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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Another nut- job with a gun!

    Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

    RIP the victim

    The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

    If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

    Of course you are right; just take a gun and kill the guy- problem solved!

    What a bout throwing the wife out and file a divorce?

    Na...not "manly" enough!

    • Like 2
  2. Let's count down together, shall we?

    12 hours, 9 minutes 34 seconds until TAT comes out and says, the spill will not affect tourism (on Samed)

    12 hours, 9 minutes 33 seconds until TAT comes out and says, the spill will not affect tourism (on Samed)

    12 hours, 9 minutes 32 seconds until TAT comes out and says, the spill will not affect tourism (on Samed)

    12 hours, 9 minutes 31 seconds until TAT comes out and says, the spill will not affect tourism (on Samed)


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  3. Let me get that straight: are you saying, that it is not rape, if a man has "sex" with a woman who is drunk and past out and has not given her consent in any way, shape or form? Everything that happens is her fault and everybody who sees that different is...a man- ahting feminist?

    So...I guess, it would be okay, if I wait for you to get drunk and pass out, then put a stick up your butt and steal your wallet?!

    Your responsibility right?!

    No theft or anything else?

    Is that what you are saying?

    Dear, dear..... in which century were you born, or is your country Saudi Arabia?

    In the modern Western world, people party, drink alcohol and have sex afterwards.

    In certain legislations it is now possible that the woman later finds out "he was not George Clooney as he claimed. Rape! Rape!" and the guy will go to jail. This is called FRA, false rape allegation. Unfortunately, in certain feminist countries, men take a high risk to be accused of FRA just because a girl was drunk or claims so. Girls are not accounted for what they did. They can decide later, often months or even years later, that consential sex was "rape".

    The ladyboy in question didn't rape, or attempted rape. He groped, which is a minor delict. I wouldn't be delighted in that situation, but I wouldn't regard it as serious either. He may receive a smack to his balls, or what is leftover.

    No, I am not from Saudi- Arabia...and I have no idea, what in my answer made you think that, because it makes no sense!

    But what about you?

    Feminist- countries?

    <deleted> is that?

    Opposed to ...what?

    Your post is- no question- marking a new low on this threat!

  4. Rape is violence. Only an idiot would suggest otherwise.

    Funny thing about you is last week you were saying the up skirt photographer guy had done nothing that wrong and should only be fined 500 baht. Didn't seem too concerned about consent then.

    In most Western countries if male has sex with drunk female, female can file rape charges next day, and claim she was too intoxicated to know what was happening. ie rape, even though there was no violence and she did not refuse or resist, but was not in the sober state of mind to give consent.

    That's not rape.

    It's just a sad example of man-hating feminist legislation where women are never held accountable for what they do.

    Personally I think a groping ladyboy or other groping man or woman should pay 500 Baht or get a good beating. Don't exaggerate on so called "sex crimes".

    Let me get that straight: are you saying, that it is not rape, if a man has "sex" with a woman who is drunk and past out and has not given her consent in any way, shape or form? Everything that happens is her fault and everybody who sees that different is...a man- ahting feminist?

    So...I guess, it would be okay, if I wait for you to get drunk and pass out, then put a stick up your butt and steal your wallet?!

    Your responsibility right?!

    No theft or anything else?

    Is that what you are saying?

    • Like 2
  5. As far as I can see, there are 3 "contributors" on this thread, who really have made up their mind (or are to ignorant, stupid or what else) to learn anything and LET IT GO!

    Mind you, lemoncake, Eyeswideopen (really? But mindwideshut, i guess) and anotheroneamerican: the topic of this thread is a person who got shot by another person, for touching a penis.

    1) No one cares, if you think a ladyboy is a he or a she. THEY think/feel/want to be seen as they are a she. And that is IT!

    You also want to be seen as intelligent human beings and...well...

    2) No one cares, if you think men who F@#$ ladyboys are gay, bi or what- the -hell- ever. NO ONE CARES what you think! Really!

