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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. 10 hours ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

    Does this mean the junta-bashing on TVF will soon be coming to an end as members begin to self-censor for fear of problems with authorities? 

    If so, what are we all going to do for a laugh? 

    What a bunch of party-poopers!!!

    Of course not! Stop being paranoid and take off your tinfoil hat...no one is monitoring TV.


    I shall continue to insu...praise, and despi....admire, the monumental asswip...awesome leader that Prayuth is. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    They should take from the New South Wales Australia system.


    You pay the fine within 21 days or elect to go to court, no guarantee you will see the judge on the 1st day so a days wages or two are lost, so you weigh up the cost and the fine and usually pay it and move on.


    If you don't do either, you won't be able to renew your license or register any vehicle in your name in the future until the fine and any outstanding costs are paid, simple and we know what happens in New South Wales if you drive without a license or drive an unregistered vehicle, as we have tough laws that are followed through, i.e. wanna enjoy some jail time, drive unlicensed or unregistered and see what happens, and I respect that system.



    Unless of course you don't make your living on "daily wages" then not much risk going to court.

  3. Quick question: Where does the N.O.B get its budget from? Thailand is (on paper) a secular country so I hope this nob doesn't get funded by taxpayers. ?


    EDIT to add: According to Wikipedia, Thailand is "ambiguous" so perhaps that's how they get away with funding only 1 religion. (Not that I think any religions should get any state funding, anywhere, ever)

  4. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    A lot of Thai investment capital flowing into Vietnam; supermarkets (BigC and Makro) and property development. That's where the growth is. Cheaper labour and greater and faster returns on investment. 

    Makro recently took over a large warehouse style supermarket in Hai Phong. A friend reported the first thing they did was to jack the prices and cut the wages. No flies on the Thais when it comes to screwing people over.

    Why on earth would they want to bring their money back to Thailand. Vietnamese banks are paying around 8% for 12 month term deposit and that's just for the punters. 

    I thought Makro was a German/Dutch outfit??

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/9/2018 at 11:19 AM, Kieran00001 said:


    Remove the farmers crutch, see if they can find another way = excellent move for the farmers - are you sure?


    In Europe we subsidise our farmers, it ensures we always have a supply of food by keeping their businesses alive despite them being unprofitable at times, it has also allowed us to influence them into diversifying which has brought us a greater variety of foods and helped them financially, it has also brought us a means of protecting the environment.  In most developed countries, subsidies are seen as essential to keeping farming sustainable.

    True about the European subsidies, but false equivalence: In Thailand you can't walk 5m without bumping into a farmer. "What do you do?" "I'm a farmer." On further inspection ot turns out this "farmer" has 1 rai of paddy behind his house. He's not farming commercially, but registering as a farmer gives him access to government initiatives (credit card, subsidy etc) The fact is that there are way too many farmers in this country


  6. 2 hours ago, MrMo said:

    Sorry mate, you obviously are new to the politics of this country.   No one has been elected to govern this country for 5 or so years.   They are all military approved appointees.

    Speaking of "Sorry mate, you obviously are new to the politics of this country" 555 You're close, mate, but not quite there: Start counting in decades rather than 5 or so years and you'd be getting even closer, then find out who's the big boss of the military (Prior to r a m a d u n c e) and you'd be more informed yourself. ?

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/8/2018 at 8:32 PM, thailand49 said:

    This isn't fake news!  this goes on everyday and everywhere with every government. When it isn't your own money you are spending who give a <deleted>!

    Right, but when these photos hit the press in say UK, USA, RSA etc. the government doesn't come out and blame the media...?

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    “I cannot understand why the recordings were not examined during the court’s inquiry into Chaiyapoom’s death,” Sumitchai Hatthasan, Centre for Protection and Recovery of Local Community Rights’ lawyer who represents Chaiyapoom’s family, said after hearing the conclusion by the Chiang Mai Provincial Court. 

    And herein lies another problem with the Thai judicial system - even lawyers are not allowed to question procedure or ask for examination of evidence.


    A good friend of mine was recently found guilty of mismanaging his family's inherited land, but there were two cases going on at the same time: In the other case he was accused of not being the designated land manager by his deceased mother. 


    The judge ruled that since he was not the designated land manager (which was not true and the other court case hadn't reached a verdict yet) he had no right to land management at all and he was stripped of his inheritance and all the land was given to his siblings.


    His lawyer said afterwards that he was shocked that the Judge had used his personal opinion to conclude that my friend would probably be found guilty in the other case to rule on this case.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    Nevertheless, the president said investors should track external risks affecting capital movements such as changes to the United States’ policy interest rate, international politics and their impact on fuel prices and cases stemming from the developing trade war.

    ...because no investor, ever, did any of these things. ? Thanks for the heads up, Pakorn. ?

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