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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. Sad to see all the victim blamers. Pattaya is a tourist city, as much as people who come for other reasons don't think so. Walking Street is a major tourist attraction and it's open late. Not every single women walking there at 3AM or any time is a prostitute and even the ones that are, you can't just grope them all freely. Those saying it's a setup, there's CCTV evidence of what he did and he seemed more than willing from the start to just pay for everything to go away rather than any protests about a setup or even attempts to deny what he did after he was caught.
  2. I wouldn't access this forum or any other site with intrusive ads on my phone and I will leave it at that. Accessing it on my laptop, I have no issues. In my opinion, it will drive away some users and whoever makes the decisions should have just stuck with sponsored posts or maybe a few banners but they have all the data and if there is no traffic decrease after they were implemented, then they are here to stay.
  3. I get daily notifications sent to my phone that shows my balance and check on the app often. I don't bother with the monthly statements.
  4. 99% of them, ya.
  5. Still receive tons of spam/scams from the days when you were supposed to scan QR codes when entering places.
  6. It was revenge for all the gold chains they lost while here.
  7. The question is, what exactly happens if you are one of these lucky randoms who test positive. I can see this becoming an issue for some, especially with the insurance requirement being dropped.
  8. Yeah they must as I just read that is why Wise does that, because it costs them to hold EUR right now. Seems like Australia also has a fee for holding large amounts.
  9. Yeah it was more of a rhetorical question because I've never heard of any financial service doing that. I regularly keep amounts much larger than that in my Wise account and have not received this email or ever had money deducted so seems to only be for EUR accounts for now. Hopefully they don't expand it.
  10. You mean they will deduct money from you? That's strange.
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