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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. 17 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The only thing good about this is,he's denying it,so when

    he is found guilty,he will not get the 50 % reduction in

    sentence,and will have to serve the full term,I dont know

    about Thai jails ,but a child rapist or murderer is the lowest

    of the low,in Western prisons,and can expect rough treatment

    from the other prisoners,hope it's the same here.


    regards worgeordie

    Incorrect I'm afraid. Jenpop the Merc killer, denied all charges originally and was then made aware of the CCTV and dashcam footage that showed him crash into the toll barrier and later driving at high speed into the other car, killing the 2  students. He pleaded guilty and as such had his sentenced reduced and was released out on bail

  2. On 11/13/2017 at 4:09 PM, FolkGuitar said:

    In which country are..

    ... all the police honest?

    ... all the religious leaders pure?

    ... all the teachers qualified?

    ... all the doctors knowledgeable?

    ... all the cooks skilled?

    Or should I ask, 'on which planet?'


    If there are 10,000 of them, and 4-5 are bad, does this mean all of them are bad?


    I don't think there is a single country that has a perfect record BUT in Thailand it isn't 4 -5 out of 10,000 that are bad - it's on the other side of halfway. And if you live here and can honestly tell me the police in your country are more corrupt, then I apologize: Somalia is a tough place to live. :saai:

  3. On 11/14/2017 at 12:29 PM, Lowryderen said:

    If a breath test is refused, then a blood test should be mandatory, taken as soon as possible in the nearest hospital/clinic/police station/doctors office or even on the spot.. Otherwise its just moot to even have the breath tester.

    Well the current police order states that you may refuse a breath test, but then you are immediately charged with a DUI...unless your name is Jenpop and you go out and damage a toll booth and kill 2 students whilst travelling 180kph (His refusal to do a breath test was = DUI charge was dismissed due to a technicality :saai: )

  4. On 11/8/2017 at 5:15 PM, missoura said:

    My Thai wife of many years says "I am not a red shirt. I am not a yellow shirt. I am Thai 100%". She supports the present government. Her reasoning is that the Army has been the only one to actually try and stop corruption in Thailand.


    Yes, she was part of the group that strolled the streets of Bangkok a few years ago.


    During our discussion about these things,  she will usually end up saying "It's my country". And she is right. As an American, I know very little about politics here or back home. But, I do know that it is fun to watch. Sometimes.




    "My Thai wife..."


    When you find yourself in a situation that you need to qualify your wife you might need to reassess the situation :wink:... When you were back in America, did you used to refer to your "my American girlfriend" or just "my girlfriend"?


    Here's my situation - my wife and I agree about many things and disagree about even more. (I've been told that was normal throughoutt the galaxy) My wife is Thai and she will tell you that her husband is South African, but she is not my "Thai wife" and I am not her "South Africa husband" because my wife doesn't have a  "another country husband" and neither do I have "another country's wife"

  5. 5 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Available in Thailand?             No doubt it's a real Paarl of a cider.

    Savanna is available in Tops and many liquor stores (I even found it in a bar in Chumphon). It's 67 Baht for a bottle and well worth it on a hot day. But for multiple neckings, I like Thatchers ("Like" in the way everyone likes a squat toilet at the petrol station that actually has a spray nozzle instead of a shit laden floor with a trough and scoop - its better than the rest at that point in life :wink:

  6. 1 hour ago, 01322521959 said:

    We've all seen the way these damn vans drive. They even manage to drive recklessly on a clear straight road swerving all over the shop. There's just no awareness that the way they drive is anything but normal in there eyes. 

    Fat chance of anything changing when from the driving test to the enforcement of the law on the road, NOBODY does their blasted job.


    I always find it amusing (facetiously) when I have some <deleted> (Van driver or private car) almost take off my bonnet during a sudden lane change, slalom run, reckless driving episode...and then 10 min later I still happen to be within 50m of the same car (sometimes they're behind me lol). What was the point?

  7. There was an interesting post suggesting that perhaps not all the facts were 100% watertight as it were (no name of hotel, somewhere in Thailand etc.) The post also pointed out that the family photos in The Sun were licensed to a publishing company (which is odd for family photos). Anyway, is having the "wrong opinion" or questioning the news against forum rules now as well? :unsure:

  8. 9 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

    If you were a police officer you could have asked to see passport! If they were from Surrey then no problem , if they were from an African country a possibility of overstayed or no passport !

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    "if they were from an African country a possibility of overstayed or no passport" 


    Of course there's that possibility - there's also the possibility that they're multi millionaires :saai: Do yourself a favour and wander over to the visa section of this website. You will find countless threads posted by people from "western" countries asking how to deal with overstay (some up to 5 years or more), no passports, black listed etc issues. 


