are on holiday. After all thats what holidays are for.

    If you find it so offensive try telling them and see how offended you are with the responses you get.

    The mark of a gentleman is how he treats people who can do him no good. Samuel Johnson

    So if you were sitting with your wife or mother (in law) and some boorish farang tourists came in shouting obscenities etc and were uttering comments to the fact that your female companions were bar ladies/prostitutes, that would be acceptable?

    So why not put it down to people relaxing and letting their hair down while they are on holiday..as you quaintly put it.

    Good manners and responsible behaviour are ( should be ) a given anywhere in the world.

    Just because you flash your passport doesn't mean you should be granted carte blanche to be a pig!

    did you just invent this part of the op's story on your own ?

    i find it hard to believe they were shouting obscenities and calling all the thai women prostitutes but if they were

    theres plenty of thai men that would take care of it ...........some in uniforms and some not

    no need to act the superhero and police other tourists behaviour IMO

    • Like 1
  8. That kinda depends if you pay straight to the electricity company or if you pay a special condo rate. Personally I use a lot of power but that 1000 or 2000 bt a on top of my normal bill gives me a lot of comfort. I currently run aircon 24/7

    They said to me I should pay for the electric and water at 7/11, and only pay the rent to the condo owners. I assume that means I'm probably on the government rate.

    BTW if it makes any difference, the condo is in Samut Prakan.

    Your lucky, my Condo I'm paying triple the government rate but I knew that when I moved in because the condo was underpriced and they make up for that in the bills..

    You will be on the Govt rates if you can pay in 7/11 and not some greedy landlord lol

  9. My thread about the 3 girls actually had nothing to do with me per se...it was intended as a reflection of how Thai girls can so accepting of such an arrangement in contrast to normal society.

    I recall the thread about the 40 million baht house for sale where half the posters could do nothing more than criticize it. It was a beautiful home by any standard.

    I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes. I simply don't get what they're trying to achieve. They'll likely never amount to anything if they don't go back to society and establish a career. If they're happy, then more power to them but they sure look frustrated.

    Maybe their is such a diverse range of people living here that there's no common interests....I have no idea but I've sure met some unhappy people in my time here. One guy tried to convince me that anyone who chose to live east of Sukhumvit in Pattaya would be murdered within a year, as locals would knock you off your bike to rob you. When I informed him that I drive a car, he couldn't grasp that not all farang were as rundown as him.

    Just because some home was worth 40 million it does not make it a beauty automatically, yes some people may not like it and some may not like it because of envy, why do you care?

    What exactly are you trying to prove?

    If you want to see a waste of money with not much taste google evander holyfields mansion which has the largest 2 swimming pools in the entire USA and a cinema with 135 seats and dining room that can have dinner for 120+ guests comfortably lol

    Guess what, he's broke and can't afford it so the bank foreclosed....

    Poor mike tyson lost all his ridiculously luxurious mansions as well..

    Must be tough lol....

  10. What's the use of tougher tests if the staff are still allowed to "sell" The license....

    If anything, this will just make more people pay for a pass than take the risk of failing a "difficult" test

    Loss of face and all that..... The money would be better spent on a system that forces out the corrupt staff in the testing places but pigs will fly before anyone suggests that Option

  11. Last gift I got my TGF was a dermaroller and she loved it, first off she didn't know what to to with it but after a couple views on YouTube she understood what it is used for and supposedly does, she reckons its works for her and I agree with her........makes her happy and for 6 bucks I can't complain.

    Thai women love beauty products so maybe a pedicure/manicure kit or a hair straightener, perfumes a bit hit and miss or the last option and most expensive, gold, never go wrong.

    I'm gonna get ripped apart for posting this

    Posting gold to Thailand... Ripped apart.......... Deservedly so! :-P

  12. and that those who wish to renew their 5-year licence will need to attend a one-hour class

    does that mean watching a 1 hour safety video ?....some traffic departments are already doing this, I had to sit through this my last 5 year renewal

    Was it in English?

    Mine was in Thai with eng subtitles as far as can recall

  13. Judging by the humorous/frivolous responses I didn't make myself clear enough.

    When I said "definitely do not want prolonged unnecessary pain and suffering"

    I meant that I decide when, how and at what circumstances I will be going.

    A friend of mine (MD) suggested barbiturates OD. I want it to be sure (reliable), painless and without discomfort.

    Leaving palliative care, painkillers and mourning crowds to the jokers. Do not suggest aspirin, paracetamol, codeine, nurofen, etc.

    Jokers, please control your bladders. Thanks. coffee1.gif

    A litre bottle of whisky and a few hundred valium 10mgs and you will lose consciousness and not wake up... Regardless of age or medical condition

  14. A lot of this they did to themselves and nothing has changed the fact that most Thais are happy to live in a corrupt society if they are getting some benefits from the corruption...

    Many are happy to be on either side of the voting as long as they get paid at the ballot box

    • Like 2
  15. Im sorry cant help Banzai , i hope someone can . Please members lets not go after this guy about blowing his cash etc.etc. some positive advice would be nice just wish i could hand some out.

    Gl to your friend OP hope it turns out ok.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Why would you want to wish good luck to a common thief and fraudster.

    There is no badge of honour in screwing credit card companies for a debt that the rest of us honest citizens finish up paying for.

    People like this are irresponsible and the dregs of society.

    He must be very proud that after 63 years of his life he cannot afford a pot to p!ss in.

    Now back to OP, nothing to worry about unpaid debts, not to mention if debts were accumulated some years ago credit may already be clean as most countries put you on bad credit rating for 5-7 years.
    Let me say it again. Debts are statute barred in England and Wales after 6 years. In Scotland they're statute barred after 5 years. I'm not talking about 'most countries' and I'm not guessing. What I have posted are facts.

    There is no statute of limitations on criminal actions.

    I think there is, its unlikely the police are still wasting time looking for a guy that scammed some money from his credit card 18 years ago....

    Its hardly the great train robbery, is it?

  16. There are a lot of FNGs on this site so you should simply figure this one out for yourself. Most of the people here have not done much in Asia. BTW, B9000 is not much to a FNG from the west but it is a great deal to a working Thai, so overall not out of order. There are a number of reasons why your girl (many Thai girls) do not wish to make a fuss over money even in large amounts. Mostly it runs to the Thai cultural concepts like 'glang jai', etc which would take too long to get into here but you should be aware of these. Whether you should do it depends on your personality. If you like a bit of fun in espionage and trying to get back what is yours from a scumbag then go for it. Have some fun and I guarantee you will learn alot more about the Thais and outcomes here then the FNG's on this site that get their experience in bars and such. Don't be put off by the newby comments. Firstly, you absolutely can record a conversation and use it as evidence with the police (and other authorities as well, in fact, I suggest it) as you can with a video. Secondly, the Police will most certainly be very keen on this if the man makes some incriminating remark. KIV, this was a commercial transaction not a personal dispute. As a commercial transaction that would allow that fraud or theft could be involved, it all depends on the police the family get in front of at the time and of course, if that amount of money motivates them at that point. You have the right to make out a police complaint against any such activity and with audio evidence the police would probably consider some form of action. What precise sort of action is part of your learning curve here.

    In bkk thesedays 9k is nothing but a drop in the ocean........and this girl is supposed to be from a wealthy family?

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