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Posts posted by xthAi76s

  1. I should not have posted on this board. I realized I wasted my time posting after I wasted my time reading the posts. Every single post on this board is simply silly and not worth reading. Also, the news articles that spawn the discussion are, 9 times out of 10, misinformed and contain no real info. I guess I will have to stick with janes.com.

    I agree that the majority of posts are ill-informed and lazy.

    I also agree about the Nation news articles. They are almost always so weak as to resemble high school writing. I don't think it's a language thing, either. They are often poorly reasoned or just contain no interesting positions.

    However, all that having been communicated, there are a smaller number of people on these boards who are indeed quite intelligent, can offer you informed discussion and who will argue points in a respectable, logical fashion. They are there; you just have to sift through all the junk.

    Good luck

  2. Some of you guys (presumably westerners) are really rather unreasonable with respect to the issuance of this warning by the US Embassy. If you are not American, you technically have no reason to be upset as the notice was not intended for you. If you are American, did receive the notice, but would like to avoid getting them in the future, you can certainly take steps to prevent yourself from seeing the notices. It's really that simple.

    There are so very many things to debate as to American policy around the world, but it's interesting that so many here can find a wrong in the issuance of a warning which 1) does NOT happen often here in Thailand and 2) we suspect now seems to have been substantiated by Thai authorities.

  3. Forewarned is forearmed, since we are being proverbial here.

    I'd much rather be warned in case something does get successfully pulled off by terrorists, than by going about my business in ignorant bliss and am harmed for my ignorance. We know they do do this stuff, and not always in places we expect it, for the obvious reasons they are soft targets and create greater fear and outrage.

    Too those that hate America in a vocal way for whatever reasons ;

    be they that it is too powerful, arrogant, too loud, or whatever your

    pet peeve against the US governnent is;

    I dearly wish they to keep their thoughts to themselves, in threads like this

    when it pertains the USA warning it's citizens about potential threats to them,

    even as the collateral damage might extend to citizens of your land too...

    If you want to live in ignorant bliss that's your personal choice,

    choosing to confuse others by belittling warnings is in itself an aggressive act.

    You only make the situation worse sowing confusion and disinformation.

    Save your bile for issues that have nothing to do with the personal safety of others.

    Go ahead slag away, at least then you put no innocents at further risk

    Sorry, but as an American expat I feel compelled to 'slag' my county when they do wrong.

    The entire point of my CRY WOLF comparison is that this constant scare mongering is ineffective and it will potentially have the exact opposite effect in the case of an actual threat --- just like the result of the cry wolf story.

    I disagree. Fear mongering suggest that the recipient of the information is fearful of that information.

    I am from NYC and lived through the terrorist attacks on September 11th. I was right down near Wall Street.

    What NYC does now is that when there is a threat that the authorities have identified, they pass it along in the form of 'reminders' to be be vigilant.

    You will get announcements in the subway and in other public places and through media that say things like: "If you see something, say something."

    There is nothing at all wrong with warning of what authorities believe to be serious threats to safety, and many would argue that it's the State's duty to do so. Being fearful of the information and possibility for danger is not a requirement, however. But, it does give one the opportunity to make informed decisions and to be a bit more cautious of his/her surroundings. It's a good system, in my opinion, and one that I think our State handles quite well.

    • Like 2
  4. Why would money need to be colorful? USDs are perfect. Same size and shape with different BIG NUMBERS on them to distinguish them.

    I trust you're being sarcastic. If not then you're wrong...

    Notes from almost any country other than the US are far better designed....

    Examples? I've never had a problem with USDs, so, for my purposes, they are perfect, by definition.

