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Posts posted by DocN

  1. If one follows one single event reported immediately preceding the 2006 coup it is obvious who the Army answers too.

    Agree with the Ozzie Mick on this thread. And good luck to the Baggy Greens tonite.

    Coups are not the answer unless the point is hit that the path to democracy is on the point of being steered away from. That has not happened yet but the test of that is about to come in the parliamentary season. In the interim if the Isaanite Reds are ignorant enough to accept ฿500 every 4 years as trade for their and their daughters continued life in servitude to enrich the life styles of these incompetent Shinawatra thieves then they deserve the constant misery that they are being delivered in ever increasing bucket loads of crap.

    Edited to remove the quote from post that was removed by Moderators

    Just FYI: my ex is not from Isaan and she was offered money from BOTH sides in the last general election.

    Do you really believe, that only the Shinawatras are getting rich on the back of the Thai- or Isan- population and the Democrats (f.e.) are walking around in rags and tatters and are just serving the greater good?

  2. Okay, before I go on a sarcastic rant: what -in the name of <deleted>- is "Thainess?

    Fake smiles? The inability to tell the straight- out truth, accept criticism or advice (from farang, especially) and say "sorry" if you made a mistake?

    Or is it that fake ideal of respecting elders (at all costs! And I mean ALL costs!), love children (but do everything to get them killed, from disastrous food to the no- helmet policy on motorbikes?) and generally see Thailand as the center of the known universe?

    The cute folklore-stuff, like praying to a river- godess, instead of putting together a team of experts to longlastingly fight flooding?

    The constant denial about prostitution, no matter if it is in your face on Patpong or hidden in a brothel upcountry?

    I could go on and on and on and on and....

    And you would not think of living anywhere else ! clap2.gif

    Have done for 40 years, have thought about it now and again in my 6 years here and still think of going back home from time to time.

  3. Okay, before I go on a sarcastic rant: what -in the name of <deleted>- is "Thainess?

    Fake smiles? The inability to tell the straight- out truth, accept criticism or advice (from farang, especially) and say "sorry" if you made a mistake?

    Or is it that fake ideal of respecting elders (at all costs! And I mean ALL costs!), love children (but do everything to get them killed, from disastrous food to the no- helmet policy on motorbikes?) and generally see Thailand as the center of the known universe?

    The cute folklore-stuff, like praying to a river- godess, instead of putting together a team of experts to longlastingly fight flooding?

    The constant denial about prostitution, no matter if it is in your face on Patpong or hidden in a brothel upcountry?

    I could go on and on and on and on and....

    Okay, enough of the facts, give us your sarcastic rant now. smile.png

    You got me! thumbsup.gif

  4. Yes, she was acting well,

    but in Thailand the only time you can appear angry is when blind dunk,

    otherwise is it culturally a faux pas. So to be drunk enough to berate fans,

    would first be seen as extra rude, and then out of control.

    In the west where Snickers is from and marketing is controlled,

    they likely might not realize this, and so screwed her without knowing it.

    ...and no one could have ever told them, like...and agent or a manager or the guy who runs these products in Thailand?

    So...blame the farang...again?

    Bit of a cheap- shot, don't you think?

    • Like 1
  5. first of all - how many of you would be hero's have actually been in a fire situation in a building ?

    Most fires smoke is what kills and it kills fast, from the pictures this fire looked pretty serious, I don't know if these guys could have been saved or not and I don't know if the officer could have made a more effective attempt to save them, in the dark (pitch black) can't breath - I challenge anyone here to do better

    I've been in a situation like this and was driven back by smoke and heat - as it happens nobody died but could easily have happened - they jumped out of an upstairs bedroom window

    We all know about building standards here and regulations, unfortunately they are not to the same standards as the west, should we blame the officers who attempted to save them - I think not

    ...and that is why we should not be outraged?

    Because we know, the security measures suck?

    According my earlier comment, they died because the lights went out and the guarding officer couldn't find the key in the dark (at least, it says so in the OP).

    Do you know, what could have prevented that?

    1) a flashlight, available at any 7eleven for 65 Baht and 2 batteries!

    2) giving a sh1t!

    Not sure he would have found the flashlight in pitch dark whistling.gif

    More seriously sometimes in a blaze, with the smokes it could be totally imposible to take a single breathe without fainting... So, we do not know !

