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Posts posted by DocN

  1. I will stop complaining about this and stop finding it "strange" ( to say the least), the moment someone can tell me, what ridiculing and humiliation has to do with life at a university and why freshman- students have "obey" senior- students with rituals like thin and much, much worse ones!

    There's actually a lot of research that shows that difficult entry to an organisation enhances later attachment to that organisation as well as bonds among those who have shared that difficult experience. It's partially why boot camps, police academies, and initiation rites (etc etc) are not designed to be a 'walk in a park' ... once people have made it past the challenging entry requirements, there's greater internal social cohesion and a deeper feeling of membership. So fraternities, faculties, and university residences are merely drawing on this long known effect. I experienced a severe week-long hazing in my university residence (that was run much like a fraternity) more than 30 years ago, and some of my closest friends today are the people I first 'suffered' with during that week ... we're spread all over but still keep in weekly contact by email.

    You realize, that you are talking about "going to the same school" and not an expedition to conquer Mt. Everest, just in your underwear, don't you?! These people don't need to rely on each other, because they LEARN together and don't go to war!

    • Like 1
  2. I have stopped reading responses at the end of the first page. Disgusting. All but one post were nothing but denigrating personal opinion, speculation or wisecracks. Practically a festive mentality for the opportunity to "kick 'em when they are down." Once again a tragedy has been shamefully used to belittle Thais by people who could really not care less about the victims.

    Depressing negativity is "pure Thaivisa forum tradition".

    Amazing but sadly true.

    I myself am still amazed. But there is nothing much to do. Whatever happens, this forum is locked in "automatic Thai bashing mode".

    By the way, there was a train derailment in France a few days ago....

    Oh yeah...just wait a second and I go over to the FRANCE VISA- forum and make a comment there.

    Until I do that...may I comment on things happening in THAILAND on the THAI Visa- forum??

    Thank you...too generous!

    • Like 2
  3. State Railway should be privatized because its unable to operate at a profit, it has a poor quality record and it needs a total upgrade of tracks, trains, and traffic system because there is a significant demand in Thailand for rail logistics(to reduce dependence on overpcied trucking costs).

    And the state can't upgrade tracks, trains and traffic systems ?

    It's not a question of can or can't they. They could - IF they had people qualified to do it, which they don't, and IF they actually give a dam_n, which they don't. Why spend a few million upgrading and improving the current rail system, when there is much more personal profit to be made by all those involved in a few hundred million or billion, baht new system that, if 10 years, if run by Thai, will be no better maintained that the current system.

    BTS in Bangkok has been running since 2000 without much trouble kind of shoots a hole in your no one qualified, yes it could be better but does what it is supposed to do

    Yeah...it shoots a hole in it, if you think that accidents and incidents are just worthy of mentioning, if you have people injured or killed.

    Otherwise, you might want to check your facts!

  4. Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

    Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

    Nothing to do with values; all to do with ignorance and hubris

    And trust me....when western universities with links to chula put up a stink western values and western money WILL work herewink.png

    Note to Thailand Tourism: send out a directive telling all Thai students and teachers that they are causing loss of face to Thailand which, from other reading can cause them to be taken to court. Additionally, they cause loss of Thailand earning income from tourists who are aware of the negative history of Hitler, the Nazi movement and the genocide.

    Again, why is what Hitler did more important than what dozens of other genocidal dictators did?

    Hitler did what all leaders do, kill innocent nobodies instead of the enemy's leaders. Hitler saw Germany's enemy the international bankers that were crippling Germany with repayments after WW1. Unfortunately most of the bankers were Jewish.

    Because a) Hitler was the FIRST, if not the ONLY dictator, who planed and executed the (almost) industrial killings of a racial/ religious fraction of "his own" populace from gays to jews and b ) on the side, started a World War! You comprehend the implication of the word "World" in "World War", don't you?!

    • Like 2
  5. Amazing! - your response summarised:

    PTP is not perfect but close too it.

    Back to the denigrating the Democrats.

    And you have difficulty understanding my preoccupation with a party which has accumulated estimated losses now approaching a trillion baht and ever increasing in a continuing policy. But this is alright because they won an election! Economic development might be set back 50 years, but look how healthy their democracy might be, assuming there is no slide into dictatorship.

    Please pay closer attention.I did not say that the PTP was perfect, far from it.My point was that it has become a formidable organisation in winning elections and there are a variety of reasons for this. In contrast the Democrat Party is in disarray and with an appalling record in recent national elections.This is important because Thais must learn to debate their differences in a democratic framework, and not resort to absurd coup fantasies( your problem it seems) or on the other side threaten the cities with red mobs.Simply won't do.

    I do not really understand the rest of your post which veers into incoherence. If you are saying a coup is needed because of the losses under the rice price pledging scheme, that simply puts you squarely in the ranks of the extreme reactionaries.In any case I have made my points politely and clearly, and perhaps we should end on that note.

    Do you understand the simple fact that PTP supporters tend not to be interested in debate due to apathy?

    Ask the electorate in CM province what the differences were between the Democrat and PTP policies. Do you honestly believe they'll answer the question with a coherent reply? Red is good - full stop.

    How many more times? - Stop confusing democratic elections with democracy.

    How many more times:stop confusing the mere fact, that the Democrats call them selves "Democrats" with the fact that they are Democrats...

  6. If I want to out up a picture of Hitler...where would I go, in search of the "best " one?

    The internet!

    So: as long as people are able to download anything from porn to travel- offers, the point "they could not possibly have known, bcause they are just uneducated" doesn't do it.

    You google "Hitler" and you are able to READ...so it is YOUR fault!

  7. Who cares how much the camera costed?

    They lost it, he returned it- The End!

    What makes me tick about it: he did what every "normally" educated person with a tiny bit of moral standards would have done.

    Good on him!

    The way this is handeld by the OP makes me think, it is really newsworthy, because they all know (and I would surely think so, if I were a cynic!) like "Oh...wow...a taxi-d river that is really honest...now look at that!"

    ...but I am not a cynic, of course!

  8. Thainess!

    Have a law in Thailand, that gives you the right or even the duty to be offended about almost anything, concerning a certain "group" of people.

    Have a defamation law, that makes it almost impossible to criticize you, even if you very well deserve it!

    Get your knickers in a toss, when something has been done to "insult" your religion.

    ...but do not give a hoot about other peoples feelings, if they are not Thai or if something happened outside of Thailand...unless of course, there is a picture of Buddha on a portable loo in Holland!

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