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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. 2 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    Would that only be if they arrive at the intersection at the same time?

    Apparently not - Car A needs to give way if they see Car B turning- It's a problem if you're already in the turn and focused on driving straight ahead. And how do you determine if you've arrived at the same time. Car A is turning into a side street - Car B is driving on the opposite side of the road so are we supposed to stop before turning left just in case someone suddenly decides to turn into the same side street from the opposite lanes? 


    The rule makes little sense because it takes the onus of responsibility to stay safe away from  Car B. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Hard to say car A is not on the right side but its car B that slams into him. Id say both maybe to blame. Can't be 100% sure but seems A is the least guilty . Though it depends on things like speed..  WAs A waiting there and B slammed into him (B to blame). Was A going really fast and B already turning when out of nowhere A appeared.  

    For today's purpose both cars were travelling at "normal" speed. There is not a stop sign for Car A. Car A arrives at the corner 1st.

  3. 21 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Yes i feel for him, but at the same time, what he did was crazy.

    He honestly thinks Thai officials would be on his side, no way, Thai mother wins every time.


    I'm going to have to disagree with you for once, Colin. He did break the law so the why should the Thai officials be on his side? I've heard the "Thai wins every time" sentiment repeated a lot on this site, but I've only got first hand knowledge of ONE guy who went through the courts when he divorced his wife: He got custody of his daughter and 50% of everything they bought since they got married (as per Thai law).  The fact that he was British and she Thai did not seem to disadvantage him in any way. 

  4. 13 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

    Trump is a showman and a good one. The US dollar has dropped about 5฿ over the last year, so somebody on a $3000 pension has lost ฿15,000 per month but is he good enough to keep expats and people in the US rust belt still supporting him?

    He single-handedly controls the exchange rate? I thought he was an idiot? :shock1: You must have hated it when Obama made the dollar hit below 29. :coffee1:

    • Haha 1
  5. "Election Commission chairman Supachai Somcharoen said the scrutiny committee headed by Mr Wittaya Piewpong agreed unanimously rejected the amended MP election bill allowing entertainment activities to be held during electioneering and restored the original provision that bans entertainment activities which was proposed from the beginning by the Constitution Drafting Committee."


    Is that in the scope of the scrutiny committee's ability? Weren't bills supposed to be approved/rejected by the "governement" also know as the NLA. Don't bother - they just make it up as they go along anyway. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/8/2018 at 1:17 PM, Lingba said:

    man oh man if they would only put this much effort into educating their kids in schools and educating drivers on the roads, this place would be hub material again

    Education does indeed sucks and may drivers are terrible BUT this is about immigration working with tourist police to...well...carry out their duties of monitoring foreign citizens. So they're doing their jobs. :saai: Or would you prefer if the checkout lady didn't scan your food items, or the surgeon not close you up, or....:coffee1:

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I am so shocked you would say something so unkind about my despot boss. He is only amassing billions of dollars, as is Little P., at the expense of the good Thai people. And when found with luxury goods, they are always borrowed. I must run and tell the little man what this minister said. He is being disobedient. We must treat him exactly the same way a truthful person in the Trump administration would be treated. There is no room for truth in Thai politics. Let us continue to deflect, lie, obfuscate and deny. And use arcane, oppressive and ridiculously paranoid laws to protect us. 


    Same with the former police chief recently. Oh, why are you making such a big deal about me borrowing 300 million baht? It is already paid back. Why take offense at that?

    Trump. Seriously? :saai:

  8. 5 hours ago, dddave said:


    "the system at DMK and BKK seem about the same to me, although DMK tends to have longer wait periods.  you get a number and wait for it to be called at DMK.  at BKK, you get a number and walk to where the taxi is parked (i've never had to wait"


    Suvarnabhumi uses a taxi pool system, much like many international airports.  Drivers can not just go directly to the curbside taxi area.  They must first enter a Taxi queue at a separate parking area and pay a B50 fee (which they are allowed to pass on to the passenger)  They are dispatched to the curbside area when needed.  They must show their receipt to get a queue number at the curbside area.

    DMK's system is less organized but will probably get a system similar to BKK's.  

    I fly a lot and use taxi's from both airports, though most often BKK.  I go to a not particularly desirable destination (Phra Khanong, about B200 on the meter) but rarely get grief from the drivers and have only been asked for a flat rate 3 or 4 times in over 100 trips.  I use DMK less often but there to, I have only been asked for a flat rate 4 or 5 times out of perhaps 25 trips. 


    I suspect many of those who complain about taxi cheats are those same people who themselves try to cheat the system by grabbing taxis dropping passengers at the departure level.  Som nom nah.

    You're lucky. Do you ask for your destination in Thai or English? As I said before, in my experience, unless you're local, your percentages go waaay up. My family visit often. None of them tries to cheat the system. Not a single visitor has gotten into town without a fixed price (and they all use the taxi rank downstairs). Well, they used to: Now I just pay 1100 for the AOT Mu-X limo service which is well worth it since an entire family with luggage can get in without having to worry about a gas canister in the boot. (Although I'm even more fortunate in that I've never been asked for a flat rate at Suvnarabhumi)


    NB: 3 times is 3 too many from a "registered" taxi rank if you ask me. Hell, at DMK you've got guys trying to shaft you 20% of the time apparently :saai:

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Sapporillo said:

    No, you're right, "we" are so much more rational, we would never invent such a thing as artificial tan, that would be laughable...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunless_tanning

    Who are "we"? EVERYBODY gets darker to some degree when they stand in the sun. :saai: People that use chemicals to darken/lighten/colour their skin are taking a risk. I find the practice to be stupid. 

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