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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. The CBR 150 for me has been a good bike for Thailand. My Honda shop has knowledgeable and professional mechanics and they are always updating me on current trends.. They know I am hen peck..and tease me about moving up to the CBR 250..and yet they smile all knowing the challenge..

    I have changed the tires twice..starter system is a bit twitchy during the cold AMs.. This has been a good bike.. yes, I miss my old SL 350 and KZ750 back across the pond..

    I'm in southern Thailand.. and the CBRs 150 are more common now.. Looking to move up to the 250cc but will keep the CBR 150..

    Happy holidays.. Going down that lone lonesome highway..clap2.gif

    its not much of an upgrade to be honest ,the new 150 and 250 are very similar

    you will hardly notice the differnce around town

    After almost 60K of great riding on my -150, I will definitely go for two cylinders. That Honda 500X is in my sights!

    A much better idea imo, either that or get a 2nd hand

    Kawa 650

    Much rather than than having a cbr150 and a cbr250

    Unless you need two small bikes for some reason

  2. Has anyone fixed sidelights onto their PCX? I'm thinking of doing it but hesitant to drill holes into the side fairing so wondering where else would be suitable.

    the front side panels are only 900 thb so it wont cost a fortune if the drilling doesnt go well :D

  3. Are CBR400RRs and GSX400RRs impractical in traffic? Quite tempted after going through the classifieds. Heard the GSXs have power levels.

    you can ride any size of bike in bangkok once you know how to ride

    i have a garage full of bikes from 125cc scooters right up to 1300cc and the best weapon

    to get around sukhumvit rush hour and everywhere else thats jam packed is a small scooter

    you dont want to be on a big bike to sit roasting your <deleted> off in a traffic jam

    thats moving at 3km per hour ,using 5 times as much gas as everyone else on their honda waves

    to go at the same speed

    even a 400cc gsxr is overkill for commuting the distance youre talking about but it could be done easily if you

    plan on bringing it to the track as well on weekends

  4. The CBR 150 for me has been a good bike for Thailand. My Honda shop has knowledgeable and professional mechanics and they are always updating me on current trends.. They know I am hen peck..and tease me about moving up to the CBR 250..and yet they smile all knowing the challenge..

    I have changed the tires twice..starter system is a bit twitchy during the cold AMs.. This has been a good bike.. yes, I miss my old SL 350 and KZ750 back across the pond..

    I'm in southern Thailand.. and the CBRs 150 are more common now.. Looking to move up to the 250cc but will keep the CBR 150..

    Happy holidays.. Going down that lone lonesome highway..clap2.gif

    its not much of an upgrade to be honest ,the new 150 and 250 are very similar

    you will hardly notice the differnce around town

  5. Yesterday I found out that Hondas motor oil is supplied by ENOS and another Japanese distributed. I don't think they use synthetic oil from ENOS. But Honda oils gotta be better then most normal oils.

    dont know why honda oil would automatically be better than any quality oil from shell or another decent manufacturer

    OEM tyres are usually pretty low grade to keep costs down ,oil is probably chosen based on price as well

  6. in a first world country where you could file a claim and be awarded millions for negligence leading to a catastrophic accident

    if they had that in thailand they might start going by the manual a bit more and double checking things are tightened etc

    in a mai pen rai country with "mechanics" paid 300 thb a day ,what more can you expect ?

    even the young boys at yamaha cant manage an oil change without getting some greasy handprints on the seat or the tank

    or both if theyre having a good day and they must do dozens of oil changes per day so you would think they would get the hang of it by now

    • Like 1
  7. OK, I am out of warranty already, what are my "unauthorized" options in Bangkok? Can anyone recommend a decent English-speaking Thai mechanic specializing on Kawasaki?

    ive also had a bad experience at rama 9 where they left a abs cable rubbing on the tyre because they forgot to zip tie it safely out opf the way ,

    but if you have no tools and live in a hi rise with no work place or want to preserve your warranty where else is there to go ?

    red baron are probably the most famous but certaintly not the cheapest ,dr bikes had a decent rep also but hes more into cruisers

    and my friend nearly had a serious crash when they forgot to tighten his exhaust and it fell off on hhis versys

    there are tons of small shops i pass on soi inthamara or around dindeang where they are regularly stripping down down litre bikes to the frame and building them back up

    but not sure how competent they are or if theyve ever had any proper training on modern engines

    i wouldnt be trusting a 300km/h litre bike with them anyway

  8. The Honda CRF250L sucks as a enduro machine - it is heavily underpowered

    that guy was trying to make the bike look bad ,he wasnt even trying to get up and few times he got out of the hole the front forks depressed

    and he let it roll backwards into the hole again so he could spin the wheel for a while longer .....

