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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. Any overstay gets you that red stamp usually. I'd get the extension just to avoid that even if there's only a miniscule chance that it could impact future visa applications.
  2. Never been asked for one. They will ask for an outbound flight if you are applying for the up to 7 day emergency extension people sometimes have to do after they have already done a 30 day extension.
  3. You can lead a horse to water but you can't sexually abuse it after.
  4. Have you installed any dodgy apps on your phone? When this was happening to a lot of people, I believe most banks disabled international transactions for debit cards by default until you specifically asked them to reenable it. I could no longer purchase a Netflix membership for example after they did it.
  5. If he's siphoning the majority of the profits for his lavish lifestyle, I'd be surprised if they are well taken care of. At most, probably the bare minimum to not be called abuse. And yes, it matters, it's misleading to tourists. Real sanctuaries don't rent their elephants to milk more money from people. They are a permanent home for elephants who had nowhere else to go and to live the rest of their lives in peace.
  6. Thais own Thailand. If you can be thrown out on a whim as was your worry, you are a guest. Simple as that.
  7. I highly doubt it but that would certainly make more sense why he is with her if she does. And it is 1 mil per month for a one year lease https://www.fazwaz.com/property-rent/5-bedroom-villa-for-rent-at-the-cape-residences-in-pa-khlok-phuket-u1704270
  8. Well Thais can't deport a Thai and no doubt they are more lenient on their own citizens who almost always get their sentences halved when they admit to the crime. But again, just behave, follow the laws and never forget you will always be just a guest/tourist in the country and you have nothing to worry about.
  9. Not married. Just most likely using that weathered looking hag for more legitimacy for his business and her connections. Call me shallow (I am) but if I could afford a million baht a month villa rental, my partner would certainly not look like her.
  10. Not a smart thing to do here or anywhere really. Many unhinged people who will run you over or shoot you just for doing that. Is that satisfaction for flipping off a moron worth that not unlikely possibility? That's for you to decide.
  11. Yes. Kicking and swearing at people for no reason in a country you are a guest in is not small stuff though. Just don't do anything wrong like 99% of the foreigners here and you have nothing to worry about.
  12. You think immigration is going to deny the request of a top police Lt for a man who kicks Thais and messes with ambulances? The request is just a formality. His visa expires March 13th anyway and I doubt he'll be blacklisted. This is just appeasement to the protestors and people worked up over what this piece of <deleted> human and his wife did.
  13. One of the idiocies of news reporting is that you are required to say allegedly until they are convicted. Even if someone video tapes themselves murdering someone and admits to it, I believe it's still "alleged" until they are convicted.
  14. Only thing he is sorry for is that he messed with the wrong Thai lady and for himself after he gets deported and his for profit "elephant sanctuary" gets shut down.
  15. You can hear the impact of his foot on her back. I assume it's not easy to hold a phone steady while you're winding up kicks on poor, innocent Thai women sitting on public land.
  16. Wow, watched the video on YouTube, this guy is a real psycho. I'm glad they are removing the steps, giving no doubt that where they were sitting was not his property. I hope he sees more repercussions from his disgusting actions. Wouldn't the million baht a month villa payments he says he pays be better served going to improving the elephant sanctuary rather than for his life of luxury?
  17. No concept of noise, manners, respect for the country and its people that they are visiting or anyone else and the list goes on. This is my personal experience with the majority of Russians I have been near or lived near. This seemed to change for awhile when the Russians first attacked Ukraine and they were worried about any backlash but has now returned to the same as before. Like I said, this is just my personal experience, Russia is a huge country and I am sure there are people there who are not like that. And not that it matters or makes any difference but I am 1/4 Russian and often get mistaken at first as Russian by Russians and others, by looks only of course since I am a nice and respectful guy 🙂
  18. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo here, AC is on 24/7 at 24 during the day and 21 at night. Rate is 5.5 and my electric bill is never more than 2500 baht a month. Something is wrong with the meter, a neighbor or two have tapped into it or the condo juristic office is scamming you with a fake invoice. Highly suspicious they keep saying some people's bills are twice yours, which seens impossible for a condo.
  19. Once you signed the lease and paid the deposit, the room was taken off the market. They lost out on other customers and now suddenly have to scramble to find another tenant. Maybe pay for ads, hire an agent. You say it will rent itself but you can't guarantee that, "high season" is over. If you've been on the owner side before, I'm baffled that you would feel entitled to your deposit back for breaking the contract a few weeks before. Whether they find a tenant in time or not, you've greatly inconvenienced them. As for the legality of it, many landlords/owners keep deposits even when people have been the perfect tenants and left the place in the same condition and spotless. Some people are just greedy. Police don't care, it's a civil matter.
  20. Not interesting at all, non existent actually, besides my significant other, and very happy that way.
  21. According to several reports I've read, cash is what they want to see and they won't consider bank account balances or credit cards etc..
  22. It's actually the opposite. You're more likely to get denied at a land border, telling you to fly in instead. Of course, I'm sure using an agent at the land border to do the trip helps since everyone gets their kickbacks.
  23. I'd rather drink coffee with the Soi Dogs
  24. Is it 100% confirmed it was a car? I just assumed motorbike as Thai businesses and moto taxis usually claim, take over public parking areas as their own. I think the city was cracking down on those motorbike rental people who do it at one point but probably gave up quickly.
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