    I guess...just a guess....that there was not clean air in one second and masses of poisonous smoke the next second.

    And if you HAVE a flashlight and you KNOW it is in the top drawer of your office desk, you MIGHT find it...even in the dark!

    But sure: we do not know!whistling.gif

  6. Oh...but wait!

    What about the lovely tigers, living peacefully with the holy men?

    The monks would never harm the tigers and the tigers turned into lamb, solely by the love of Buddha and his holy messengers.

    Don't tell me, that was just a made up lie for all the new age- freaks, who think that everything "Buddhist" is just so great and amazing and cool and if they take home a Buddha- statue for their living room and a some other souvenir...handmade by some Tibetian refugees (eg. children in a sweat shop) they will already be blessed by the inner light blah blah blah.

    A tiger is a 1 ton killing machine, designed by nature to be exactly that.

    A tiger, no matter how long it is living in captivity will never be anything else but that.

    And like a dog, it will try to attack the alpha- male (or any beta or gamma) sooner or later, if it sees a chance.

    Here: esoteric BS- There: reality!

    Check it out, sometimes!

  7. first of all - how many of you would be hero's have actually been in a fire situation in a building ?

    Most fires smoke is what kills and it kills fast, from the pictures this fire looked pretty serious, I don't know if these guys could have been saved or not and I don't know if the officer could have made a more effective attempt to save them, in the dark (pitch black) can't breath - I challenge anyone here to do better

    I've been in a situation like this and was driven back by smoke and heat - as it happens nobody died but could easily have happened - they jumped out of an upstairs bedroom window

    We all know about building standards here and regulations, unfortunately they are not to the same standards as the west, should we blame the officers who attempted to save them - I think not

    ...and that is why we should not be outraged?

    Because we know, the security measures suck?

    According my earlier comment, they died because the lights went out and the guarding officer couldn't find the key in the dark (at least, it says so in the OP).

    Do you know, what could have prevented that?

    1) a flashlight, available at any 7eleven for 65 Baht and 2 batteries!

    2) giving a sh1t!

    • Like 2
  8. My mother is Jewish and she lost many cousins and family members during the Holocaust, providing of course you`re not a Holocaust denier and actually believe that millions of innocent people were brutishly murdered for no apparent reason than being labelled as something.

    So for me, considering that if the Nazis would have invaded England during WW2, and that my family may have ended up as a pair of leather boots or a bar of soap, I find these Hitler images (however humorous) as intimidating and an insult to all the nationalities, including the Germans, who fought, suffered and died during that shitty war,

    So I suppose the ways that people regard these images depends on how severely their elderly relatives or ancestors were affected during those times and what side of the fence you`re on.

    My personal belief is; that the atrocities committed by Nazis and their collaborators during the war should never be forgotten and never be forgiven, as long as all this is still in living memory.

    There can be nothing humorous about a brutal, crazed, mass murderer, in any shape or form.

    the soap bar story is a myth. never happened.

    Bored of this now.

    I`m going to watch some porn and have a couple of beers.

    Much more fun.

    someone else called dachau a death camp. also not true. the death camps were all in the east. dachau was a normal prison KZ, but not set up for mass termination with gas chambers and all that.

    If you wanna keep up the memory and things should be never be forgotten then you should memorize that in full accuracy and not turn into somekind of hollywood movie version of history.

    If history is told with those inaccuracy it makes it only easy for the deniers and revisionists to play their trade.

    Oh...they were just shot and used for medical experiments or died of exhaustion and starvation.

    So you can not really call it a death- camp, right?!

    By the way: there also was gas- chamber, though it might not have been in use, before the camp was liberated.

    As I said before: some of you really should know, what they are talking about before posting.

    Not a death camp, (...)!

    • Like 1
  9. Something else to consider (not the Nazi thing) is that old Adolf pulled Germany out of a pretty serious recession in the 20's and gave the world the beetle.

    I don't think he was elected (initially) on a policy of hatred...that came later and as a true politician sold this idea to the populace

    He got the country working again..people found jobs

    Great point! He also gave Germany the Autobahn

    Only one tiny little flaw in that: the "jobs" he created were mostly such excellent things like weapon- factories and the Autobahn was not meant for speedy driving in fancy Porsches.