    3) For the subject in the OP it also does not matter one bit, if 1%, 12% or 100% of ladyboys still have their Johnny or a vagina.

    4) ...neither does almost any other point you are trying to make about your personal perception of ladyboys (or Pattaya...or gay-sex)...

    You have hi-jacked the subject for your totally uninteresting, subjective, intolerant views on other people and their way to live or their mindset.

    You have hi- jacked the subject, to accuse people of being overly tolerant to ladyboys, because most of us would totally tolerate a woman being groped, which is total BS.

    Here is my question to you: if we were talking about a woman (hooker or not, under the influence of alcohol or not...) being on that bike, groping his penis and getting shot for that unspeakable crime...would you make a statement about her being a "dirty" prostitute and therefor, it would make the crime somehow less heinous?

    I find it always amusing (in a very scary way) that in the 21st century, gay- or ladyboy- subjects still draw that kind of attention by people like you.

    You should feel ashamed!

    Yet again you have completely misunderstood most peoples posts.

    The discussion is about the unfortunate consequences of the crime of 'sexual battery' ending in a murder.

    In many countries of the world the murder would have been judged in some ways justified and the victim to have been partly responsible for his murder. (I'm not sure I agree, just saying how it is)

    Furthermore, the arising 'off topic' discussion on ladyboy sex, I don't see posters vilifying any gays, bisexuals or ladyboys. It's a discussion on can two men have straight (heterosexual) sex with each other. The answer being no.

    To sum up, I think Monty Python gave a very good answer, without any hate involved in the discussion.

    Nice one on the Monty Python sketch, had not seen that before.

    DocN, take a chill pill. As I stated several times, he/she/it

    did not deserve to die for simply groping someone. Regarding being

    off topic, I find it somewhat absurd when people are posting that when a man is having sex with another man, that is somehow not gay sex.

    Again, the story of The Emperor's Clothes springs to mind. As you wish something, that does not make it so.....Regarding your lack of interest in my point of view, no problem, as I am pretty sure I can get past the emotionally crushing aspect of that rejection. Either go away and not read it, or block me. Easy !!!! :-) Also live by your own sword. If you feel so much everybody should be so tolerant, then perhaps you should be tolerant of my view as well.


    "You have hi- jacked the subject, to accuse people of being overly tolerant to ladyboys, because most of us would totally tolerate a woman being groped, which is total BS."

    Huhhh ??? Cannot recall anybody advocating that viewpoint. If you walk up to a Thai woman and grab her crotch, if you are lucky you will get a slap, and if unlucky you will have a high heel stuck in the side of your head.

    It, huh? That "thing" with the cock and the boobs?

    I would be tolerant, if your view (and the view of some others) wouldn't be inhumane in the first place.

    What you are saying is, that i should be tolerant (theoretically speaking and not making any connection to intolerant and dehumanizing remarks on this thread) towards Nazis as well?


  6. If there's one thing you can rely on, it's Greenpeace to blow the impact of a minor spill out of all proportion.

    "...damage to tourism industries and local fisheries..." Is there evidence that ANY has occurred?

    BTW let's get the lawyers on the case, though there's nothing to indicate the company has not acted expeditiously to stop the leak and minimise any effects.

    Aaaaahhh...yes: the ever so popular "blame the whistleblower"!

  7. As far as I can see, there are 3 "contributors" on this thread, who really have made up their mind (or are to ignorant, stupid or what else) to learn anything and LET IT GO!

    Mind you, lemoncake, Eyeswideopen (really? But mindwideshut, i guess) and anotheroneamerican: the topic of this thread is a person who got shot by another person, for touching a penis.

    1) No one cares, if you think a ladyboy is a he or a she. THEY think/feel/want to be seen as they are a she. And that is IT!

    You also want to be seen as intelligent human beings and...well...