    EDIT: (addition below)

    I do understand that you can make money better for more purposes. For example, one person mentioned that Australian currency is waterproof. That is a good thing. Having money that uses color to distinguis between denominations is also a good thing, I suppose. Difference sizes for different denominations is also nice. However, I think these things can also be regarded as really quite unnecessary. Not bad things, just not needed. If you are person who spends money recklessly and who doesn't pay attention to the denomination of bills you're handing over and those which you receive, then you need to do a better job. If you leave money in your laundry often and have your bills washed and dried and possibly damaged, then you should please pay more attention. If you are vision impaired, then get your vision sorted out. If you are blind, of course, that is another thing entirely, and I can see how you could design for those one-offs. But, I stand by my assertion that from a purely functional standpoint, USDs are highly functional.

  5. Are you Buddhist....?? I think you are ...???

    Try cleaning yourself up and taking care of them and maybe you will feel different and more human

    Round em up, and either sell em to be eaten or pets or put em down. They are dirty, often diseased, polluting animals. Getting rid of them will help Thais move into the cleaner, safer, quieter, more pleasant future.

    I am of no religious affiliation. And, I actually care for a couple stray dogs in my neighborhood. I care for them better than just about anyone, feeding them sufficient chicken and beef twice daily and making sure they have water and are generally OK. I still, however, would like the problem to be dealt with.

  6. What the heck ?

    On Childrens' Day, the PM and a General are reported to tell Thai kids to be good kids, parents to be good parents, to adopt some basic buddhist principles, toss in a dash of tech-savy message, and people are complaining?

    As for the Thai-ness and pride in country, I wonder if the posters decrying this come from countries which teach the kids not to be proud of their country and their heritage???

    This is not a political piece, it is just a nice, "feel-good" story.

    Try watching the film "They Live"

    Tiansford, Yingluck will never be a mother Teresa, the childrens day show was MAYBE well meant and I agree her words were sweetmouthed to the kids, meant to sound good to the media, You attacking posters again, who actually were saying __HEY Yingluck, practice what you preach. When a primeminister is attending any function it is political if she is doing one thing and asking the kids to do another. your well meant posts are frequently bashed, Why??

    you are right, here I am "attacking" (or maybe just reprimanding) the posters. At the least it was my observation. But seriously - Childrens' Day - the PM, the president, etc are going to have some official function for the kids. They will have a good message for the kids. It is a day for the kids, it will be reported. It is *not* a political story.

    People too often have nothing more to do than attack people they don't like for any reason at all. At a 'drop of a hat' as it were.

    Of course the PM is not an angel, and the General - no idea what he has done - but it is a day for the kids and the adults - including the leaders of the country - were sending them a good message (based on Thai / Buddhist culture) --- is there anyone who seriously thinks the message was wrong?

    And the message was tuned for the kids, not for the media. I'm pretty sure that neither the PM nor the general were too worried about how the media would interpret their words to the kids.

    Insomuch as it was disingenuous, yes, I think the message was harmful. I also think that Thais, especially children, see what is said, and they grow to see how things are done. People need leadership by example, and there is very little of that around.

  7. What the heck ?

    On Childrens' Day, the PM and a General are reported to tell Thai kids to be good kids, parents to be good parents, to adopt some basic buddhist principles, toss in a dash of tech-savy message, and people are complaining?

    As for the Thai-ness and pride in country, I wonder if the posters decrying this come from countries which teach the kids not to be proud of their country and their heritage???

    This is not a political piece, it is just a nice, "feel-good" story.

    Why is it that you, without exception, defend all things Thai whether good or bad? If you don't mind, would you look at my post(s), and tell me if you disagree with me, and lay out your reasons?

    Often your posts are intelligent, so I can't imagine that you are one of those people who will ignore truths that just may not happen to favor what Thais or Thai leadership does in Thailand.

    To answer your question, I am from America. I can recall being put through all various forms of why "America is the greatest country on Earth" in school in the early years. Yes, it certainly does happen in countries other than Thailand. So, does this admission make any less valid my arguments with respect to Thailand?

    Plus, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, American pride has a pretty decent leg to stand on. I don't want to turn this thing into a X Country vs. Thailand debate because it would be endless and not likely productive. But, com'mon, man. Don't you live in Thailand? Don't you think that ultra-nationalistic pride should be based on something intelligible/respectable? And, more to the point, don't you think they have enough and that the leader of their nation should be promoting perhaps something other than raw, often baseless pride?

