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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. Nice advertorial. :coffee1:


    Just now, webfact said:

    and the fan fever sweeping Thailand is making headlines overseas.

    Show me a headline, please, Tulsathit.


    Just now, webfact said:

    The thing is, the era was not backward or primitive.

    It was, and, it was. The problem is that in the rest of the world we study how our societies lived in the past, and it is fascinating, we don't deny the fact that certain practices were in fact, primitive and backwards, (subjugation of women and lower 'classes', slavery etc), but Tulsathit and many Thais have this innate inability to criticize anything Thai. Just say it's a good historical drama. Period. 


    • Like 1
  2. Just now, YetAnother said:

    sometimes, sadly valuable that we continue to gain knowledge of the place in which we live; remember, this case is not like the rolex general , where the govt clandestinely protects their own, rather, this case is of a private individual, and if the govt protects him , then it is alarming

    Indeed - who else has the resources to dispatch people to paint over panther graffiti as it randomly appears across the city?

  3. 12 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    No, it's not "alright"!

    Did Premchai shoot it?  As there were four people there and only three guns someone obviously didn't shoot/kill it and you certainly aren't in a position to know who that person was.

    I'm not bored with all the nonsense that most posters are saying, neither must you be as you're still commenting, unless, of course, you're trying to exert your (non-existent) authority to close the thread?


    I agree with most of your sentiment in that proof is probably sought that he actually fired the gun BUT you accused some posters that they're jumping in with two feet and then you write this:


    "As there were four people there and only three guns someone obviously didn't shoot/kill it"


    No, it's not obvious  since the panther had 5 bullet holes in it and unless they had biometric gun locks it is plausible that 1 gun could have been be used by multiple people. :coffee1:

  4. 3 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

    Beats me why Italian-Thai have not suspended him whilst the case rumbles on. Deafening silence from the shareholders, share price down 25% in the last 6 weeks.

    Will he reimburse his fellow board members for their losses, LOL !


    The share price was 4.88 exactly a year ago - It was 3.94 before the panther incident - the panther has very little to do with the steady decline over the past 12 months of the ItalThai share price.

  5. 8 hours ago, geoffphuket said:

    News today, forgotten tomorrow... next

    More like "News 2 months ago...still news today".  Not forgotten, unfortunately:coffee1: Better get your boards registered ASAP. But it won't matter because when the BIB come shake you down for you dartboard and you produce your certificate, they will ask for your certificate for the darts (which you won't have) and so they'll confiscate those instead. :ph34r:

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Cadbury said:

    Wonder who the individual was that voted against the bill? And importantly, why did they vote against it?

    Wash he/she courageous, stupid, have high moral beliefs or just put their hand up at the wrong moment?

    They sometimes throw in a "Nay" to make it seem like they actually deliberated something in parliament. Just go look at all the votes from the past: Usually 190 - 205 in favor, a few abstentions and a "Nay" or two for good measure. :coffee1:

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, SicTransit said:

    Must be the first embassy ever to implement a crazy requirement like this


    Edit: this requirement seems highly impractical for any kind of tourist visa applicant as he would have to possess an open-jaw (flying in to Malaysia from home and flying back out of Thailand) or a one-way ticket, often same price as return.

    Not quite true, this caveat is the important part: "...if u have more than 2 tourist stamps in ur passport or have been in thailand for long time.."


    So your normal tourist flying to Malaysia and wanting to visit Thailand shouldn't have a problem. I also suspect that the "2 tourist stamps" refers to having them in quick succession rather than one from 2009 and one from 2015.


    This just seems to be another way (rightly or wrongly) people that they suspect are working in Thailand on tourist visas.

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  8. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    When we hit December this year, another announcement will be broadcast, stating the elections will now be held in 2020 for security reasons, we should have just about cleaned everything up by then, or is that out

    Who remembers all the "Thailand 2020" ads just after the coup? 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Monomial said:




    Is this actually explicitly stated in the road code or is this just some Thai policeman's twisted opinion of conflicting requirements and deciding to apply a rule when another one should logically have priority?


    It's in the code. I learnt it because when I saw the question (Mrs.SABloke was studying for the test) I answered wrong and we were both dumbfounded until her instructor explained the rule and 'logic' to us.

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