    They were made, so tanks could drive on them.

    War always is a great business- opportunity , isn't it!

    Oh Adolf...you economic genius...

    I wish some of you people would at least sometimes know, what they are talking about!

    Hitler reconstructed the German economy my nationalizing the banks.

    The tanks you speak of we're used to "invade" neighboring states that the Allies had forced Germany to relinquish after WWII

    Your jive@$$ autobahn thing is propaganda.

    Tanks are transported by rail :-)

    The autobahn is graded and its curves are banked for driving ease.

    You are just spouting propaganda.

    Little bundle of joy, aren't ya'?!

    You may have noted the undertone of sarcasm...or couldn't you see that, because it is dark, where your hjead is?

    Hitler promised to give jobs and wealth to the Germans. And jobs he gave them. In the Army, in the weapon- factories and building roads and rails.

    Yes, I know that tanks are transported by train, thank you very much!

    How many cars were there in Germany in 1938, that Hitler had to build new Autobahns for them to drive on "eased"?

    Lighten up buddy and don't pretend (yes, pretend!) to know everything!

    • Like 1
  10. You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

    If you just joined and start reading the TV muckraking by farangs with nothing better to do we can then look forward to many more comments from you to this effect, however, the Thai constitution does clearly state that everyone has a right to have and to express their opinion.. whingeing and whiney or not, same as you. I bet you spent plenty of time complaining when you lived overseas about how cold it was, or how stupid the locals were because it wasn't like home, or how you couldn't get any good nam prik krapee and how the farang food was all "jerd"... yes, it is fun to poke fun at some of the stupid things that go on in a country. Thai people never want to admit they have a problem or that they should do anything about it, shouldn't your overseas experience have taught you to think a little better and try to do something about the things that are wrong in your country, like the terrible standards of safety for children in school vans... for example?

    "Thai people never want to admit they have a problem or that they should do anything about it, shouldn't your overseas experience have taught you to think a little better and try to do something about the things that are wrong in your country,"

    It taught me exactly that people are just like us, as you exemplify here, in your words. Your country is far from perfect also, as anybody's - as you said above. Next?

    You'd complain if you were on a forum of people knocking your country, would you not? I have not offended anybody, but gave my point of view, and yet again another farang makes assumptions of how I lived abroad. I see how you live here, in what you wrote above!


    If people would CRITICIZE my country, they are welcome to do so.

    My country is far from being perfect.

    But I guess, the last time we had 3 children severely hurt in accidents at school property within 2 months, because of extreme neglect was in the 70's.

    Actually, in my country, there are rules and laws and they are enforced. If a school- bus driver in Germany would leave a 3 year old to die in a van or didn't care if 3 year old is in the back, opening the van door at full speed, you be sure, his sorry a$$ and that of the school- director would be dragged to hell and back and people were way more outraged than in this forum.

    Mind you: the safety of CHILDREN should be the No.1 - priority always and ever!

    So if you happen to buy a van for your school and you are planning to move MINORS around in it: what about making 110% sure, that there are seat- belts? The door has a child- proof lock? That there is a person on board (nota 6th grader!!!), who supervises these kids.

    If you look at the number of accidents in Thailands everyday life (children, riding motorbikes...by themselves and without helmet, people driving drunk and nothing ever happens to them, except paying some tea- money, cars and moto- cy go wthout light and into oncoming traffic etc etc etc), maybe....just MAYBE...it is not moaning and groaning farang, you should focus your wrath on.

    • Like 1
  11. Something else to consider (not the Nazi thing) is that old Adolf pulled Germany out of a pretty serious recession in the 20's and gave the world the beetle.

    I don't think he was elected (initially) on a policy of hatred...that came later and as a true politician sold this idea to the populace

    He got the country working again..people found jobs

    Great point! He also gave Germany the Autobahn

    Only one tiny little flaw in that: the "jobs" he created were mostly such excellent things like weapon- factories and the Autobahn was not meant for speedy driving in fancy Porsches.

    They were made, so tanks could drive on them.

    War always is a great business- opportunity , isn't it!

    Oh Adolf...you economic genius...

    I wish some of you people would at least sometimes know, what they are talking about!

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