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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. No concept of noise, manners, respect for the country and its people that they are visiting or anyone else and the list goes on. This is my personal experience with the majority of Russians I have been near or lived near. This seemed to change for awhile when the Russians first attacked Ukraine and they were worried about any backlash but has now returned to the same as before. Like I said, this is just my personal experience, Russia is a huge country and I am sure there are people there who are not like that. And not that it matters or makes any difference but I am 1/4 Russian and often get mistaken at first as Russian by Russians and others, by looks only of course since I am a nice and respectful guy 🙂
  2. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo here, AC is on 24/7 at 24 during the day and 21 at night. Rate is 5.5 and my electric bill is never more than 2500 baht a month. Something is wrong with the meter, a neighbor or two have tapped into it or the condo juristic office is scamming you with a fake invoice. Highly suspicious they keep saying some people's bills are twice yours, which seens impossible for a condo.
  3. Once you signed the lease and paid the deposit, the room was taken off the market. They lost out on other customers and now suddenly have to scramble to find another tenant. Maybe pay for ads, hire an agent. You say it will rent itself but you can't guarantee that, "high season" is over. If you've been on the owner side before, I'm baffled that you would feel entitled to your deposit back for breaking the contract a few weeks before. Whether they find a tenant in time or not, you've greatly inconvenienced them. As for the legality of it, many landlords/owners keep deposits even when people have been the perfect tenants and left the place in the same condition and spotless. Some people are just greedy. Police don't care, it's a civil matter.
  4. Not interesting at all, non existent actually, besides my significant other, and very happy that way.
  5. According to several reports I've read, cash is what they want to see and they won't consider bank account balances or credit cards etc..
  6. It's actually the opposite. You're more likely to get denied at a land border, telling you to fly in instead. Of course, I'm sure using an agent at the land border to do the trip helps since everyone gets their kickbacks.
  7. I'd rather drink coffee with the Soi Dogs
  8. Is it 100% confirmed it was a car? I just assumed motorbike as Thai businesses and moto taxis usually claim, take over public parking areas as their own. I think the city was cracking down on those motorbike rental people who do it at one point but probably gave up quickly.
  9. Very common distraction tactic but usually for expensive jewelry or other items rather than 1500 baht worth of ganja.
  10. Seems more like every other day sometimes. I doubt the majority are accidents. I lived in a big city in Canada and seemed like every other day someone jumped in front of a train. It was always reported as a person on the tracks though and never in the news. Pattaya seems to attract a lot of lonely people, drunks and people with mental illnesses etc.. so I'm not that shocked it appears to happen so often.
  11. Well he already admitted to police that he did it and apparently couldn't sleep once he knew he was found out and then had a "medical emergency" when they arrested him so while there are the rare false reports, this seems far from the case in my opinion. Also to add that none of the girls he abused even accused him, a teacher just happened to overhear them talking about the abuse.
  12. It sounds like the bank app has a security measure to not allow manual screenshots via the phone to stop other dodgy apps installed on your phone from capturing sensitive information. Many of those apps ask for all sorts of unnecessary permissions.
  13. Bangkok Bank app automatically saves a copy of the transaction receipt to my gallery after I make a transfer. I also get an email of it as well. What do you mean, renounced internet payments, I can do still do transfers on the ibanking website.
  14. Did you have any issues with previous deliveries? Like ordering food and not meeting the driver to pay for it or anything that might have put your account in the negative? It sounds like they want that cleared up/paid for with a credit card before allowing you to pay cash on delivery again. Also I have contacted Grab in English through the app multiple times without issue and received replies in English.
  15. Just like every other country, it's all on the computer. Name, birthday, age and of course, your photo is taken every time which they can see as well. New passport does nothing to hide that.
  16. Yeah I didn't mean it as a slight, they do the bare minimum required for their job which I have no problem with. I agree about how easy it is to get in Unixx and other condos with keycard access as a non-resident. Unixx does require a keycard for the elevators as well but one can easily just get out with someone else on their floor or pick the floors with the observation areas and use the stairs.
  17. View Talay 6 has a few lazy security guards that you can easily avoid by taking the stairs up a floor before the elevators or there's almost never one at the security desk by the garage elevator. Unixx has a keycard access side door through the garage with no security.
  18. Boyfriend of the mom, not the girl. People really need to learn to read before commenting.
  19. You're the one that doesn't make sense. He's a boyfriend of the mom. What does it matter if he had sex with the mom or not. Whether he actually tried to rape her or not, in many countries, even just luring a minor to a location alone is an offense.
  20. Only positivity and compliments thankfully. But I am far from fluent.
  21. It's your permanent address, you've been living there several years, you don't need to do a TM30 every time you leave and enter the country if the address is the same. And if you are leaving the country every 90 days anyway, the TM30 is only asked for/enforced when you go to immigration to extend your permission to stay which you say you don't need to do. As per your other question, technically it's the landlord's responsibility but some argue it's the "master of the house" that is responsible to do it as well and the landlord or tenant can be fined for not doing it if it's found out you haven't when you visit immigration for an extension of stay. It sounds like the landlady has been scamming you though and pocketing your 500 baht each time for doing basically nothing. Do you even get a new TM30 notification slip from her each time she supposedly does it? If you don't, then she 100% has been scamming you.
  22. If the overstays were recent, rejection possibility is high but you don't have to pay until you get approved so no harm in trying anyway.
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