    How about these topics? You gotta earn it. I did take these from a website discussing American exceptionialism, and, yes, I do feel that I can argue why I have a lot to be proud of being from such an elite country, but that's still not the point, is it? I'm doing just fine and can compete with most any in my group in any country on the planet. I can control with great flexibility how comfortable or uncomfortable I want my life to be. 99% of Thais don't need blind pride. They need education, and understanding (of themselves first and later of the world around them and how they are seen). They need a culture built on honesty and decency and caring for fellow man. They need a respect for people who are not Thai. And so on and so on. They do not need pride. Pride is often cheap.

    10. Entertainment

    9. Immigration

    8. Technology

    7. Creating Wealth

    6. Generosity

    5. Human Achievement

    4. Enlightened Power

    3. Medicine

    2. Democracy

    1. Freedoms

    Interested to read your reply.

    EDIT: And it's not just a feel good story, for sure. What you take so lightly ostensibly as good intent on the part of Yingluck/her administration could in fact be the end result of well veiled dominance through a reinforcement of cultural and national ignorance as to the reasons for their poverty and plight in the world. It's fine if you acknowledge all this but just want to take a break because it's Sunday and you had a nice day, that's fine. But, please don't pretend there are not deeper issues here.

    • Like 1
  8. I mean, every-so-often I get infuriated FOR Thai people. I'm not talking about the the Thai leadership (many of whom are really Chinese immigrants -- a little off the point), but I'm talking about everyday Thais who likely haven't a clue as to what is really going on in their country and in the world.

    These 'leaders' just continuously peddle this 'Thainess' pride bullsh!t as if that should be any average Thai's main focus. It's ridiculous. It's almost as if they are so well aware of the fact that the leadership in this country, while increasingly draining the country dry of all it's wealth, will do nothing to actually improve the standing of Thais in the country and world that they are preparing the populace with the only thing they'll have: pride. They certainly won't have better schools, or teachers who are willing to accept that they may be doing something sub optimal or even wrong. They certainly don't have a government who seems to really care about what transpires in this country and to its people. They don't seem likely to rid themselves of the pseudo-caste BS with their worship of the Chinese immigrants and light skin anytime soon.

    She is telling people to be proud because she knows that it ALL they will have. As if pride will resolve all the deeply rooted problems in Thailand.

    Newsflash, Thai Leadership: Pride comes with accomplishment and with deeper understand of your fellow man, country, region and world. It comes from generally understanding right and wrong and acting honorably. It comes from scholarship. It comes from respect of other (non-Thais). It comes from tackling issues within Thailand that will allow people to live better, happier, safer, more fulfilled (and perhaps even richer) lives. That's REAL pride.

    I met a young kid recently. He actually walked up to me. He was Thai but spoke English quite well, and I think he was a little outgoing (or perhaps just wanted to practice his English) :) We chatted for awhile. He was a very mature kid and seemed quite smart. When I asked him if he'd visited any English speaking countries, he said that he hadn't. He was only 11 years old or so. He also spoke some Korean. I asked him if he'd ever been to Korea, and he said that he hadn't yet. I said Korea is great. You'll love it -- esp because you'll speak Korean so well. His reply, almost as if programmed, was:

    Kid: "maybe, I'll go. Maybe not."

    Me: "Why maybe not? You speak so well. Don't you think it will be fun?"

    Kid: "I don't know. I like Thailand."

    Me: (sensing the faulty wiring in this kid's head) "Yeah, Thailand is great. That's why I'm here."

    Kid: "I just really love Thailand so much, so if I go other countries, that's fine. But, if not, I can be happy just staying in Thailand."

    I was flabbergasted. Here is this kid who is apparently well-educated, whose father (nearby) seemed quite well-off (late model S-series Benz, well put together) and who, at 11 years old, spoke English fluently and who was also learning Korean ... but who somehow had such a nationalistic pride instilled in him (the type of nationalistic pride that un- or undereducated kids/people usually have) that he felt the need to express to me a total stranger in the middle of a casual, fun conversation that he was so proud to be Thai that he might not care to go to other countries despite the fact he was learning non-Thai languages.