    Honest question, just being facetious: Have you never broken the law?

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

    Nonsense comment in relation to what is happening in Thailand ! Africans illegally in the country and involved in crime in large numbers!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I totally agree that African criminals should be deported. But this thread has devolved to the level where Africans - who come from Africa (The country...Oh wait, sorry, I meant continent...with more countries than any other continent on the planet) get grouped together as being homologous. I'm not PC in any sense of the word (I find PC people to be condescending to the groups that they're #fightingfor). The best coke dealers I ever had in CT were Nigerians. But that still doesn't mean that every single Nigerian is a coke dealer. It's like you claiming that all South Africans are coke heads, just because I was one. Get it?

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Interesting views from a South African.

    In this thread you (rightfully) point out that people are being erroneous because they make judgements on an entire group of people purely based on where they come from, yet your comment to me implies that somehow, because I'm South African, my opinion carries different (higher or lower, who knows) merit. Could you elaborate what you meant, please? To be clear: I'm not trying to be argumentative, but because typed words don't convey tone your post could be considered snide or genuine. :wink:


    EDIT TO ADD: You replied whilst I was typing. Your response is clear now.

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, overherebc said:

    Just to remind myself I went back and read the headline again, I was right, it says 'Illegal Africans'

    I did read carefully and can't find any mention of 'All Africans'

    Just imagine if it said Illegal Europeans !!!!!!

    Exactly. It's the faux outrage that permeates society these days, where if you say, "That white rapist is a rapist", you're accused of being racist in some way. I find these types of people as annoying as the racists that spout rubbish like, "Everyone is racist, but if you accept it we can make the world better"- these people say this shit because they're trying to find some affirmation for their inner racist thoughts. No, EVERYONE, is not racist. I know this because I am not - I don't consider my melanin levels to make me superior or inferior to anyone. When I meet someone I make no judgments based on their melanin levels - I do, however, judge them on their appearance and behaviour.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, mike888 said:

    Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


    Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


    Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


    African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

    I am African, but not black. Go figure. Also, I'm here legally. :wink:

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. Just now, webfact said:

    PM, DPM assurance inmate training program will be positive


    BANGKOK, 1st November 2017 (NNT) – The Minister of Defense has assured the public that a program to train inmates in weapons production is intended to enhance the nation’s security mechanism and will not result in military know-how being used nefariously, with the Prime Minister characterizing the campaign as rehabilitative. 

    "...and will not result in military know-how being used nefariously..."


    And once again, I wasn't think that until YOU brought it up, Jabba, but now that you mention it: what better place to find nameless people to do the governments dirty work, than in prisons :unsure:

  14. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I find it mysterious that a fraudulent application is not technically illegal. The fraud in these cases is blatantly intentional.

    Unless an agent was to put the money in your bank for the required 3 months - where would the fraud be? There is no requirement that states that is has to be your money in the bank. It just has to  be in there for 3 months. I heard many people borrow 100k or so to top up there 800k and nobody cries 'fraud' about that

  15. "He said the new political party law allowed the Election Commission to extend the statutory preparation period by a further 180 days by making an announcement to that effect in an emergency."


    I get so immune to reading "180 days", but it's 6 <deleted> months!!! 6 ADDITIONAL months to prepare an election!?! :post-4641-1156693976:


    He said the timing was “not yet right”.However, he said political parties could at present carry out certain activities under the law, such as the registration of party members.


    Gonna be hard to convince people you're a legitimate party if you can't even hold a meeting. (remember they have to pay 50 baht to register as members) :saai:


    Chief charter-drafter Meechai Ruchupan said the junta ban on political gatherings would not have much impact on political activities in regard to the coming election, as “solutions were available”.


    Suck my balls, Meechai, you deplorable old kunt. :angry:

  16. Could someone explain the logistics of having four passports to me, please? I could imagine a person being able to get 2 (Diplomatic and normal/personal), but how do you get four? Or does the article mean that the Foreign Ministry found four of her foreign passports and have seized them? Which would mean she's travelling on another passport so seizing 4 would result in no inconvenience for her, whatsoever 

  17. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Therein lies the difference between the UK and the US. In the UKs politics you get a secretary to buy a couple of dildos and you face the sack. In the US you can boast about grabbing women by the pussy and get elected President.

    You don't see the difference between government rep. doing something callous while occupying a position in government and a private citizen making a crass comment which was recorded and then released years later during an election campaign? :saai:

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