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Posts posted by DocN

  1. ...ahm...sorry, it is only 9 am and maybe I am a bit slow, but...

    1) she was 13 blink.png

    2) he was a teacher bah.gif

    3) he is out on bail blink.png

    4) the police have to protect her 24/7 now... w00t.gif

    There is SO MUCH wrong with this story, I guess even a liter of coffee will not help me to understand!

    One question, though: she was prostituted by who?

    Why is so much wrong with the story? I believe everything I read here, I am so trusting. I also know how to spell "WHOM". TIT , I do not think a litre of coffee will make any difference to your speed of thought.

    Okay Mr. Perfect English..."whom"!

    Sorry for not being a native English- speaker!

    I absolutely "believe" the story.

    Still (if you are so excellent in English) you may know, the expression "something is so wrong with a story",don't you?!

    A 13 year old is being prostituted to have sex with her teacher. The teacher is out on bail and the family of the victim now needs 24/7- protection.

    Get it now?

    • Like 2
  2. ONCE AGAIN for those who can't READ and/or UNDERSTAND the news/police report of the incident !!

    The BUS DRIVER was NOT at fault AT ALL ... as the "CEMENT TRUCK" [in whatever form ie. Ute/Large rigid truck/Large articulated truck/ etc] CROSSED OVER INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC !!!

    This accident was by then UNAVOIDABLE ... and I should know. I am a bus/coach driver fully authorised and accredited to operate any size bus/coach here in Australia AND had a similar incident happen to me some six years ago at 2am one morning. It was only a small car [on the wrong side of the road ; speeding AND all 3 occupants were DRUNK and without seatbelts] BUT this impact caused more than $5000.00 damage to my bus and left the car in 3 pieces with the driver DEAD and both other passengers seriously injured. LUCKILY I was returning empty to my depot and had no passengers on board !!!

    The consequences of being hit by ANY type of heavily-laden "CEMENT TRUCK" are unthinkable !!!

    SO all you TV "know alls" DON"T blame the bus DRIVER who "in all events" would have done his absolute best to avoid the accident because [as I tell all my passengers] "I try to avoid any type of accident at all ... because if you think about it I AM THE FIRST ONE TO ARRIVE AT THE SCENE !!!"

    The average large coach weighs around 19 tonnes [or more] AND a "Cement truck" [perhaps ready-mix type] around 12-20+ tonnes ... SO there is always going to be major carnage in any event ... ESPECIALLY in a "HEAD-ON" .

    The BUS DRIVER was almost certainly killed based on the PICS.

    My condolences to the families of all the INNOCENT victims ... RIP


    So...for all of you who can not THINK or are using this as a defence and apollogy for Thais all over: it is about ROAD SAFETY and it really doesn't matter, if it is a cement- truck crashing into a bus or vice versa!

    It is about motorcycle drivers without helmets, drunk driving, piss- poor safety standards in buses or vans, speeding, drivers falling asleep or being drugged and...and ...and...

    19 people got killed, many more injured in THIS case, there are almost daily reports on road- carnage all over the place and many times it is about vehicles, in the wrong lane.

    I really feel sad for the victims of each and every of these cases, but one really has to ask oneself, why this happens and if a single person (the driver) is really the only one o blame.

    • Like 1
  3. They could follow the plain packaging of cigarettes by putting all booze in brown paper bags, and make the Beer girls wear sack cloth?

    this option is by far the most ridiculous i have ever seen , seeing someone drink from a brown paper bag tells he is drinking alcohol

    it is the same nonsense as blurring out the cigarette someone is smoking in a movie while the smoke is still coming from his mouth and the hand that holds it

    Maybe you need to get out of the other side of the bed.

    How does an industry practice modesty?

    An industry can practice modesty by taking social responsibility. Quite common in the West, who the experts here normally love to compare Thailand to! whistling.gif

    Funny enough, whenever something pops up, intended to limit your basic right to kill yourself with alcohol, there is no reaction from the Thais, but the everthirsty expatcommunity gets all animated!

    Farang bashing again, aren't you?

    If you don't like it...stay home!

    • Like 1
  4. anotheroneamerican said:

    "Did you know it's against the law to leave home in Thailand without wearing underwear.
    He may have been just doing his civic duty to expose criminal action.
    (I love the moral outrage from guys that come from their own countries to pay for sex with women half their age.)"

    And did you know, that it is a molestation, to take pictures of women (upskirt) without their knowledge and consent?

    And did you know, that people, who "accuse" other people of being or doing something. often just reflect their own immoral thoughts or doings on others?

    If he did his duty, to report on criminal action, why was he arrested by the police?

    I don't know what he thought he was doin, but I know what you are doing:

    You are a troll and please refrain from answering to my posts.

    I don't need to waste anymore time with an individual (and I use this word in loosest of all possible ways) like you.

  5. Is this not a distinct and wholesome part of modern society? That young

    ladies are able to express their youthful beauty without fear of molestation?

    I don't think someone taking photos of a girls shorts actually counts as molestation, do you?

    But if you are some sort of extremist that does count a photo as molestation, what about guys looking at girls in shorts, almost rape, eh!

    Taking a photo of a girls shorts might not be a molestation.

    Taking pictures UNDER her skirt absolutely is.

    There is nothing extremist about thinking that it is.

    Imagine your daughter or wife...and imagine a guy trying to take some pics of their private parts on an escalator...still funny to you?!

    As long as they were wearing their denim shorts, how or why would it be a problem.

    Different in the west were women wear a lot less.

    Are you being stupid on purpose?

    So...it IS a molestation, when the women does not were shorts under her skirt...but it is not, as long as she does?

    What kind of bizarre logic is that?

    The logic of a troll?

    • Like 1
  6. Is this not a distinct and wholesome part of modern society? That young

    ladies are able to express their youthful beauty without fear of molestation?

    I don't think someone taking photos of a girls shorts actually counts as molestation, do you?

    But if you are some sort of extremist that does count a photo as molestation, what about guys looking at girls in shorts, almost rape, eh!

    Taking a photo of a girls shorts might not be a molestation.

    Taking pictures UNDER her skirt absolutely is.

    There is nothing extremist about thinking that it is.

    Imagine your daughter or wife...and imagine a guy trying to take some pics of their private parts on an escalator...still funny to you?!

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