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Everything posted by Bob12345

  1. I thought the article was about how VETs had given a Rottweiler a "face transfer" after it was repeatedly attacked by a neighbor. For the love of God I cannot understand why the locals have not taken this matter in their own hands already. All it takes is some fresh meat and rat poison. Can't be too hard if the dogs roam around unattended. Its either that or your kid being torn to pieces next week... easy choice.
  2. Thats nothing. I am currently writing a self-published book about what i would do if someone hurts my kids. So far i wrote 230 pages based on old torture techniques used around the globe in the past 3000 years. Still got at least 2 chapters to go because I need to cover laser weapons and nano-torture devices also. Clearly i am the bigger badass here!
  3. Exact same happened to me, sitting at immigration for a renewal and the officer notices I am registered as residing in a hotel we stayed months earlier. Since we were there he was able to fix it at the spot. I am just lucky immigration is relatively close by and I just use the drive-through every 90 days.
  4. If you think "all Thais" can make more money working outside of Thailand you appearently only hang around Thais who do very basic and low paying jobs. Change up the crowd you mingle with, enough high income earners in Thailand who earn it completely legal by specializing in certain fields or running their own businesses.
  5. Not sure if it is the same, but here in Phuket we got a sandbox schooling going on also. Basically all classes have to have less than 25 students and different years are kept apart from each other (not at the same time in the canteen). They do a saliva test for everyone every 2 weeks and if nobody has covid school will continue for another 2 weeks. If someone tests positive they move to online learning for 2 weeks (only for the class where someone tested positive). We are just happy the kids can go back to school again. And hopefully nobody tests positive next round of testing as online learning is useless for your children.
  6. Some might have noticed that masks don't help, neither does closing down the complete country. Just as we don't shut down highways when someone dies in a car crash. You call it prudent, I call it a huge risk and coming months and years you will read enough about it what those risks are exactly. Suicides up, people afraid of social contact, depression up, more drug use, kids with adjustment problems, people dying of hunger in poor countries, lower GDP in poorer countries resulting in more people living below the poverty line, more people dying of diseases like cancer because they skipped screenings, etc, etc, etc. This is the biggest social experiment ever undertaken and future generations will pay the price. To limit our risks we should not wear masks or stay indoors, as the price is just too high for society as a whole. Instead we should focus on improving general health in the population.
  7. No, you will still get infected. But surprise, everyone will get infected at some point. Even vaccinated people can and will get infected. But all the things I mention will lower your risks of complications (including dying). We don't close the economy and mask everyone up for the flu every year, we just accept the risks. The same will happen with covid, and all you can do is lower your risks. Just as thousands die in car crashes and we still drive... we just try to limit our own risks by being sober, wearing a seatbelt, and not speeding.
  8. In general I would say no, as it otherwise might be used as a legal loophole to get elderly farang into the 30-baht health care scheme in Thailand, get the person permanent residency without any need for minimum funds, or some other scheme of getting someone else a legal way to enter and stay in Thailand long term. Edit: I would divorce my wife and get her to adopt me: free healthcare and no more 90-day reporting or yearly trips to immigration.
  9. A higher % of vaccinated people won't help, just look at Israel which had one of the highest rates globally with top-brand vaccinations (not the russian or chinese stuff) and now has their worst outbreak. Better learn to live with it, cause covid is here to stay. It will keep coming back, keep mutating, and nothing will help. Stop masks and focus on regular health. Lower your bodyweight, eat healthy, get some exercise, get some sun.
  10. Why would i make a point besides that you are just trolling? Is there any chance you will admit you might be wrong? If not, its a complete waste of time to "argue" or "discuss" with you. I rather try to teach my dog algebra.
  11. If you are as smart as you think you are, why are you spending so much time here having fake "discussions" where you just push away every argument and declare yourself the winner? Dont you have billions to make with your big brains instead of wasting time here?
  12. Great idea. They have been doing this around the globe without any success so surely it will work this time.
  13. Just like the rest of the world, they are just doing whatever they feel like. It has been clear by now that lockdowns don't help with defeating covid, as we have done lockdown for months already and its still there. And yet, all they come up with is more lockdowns. Covid wont go away, just like the flu. Learn to live with it, or be prepared to be locked down the rest of your life.
  14. McDonalds: the kids like the chicken nuggets and I like their "new" classic Angus signature burger. I can imagine that is the size and taste the burgers had when McDonalds started in 1955 before they began their ever lasting quest to decrease the size of their burgers.
  15. Or at least to your costco bonus card?
  16. Due to the mortgage our account is 10 million negative. If the bank collapses, would that also wipe out 9 million of my debt?
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