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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. And if found to be "unconstitutional" - (which would be more BS because once again the NLA members questioning the constitutionality are the same people that approved the constitution) - but anyway, if found to be unconstitutional, then what? I'm guessing 180 days to promulgate a new law, with 90 days deliberation after which the King has 90 days to sign it into law etc. etc. 


    So no election before May 2019 then. :coffee1:

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Following their dismissal, they very likely will also have to pay compensation for damage caused.

    Compensation will probably be less than what they stole, so not a punishment per se. Secondly, no mention of a criminal case. :saai:


    So in Thailand, telling the truth about someone's misdeeds is a criminal offence (Defamation law version 2), but fraud isn't. :unsure:

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  3. 3 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

    well, he can listen to the people, or not listen to the people, i think personally he will select the latter option

    but this one doesn't look like its going to go away easily


    In the same way Rajabhakti Park didn't look like it would go away easily? Or his brother pulling 105k a month for being a member of parliament but only joining 1.5% of required meetings? Or his nephew getting a building contract for  hundreds of millions despite having a company worth only 1 million plus? Or Prawit being caught red handed with more watches the Big P has morals? Or the stolen historic plaque? Or the recording of him not wanting a group of candidates - then denying it was him - but said candidates got mysteriously discarded anyway? Or...


    My point is: you are not the first person the dub something as the "final straw" and/or "not gonna be swept under the rug and forgotten". Hasn't happened so far...and probably won't. Not only does he hold all the cards, he owns the card factory, and publishes the annual card rules book.:coffee1:

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  4. Well, I received a bill which showed that I had already paid the 8,878 Baht that I owed, so zero due this month (April) - In reality I had paid a month in advance as I was leaving for holiday and I didn't owe anything, but my bill is only 855 Baht. Then 2 nights ago my internet suddenly cuts out and comes up with the true message of "Pay later and continue using" (Thai). So I called the call centre and they said I owed 1007 Baht (Weird figure) and my last payment was in Feb.  I had to then email my 2 bank receipts from March showing I had paid twice and they cleared the mysterious 1007 Baht. (Which the original electronic voice stated was 1007 DOLLARS??)


    My point is that there definitely seems to have been more of a hack than they are reporting since I am not a True Smartphone user and we don't use Dollars in Thailand.

  5. 20 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    For years it has been obvious that the police and government can not come to a consensus 

    on how to manage the mind numbing statistics and deaths, if external help would not be taken on board, then a royal decree may be the only way to get some common sense into drivers brains.                                                                                                            

    Why would a royal decree be any more effective than an Art.44 decree or a "crackdown". :coffee1: These are all just words, but unless the police actually do their job of enforcing siad decrees etc. nothing will change. The RTP have done jackshit for the past 80 years so why are they suddenly going to start in 2018?

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  6. 4 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

    Here are some stats for you all.

    1. None of them can drive a vehicle in a safe and responsible manner.

    2. Most of them will get drunk and get on or in a vehicle.

    3. Many of them will die and get badly injured.

    All of them deserve #3 which is what you get for #1 and #2.

    I have been out on the roads round Pattaya / Jomtien and Satahip and over the last 3 days the madness of the madmen and women has gone up exponentially. 


    Accidents are avoidable - moronic drunken selfishness on the roads and resulting carnage sadly are not.


    Best of luck to all TV readers over the next week or so coz we are all going to need pots of it.


    Who are "them"? Do you mean drunk drivers in Thailand? (In which case point 2 is redundant) Or do you mean bad Thai drivers? (In which case point 1 is redundant) Or do you mean all Thai people? (Which means you're predicting that 34.48 million people will get drunk?) :saai:

  7. 16 hours ago, webfact said:

    “They can’t have nothing in hand and get elected just like that,” he said.


    16 hours ago, webfact said:

    “They can reveal their policy platforms afterwards. I don’t expect to hear them,” he said.


    The man is delusional. One can only hope that the puppet masters realise this fact, before he turns on them. His position is almost fully secure. This might turn out to be the most successful coup in Thai history - the last one that is as Prime Muppet for Life takes the helm.

    • Like 1
  8. On 19/03/2018 at 10:21 AM, Wiggy said:

    It's racism.

    "It’s about 4 pound why moan your in a beautiful place yes it different price for Thai but when our wage is £100+a day and a Thai wage is 400 bhat a day can you see why price different” Dean"


    It's also pretty shitty English, for an Emglishman :coffee1:

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    We should preserve this Thai tradition [wearing period costume] as a national treasure for the next generation,” Prayut said.

    If it's a "Thai tradition" to wear period costumes, then what did they wear when these period costumes were contemporary clothes. :unsure: And since most Thai people today wear skirts, dresses, pants and shirts, the period costume of the future would be jeans and a T-shirt. :coffee1:

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  10. 8 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    About 60 people die on the roads every day and 3 kids drown every 24 hours in thailand....how many people die from dog rabies every year?

    I'm sure if there was a shot one could take to undie from being hit by a car, or undrown, many people would take it. Unfortunately, there is none such shot. There is, however, a shot for being bitten by s rabid dog though. :saai: Maybe that's got something to do with the stats?

  11. On 3/9/2018 at 7:00 PM, owl sees all said:

    Just a lady sitting on a block of stone.

    True, but if everybody were to touch the statue (which does have historical significance) then it would eventually get eroded and damaged. This is why it's generally accepted to not touch antiques, statues etc. So I think the tourist acted in a mindless way, but once again the Thai "netizens" are up in arms for the wrong reason. 


    Speaking of the tourist - how do they know they weren't Thai. If the peeping tom had heard them speak he would have heard their language and would've said, "They sounded Malaysian, Chinese etc..." rather than speculate that they might be Asian. :unsure:

  12. 5 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    Well, the Interpol website seems to not work that well. I typed in the name of of the wanted people on the first page and none showed up when using the "search" bar. You have to enter the name in the Name, Surname, Age etc search boxes.


    And, no, Little Boss does not have a red notice anymore.

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