  9. "I want to see youths value Thai identity, including the charming characteristics of Thai culture and society. I want them to be proud of being Thai," she said.

    Hasn't Thailand done enough nation building? Aren't Thais already proud enough? Godda_mn. They've got that part down already. I've NEVER met a Thai who wasn't outwardly proud to be Thai irrespective of any lack of positive contribution he/she had made to Thai society... It doesn't take much to be proud. Why not focus on other stuff to get this country moving faster in the proper direction?

    The general telling parents not to teach kids that breaking the law is OK, is ... worthless if it's not generally reinforced by the whole of the society. I suppose it's a start and that some Thais in positions of authority are trying to do the right thing, but they need much more help. They have to tip the societal balance in favor of honor and merit and such. Good luck to them.

  10. Thai officials predictably downplay anything that may impact tourism revenues.

    Right on. Another nail in the tourism coffin.

    Which is so strange since Thai officials are often quoted as downplaying the role tourism plays in the Thai economy -- at (a gov't reported ~7% of GDP) ... They do anything to protect it. You'd think it's larger than 7% for sure ...

    EDIT: replying to Jinthing

  11. Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

    Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

    Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

    Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

    Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

    Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

    My assumptions did not equate to your argument. Yours is a fallacious argument.

    Anyway, I suppose these same people are selectively denying all the good things Americans and America does/has done, right? I guess that's possible indeed.

    At any rate, I know I can't win with American bashers because they are very, very good at what they do. They have all their defenses lined up at the ready (similar to racists), so I'll just say that I agree with you.


    Maybe that is because their defenses are written down in most worldwide media on a daily base?

    Or perhaps because they often employ the whole gamut of illogic to support anecdotes: http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html


  12. Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok?


    You're joking, right?

    Soft Targets. Bali. Mumbai. Google is your friend ...

    If the target was that soft (and valuable) surely we would've been hit multiple times here already -- is my thinking. Why now?

    you are the sort of person who says that just because a building has stood for 200 years it must be safe!! or if they havent bombed here before then here must be safe

    terrorism is moving onwards and upwards because now the wmd (or on a smaller scale explosive) is so much smaller and more accessible.

    Yes, you've got it. If you're talking about statistical likelihood, then yes, you are 'right on the money'. Good job!!

  13. Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

    Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

    Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

    Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

    Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

    Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

    My assumptions did not equate to your argument. Yours is a fallacious argument.

    Anyway, I suppose these same people are selectively denying all the good things Americans and America does/has done, right? I guess that's possible indeed.

    At any rate, I know I can't win with American bashers because they are very, very good at what they do. They have all their defenses lined up at the ready (similar to racists), so I'll just say that I agree with you.


  14. I will end by saying this, if you Americans feel hated it is because no one likes a bully and that is what you are. I am ashamed to say that my country is helping you and truly wish they would stop.

    I know that there are many Americans who opposed these recent "invasions" and I feel for those people, but like my country, your government has another agenda. .

    Come on, brother. It's a nice, cool Friday evening in Bangkok. The beautiful women are in their thin, silky evening attire, the motorcycles are roaring up and down my soi, the soi dogs have been fed, I'm kicking back to watch a quick movie with some Thai whiskey. Who hates Americans? Anyone who hates (without individual human specificity) Americans, probably hates a whole lot of other people as well and that's OK. Who cares who hates us? We are surviving just like everyone else.

    Have a great evening.

    • Like 2
  15. "Well, I'm already scared enough of Thais in general..."

    Why, on earth?! Bad experiences?

    I'm weary of being approached anywhere and always question people's motives and listen to my intuition but I'm not scared of anyone or any group.

    Not meant to include all Thais but what it means is that I find the overwhelming majority to be difficult to understand (even with trying) or unpredictable, religious, inward-focused, etc etc. As a foreigner, I am not about taking risks here when it comes to people, so I treat every one of them as a potential threat ... It works for me.