    also tyres looked inflated to highway pressure

    put a decent rider on the bike and try again

  9. A couple of months back i was approaching an intersection ,there was a stocky thai boy with his leg snapped nearly off at the knee in a horrific break lying in the middle of the road ,police had just arrived on the scene and were directing traffic around him and on the radios for assistance

    i went on a couple of miles to pick up some parts ,about 45 min later i was on the way back and the ambulance guys was just arriving and the poor barstard was still in the same spot in the middle of the road in the midday sun and i dont think anyone had given him painkillers or anything

    seein that was enough to put me off zooming around the innercity in daytime but on a daily basis i get passed by teenagers who seem to have a deathwish the way they navigate between moving trucks and jeeps with an inch or two of clearance .......of course with no helmets and bicycle wheels so thin a pothole or a few grains of sand could leave them disabled for life :(

    drive safe folks and wear as much safety gear as you can tolerate !

  10. i had this problem last week and i bought a male to female 2m usb extension (100 thb ) and used the 1m samsung micro usb cable connected to that

    (it charged so slowly it was painful to watch,like 1% every 10 min or so while using phone )

    i then went back and bought a 3m micro usb cable and it solved the problem perfectly (150 thb ) in fortune (same 3rd floor shop called natty)

    there is no need to buy expensive samsung cables ,the cheap 3m one for 150thb charges it in about the same time as the original 1m samsung that came with the phone

    3-3.5 hours on both cables while using the phone ,samsung galaxy nexus

  11. But guys, how could I have any utility bill in my name without a 'green book' or tabien bahn or whatever they call it? All my utilities are of course in my landlord's name - as a foreigner I can't have anything in my name.

    Its a catch-22 = can't get utilities, cable, etc, in your name without a tabien bahn, and can't get a tabien bahn without proof of address.

    I have nothing to show either immigration or embassy to 'prove' my address.

    I do have a Thai 6 year driver license with an address on it (I totally forget which address), so I guess I could try that, but the bike shop told me 'no, they won't accept that'.

    As for the suggestion that I show them the address in my work permit, no, they won't accept that - (they already have full copies of my work permit, apparently that isn't enough).

    Not so - you should have your Thai driving licence in your name with your house address on it

    your thai licence has your address on the back but its more or less worthless when it comes to the registration of vehicles ,

    a letter from the embassy has worked every time for me though ,its worth getting one anyway and making about 10 colour copies

    in the photo printing shop for 25 thb each

    the embassy charges 800 or 1000 thb for 1 copy and its only "valid" for 30 days from date of issue but every DLT has accepted a

    copy and mine is a year and a half old and they are still accepting it although ive been told once or twice to get a new one for next time :D

    Also used to be a signed copy of my passport photograph page was all but its gotten stricter and the last few times

    i noticed they are insisting on signed copies of visa pages and entry/exit stamps as well so make sure all visas are up to date for buyer + seller or you could be in for a wasted day at best .......

  12. anyone using one of these pipes below ?

    id like to hear from others opinion as im not familiar with this company but prices seems nice ,

    do they sound rough and nasty ? or is there any quality issues since they are cheaper than the usual

    brands (falling apart etc ? )





    and another company called CNC have this one :


    also ,can i use a system from an er6n or a er6F on it ? either a slip on or full system if either will fit

    Any other suggestsions welcome also !

    Thx all !

  13. its widely accepted in most appartemnts that the maids will search the garbage for anything they can salvage

    this probably goes double if the property is farang occupied

    even at night like 3am i be coming pissed and sometimes see people searching the garbage bags out in the soi

    to make sure there isnt an empty bottle they can sell

  14. I know for a fact that many Thais in the poorer regions have NEVER filed a return.

    It's not just in the poorer regions. Only about 1 in 4 working age Thais are even registered to pay income tax. Only about 1 in 20 actually pay income tax. Unless you work for the government or a big company you will most likely not even be registered and no one is ever going to bother checking on you. These girls are not paying any income tax. They can easily buy a house and a car and anything else they want and no one is ever going to hassle them about where the money came from. This country is just insanely lax when it comes to taxes, it is nothing like it is at home. Most of the small businesses you see everywhere do not pay either. There are a lot of people out there that make a lot more than the 65k a month and they have never paid income tax.

    one in twenty thais paying tax sounds incredible but could well be true

    i have thai friends who run various businesses and i think

    if i asked them how much income do they declare

    and pay tax on they would just smile like its some farang joke

    as if someone would give away 40% of his wages , just for tax ?:)

    in thailand ,you makes your money and you keeps your money.........

  15. they have never questioned me when i have sold cars and bikes for cash and walked in and lodged around a million in cash and several times i have transferred in between 5 and 10 MILLION thb so i doubt theyre going to call an audit for some girl whos getting 3 x 20k a month :D

    similar to a young policeman with a apartment in the city ,house at the beach ,nice new jeep and a harley davidson he rides on sunday afternoons .........on a salary of 7000 a month .......

    there is no accountabilty for wealth .....yet

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