    2) No one cares, if you think men who F@#$ ladyboys are gay, bi or what- the -hell- ever. NO ONE CARES what you think! Really!

    3) For the subject in the OP it also does not matter one bit, if 1%, 12% or 100% of ladyboys still have their Johnny or a vagina.

    4) ...neither does almost any other point you are trying to make about your personal perception of ladyboys (or Pattaya...or gay-sex)...

    You have hi-jacked the subject for your totally uninteresting, subjective, intolerant views on other people and their way to live or their mindset.

    You have hi- jacked the subject, to accuse people of being overly tolerant to ladyboys, because most of us would totally tolerate a woman being groped, which is total BS.

    Here is my question to you: if we were talking about a woman (hooker or not, under the influence of alcohol or not...) being on that bike, groping his penis and getting shot for that unspeakable crime...would you make a statement about her being a "dirty" prostitute and therefor, it would make the crime somehow less heinous?

    I find it always amusing (in a very scary way) that in the 21st century, gay- or ladyboy- subjects still draw that kind of attention by people like you.

    You should feel ashamed!

    Yet again you have completely misunderstood most peoples posts.

    The discussion is about the unfortunate consequences of the crime of 'sexual battery' ending in a murder.

    In many countries of the world the murder would have been judged in some ways justified and the victim to have been partly responsible for his murder. (I'm not sure I agree, just saying how it is)

    Furthermore, the arising 'off topic' discussion on ladyboy sex, I don't see posters vilifying any gays, bisexuals or ladyboys. It's a discussion on can two men have straight (heterosexual) sex with each other. The answer being no.

    To sum up, I think Monty Python gave a very good answer, without any hate involved in the discussion.

    You are really not getting it, huh?!

  8. This show runs several times a day. I saw it a few years ago. My wife says she has heard of many trainers bitten this way and its common to hear about it. Some Farang got this on their phone and it went viral around the global news. Thats what people like to see. Actually the show was entertaining and appreciated. There is an obvious technique to this but went wrong this time. As usual the trainer is ok but more cautious next time. If you have some time to spare and a few baht take the wife and kids to see the show. I think there are several such places in Thailand. One near Pattaya and one outside of BKK that I know of.

    I have heard that the crocs are drugged but just hearsay.

    ...and that is only one of the many reasons, NOT to take the wife and kids to see it!

  9. Usually Samui, Phangan and Tao are the places to go, as they get less rain than other places.

    But even the west- coast has spells of sunny days...it's a bit of a gamble, though.

    I travel to Khao Lak in July, every year for a friends birthday, usually stay a week.

    Last year it was 6 days of blue skies and sunshine...this year it was 5 days of overcasted skies and rain and 2 sunny days.

    If you consider the fresh air, the quiet and the prices, that may drop to up to 70% from high- season...it is still a nice place to go.

    There are many shops and restaurants open and IF the days are nice, they are really nice, because you have the beach almost for yourself. Bring a good book or two...

  10. All this is a problem to you and your solution is to make it like where you come from.

    I do not frequent bars.

    i spend time helping my wife in her shop, doing domestic chores she is unable to do while in the shop and spend time with the family. sorry you cant categorise me.

    What is Thai culture to you?

    Wearing traditional Thai costumes? Having festivals? What?

    I refer to the Thai culture which ensures that people maintain the strict 'I am better than you and you must acknowledge (not accept) that'. I do not refer to the people, just the environment.

    A Thai culture which ensures that Thai teachers and schools will not bear criticism as it reflects badly on their 'status'. Students are not encouraged to stretch their understanding by asking questions. They are not tasked to think 'out of the box'. They are expected and expect, to sit in the class and listen to the teacher - full-stop. As a result, students and thereby the country, do not move forward.

    A Thai culture which ensures that government dictates, via government establishments, take precedence over the family.

    I thought Thai culture meant the family comes first but I was wrong. Their school only allows my step-daughters to spend time with the family when they can't dream up a reason to keep them at school for weekend 'activities'.