    I have a few Thai friends who were influenced by living abroad and I am learning the language. I am not a generally negative person, but I find that being foreign I am particularly vulnerable, so I keep to myself.

    Anyway, this is off topic, and the topic is quite important, so I again apologize for that.


  16. It is worrying to hear that Bangkok is threatened in this way. What have the Americans done now? For sure they must have done something bad to people to want to hurt to them. But I wish they would not choose Bangkok - the Bangkokians have not done anything to these people for sure.

    Hadn't you heard? They are rude, arrogant, uneducated, and only 30% of them have passports. They simply are not at good as Europeans, and this State department warning is yet more proof of that.

    Actually, that would only be 18%

    Americans don't really need passports.

    Cuba -- Miami

    Outer Space -- Salt Lake City

    Vietnam -- San Jose

    Mexico -- East LA

    Israel -- Brooklyn

    Sweden -- Minnesota

    Poland -- Chicago

    Generic Europe -- San Francisco

    China -- also San Francisco

    Gay Utopia -- also San Francisco

    Burrito Utopia -- also San Francisco

    French Canada -- Lousiana

    Ethiopia -- Washington D.C.

    etc., etc. ...

    Most diverse city on the planet by far where you can get just about anything and hear and even interact with people from every corner of the globe: Queens and greater NYC.

  17. Well, I'm already scared enough of Thais in general, so I already avoid all people as much as I reasonably can. I hope they don't target the BTS or MRT though as it's the only way I tend to get around.

    If they make people totally change how they live, they win. Its a personal decision how to react to this.

    Yeah, I get that. I decided to be a misanthrope long, long ago. I work so hard only so that I can be wealthy enough to avoid as many human beings as possible.

    Sorry for getting off topic.

    Be careful out there.

  18. Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok?


    You're joking, right?

    Soft Targets. Bali. Mumbai. Google is your friend ...

    If the target was that soft (and valuable) surely we would've been hit multiple times here already -- is my thinking. Why now?

    These attacks aren't about high value targets. It's terrorism. A psychological tactic.

    Why now? Ask the terrorists.

    Well, I'm already scared enough of Thais in general, so I already avoid all people as much as I reasonably can. I hope they don't target the BTS or MRT though as it's the only way I tend to get around.

  19. I wonder how many farangs who laugh at thai's believing in ghosts also believe about that bloke called jesus who they claim died, came back to life, and made wine out of water , oh and his mum was a virgin too.

    Agreed. I dam_n sure don't, though. None of that silly nonsense makes it into my day, so I am free to laugh (quietly to myself, of course). I tend to laugh at anyone (myself included when/if I do it) who believes in something they most certainly cannot reasonably explain.

  20. Sorry to hear about this fatal accident. However, I find this hard to understand. How can a fridge, which is covered in a "plastic" casing become electrically live? unsure.png


    Fridges have to be earthed. If you look there will be an earth wire at the back. However, in LOS they seem to think that earthing is optional. In fact, you'd be lucky to find any place with a 3 pin plug as a routine fitting. You'd be lucky to even find an earth point in a concrete or wood room/ house with plastic water piping. Which is why I've had to put in ground earths in the last two houses I've lived in here.

    BTW, the outside of the fridge is metal, not plastic.

    Is there anyone who can provide advice on this type of stuff in Thailand that is detailed enough to help DIYers here who don't have any background in electrics? I have no f**kin idea what to do, but I am concerned. My fridge does not appear to be earthed as it has only two pins. My electric cooker, same. My microwave has a Schuko? plug, but does not have the third ground pin in the plug. It does have a green ground wire on the back but there is nothing in my apartment to connect it to. Complicated crap.

    You will get all the help you need on this http://www.thaivisa....-housing-forum/

    I have a few threads there that I started on the subject of DIY wiring, including earths.

    Thanks to you and other responders. I'll have a look. Much appreciated.

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