    So the priority is 'Thai culture', then the family.

    Any attempt on my part to challenge the school are held back by my wife and daughters. It's just not something you do. So when my daughter spends a whole year at Sacred Heart telling us she doesn't understand teachers and teachers dismiss her questions as 'I told you that last year', I was unable to try to help.

    She is now redoing that year at a different school thanks to Thai culture.

    Teachers are gods. Doctors are gods. Why? In the civilised world professionals are respected, but not treated as superior. My children in the UK never had to be subservient to teachers. They were there to learn and teachers were ACCOUNTABLE. Not much here.

    If you have a rose-tinted view of Thai culture then fine. But while you're enjoying your version, just remember why there is so much uniformity. It comes IMO from expecting to do what you're told.

    Get out of your wife's shop and into Thailand.

    The Thai people do not do things to live up to the standards of where you come from. So you think they are wrong. I have a Thai wife and it is very much a family thing. If you don't like the way they teach then home school them that would be doing a family thing. It would not teach them how to socialize with others here in Thailand but that is OK with you as you look down on them any how.

    You made the choice to do it the Thai way and not the family way.

    Thailand has a lot of room for improvement but all countries do. Where I came from in British Columbia Canada they were still looking for the best way to teach in school. They had not arrived. In Toronto a while back there was a large discussion on weather to have the students wear uniforms.

    I originated in the states and they do many things I disapprove of but I do not condemn the culture for it. Why am I getting a feeling that telling you to look at the Thai culture and stop comparing to where you come from or what you want is just a waste of time?

    Perhaps I want my step-daughters to be individuals. Obviously you want the Thai people to remain the same.

    You appear to have gone native. Why think of improving things when it's easier just to go round in circles?

    Is your answer that any Thai wanting to improve themselves should leave their country?

    Should Thais be allowed to improve themselves?

    So your answer to my example re education would appear to be - let your step-daughter waste her time at school and either fail or get a worthless degree.

    I want better for the family. I come from the first world, so yes, I can bring the positive aspects of that with me.

    I dislike a pseudo- totalitarian regime when it damages my step-children's future. I am responsible for them and can see what's making problems for the future.

    What is your 'Thai culture' definition?

    Making everyone equal to the lowest common-denominator is not my idea of being a responsible parent.

    If your time in Thailand has resulted in your acceptance of everything Thai, perhaps you need to spend time with your family and put them first for once. Experiencing 'Thailand' has obviously failed to broaden your perspective.

    My priority is my family. I can identify the negative issues and wish to help my step-daughters.

    I could always say 'whatever', but the problem is I care.

    Thai culture is the biggest problem facing Thailand. I await to be convinced otherwise.

    And yet you keep her in this culture you so despise.

    Is this just another way to say "if you don't like it- go home"?

  11. Double standards!

    If a man were to touch a woman's vagina without her permission, many of you would be shouting 'hang him high'.

    But a man sexually assaulting another man in a similar way is OK?


    Name ONE person, who said, it was okay, to touch the dude's wiener without his permission.

    Come on- I am waiting!

    You are nothing but an ignorant troll and have prooven to be on other threads.

    No one should be touched by anyone on any part of the body, without permission.

    ...but also NO ONE should have to die for it!


  12. Why every one posts comment on him do any one have courage to put his hear in crocs mouth let us appriciate his skill rather than discuss i hope no one is offended, let us think he earns his bread by doing his skill let us praise his courage for survival he is doing this may Budha Bless him and hope to perform one more time Good Luck man.

    Do not get Dis appointed by such things get back to work .

    Sorry, but I don't think it is courageous!

    It is utterly stupid!

    And by the way: what are these shows for anyways?

    Why isn't it enough, to just have a croc- zoo, showing these animals in a nature- like environment and teach folks about them?

    No...it has to be a circus, with guys wresteling crocs and putting their head in their fangs!

    If you play with fire, you get burned!


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