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Posts posted by SABloke

  1. 21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Which implies it is only foreigners who leave trash behind on the beach. I look forward to the aquatic version that can sift out the floating (probably foreign), turds from the murky brown water too.

    No, it implies that tourists leave trash. And that is a silly statement (because locals also litter) but it's a statement no more silly than your own, that suggests that only foreigners in a country can be tourists...tell that to the British chavs in Cornwall, or the Vaalies in Cape Town :stoner:

  2. For those of you that don't understand Thai I shall translate. The guy filming said, "I'm sorry that you did something wrong which caused me to crash into you. Next time you should not brake so hard, so that when I'm not paying attention to the road more than 5m ahead of me, and I don't notice slow traffic ahead, I have time to avoid you as you take out the guy in front."

  3. 2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Why should these little snowflake farang be surprised?

    They aren't in Kansas now Toto, eh?

    I don't think the facebook poster was  a 'snowflake' and offended or shocked by the sale of weapons...he was pointing out the stupidity of screening people for weapons at the entrance of the building and then selling weapons inside the same building. :saai:

  4. 4 hours ago, newnative said:

        Instead of removing seats they need to be adding rail cars.  Some trains often only have 5 or 6 rail cars and no matter when I travel, it's always crowded.  They need to check out Sydney's double decker rail cars.  Bangkok really needs to step it up with its metro--it's getting ever more usage but is really not that good as it is. Especially poor for tourists as there are few fare card machines at most stations so often long waits to buy a card.   and needs lots of improvements.

    Double decker trains in a single decker underground tunnel. Brilliant :saai:

  5. 1 hour ago, coulson said:

    It's lovely that this fellow sees 5 baht as a very low charge, compared to the 200 baht they stick on tourists.

    The point is that you can make a bill payment with "ATM Card A" at "ATM B". Most bills can already be paid with "ATM Card A at ATM A" and many have a charge (10 Baht, 15 Baht etc) but you could never pay your electricity bill at a SCB Atm if you had an Kbank card..now you can. And 5 baht is 'cheap'. Hell, it costs me 15 baht to take money from a Kbank ATM outside of Bangkok with my Kbank ATM card (Issued in Bangkok).


    Foreign card fees (Not "tourist" fees) are a totally different subject but this service can be useful in a remote area where there aren't atm's of every bank. 


    Also, if you think Thai banks are sharks, some South African banks have a minimum charge of 75 Baht...for LOCAL, but different bank, bank cards. I was charged 250 Baht last time I got cash there.

  6. Well, you need 5000 members total (or 500 in each voting district - I can't keep track) and each member needs to pay to be registered. So how the f-c- are you supposed to convince people to join your party if you can't meet with them? :post-4641-1156693976:


    This is of course the whole plan, and come February there will be a proclamation of an election delay becuase political parties failed to register in time. All blame will be placed at the feet of the parties. :saai:

  7. 2 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    Thanks for the link SABloke...that's interesting....actually its amazing..--amazing that you can run a poll on how much bribe money is paid year by year....I have only had to go to the land office 3 times in the 20 years I have been here--& yes paid a small amount to queue jump....instead of waiting the 7 hours in the non air con Place. I wonder what the huge bribes are for.


    Still its good to see that the Thai police are on the job & will  investigate the land office.... 2nd most corrupt is to investigate 1st.........:omfg:

    "I wonder what the huge bribes are for."


    A friend's father wanted to divide 100 rai into 10 plots. The total cost for surveying and production of new land documents came to 200 000 Baht. That was all above board. On the day that he went to fetch the documents the officer in charge (the one whose signature validates the new chanotes) wanted 14k per document. His reasoning was that since the land was worth close to 100 million, my friends father could afford it.


    That's what the huge bribes are paid for.

  8. 7 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:


    You're not seriously suggesting that more than 50% of the police are corrupt, are you?

    50% of the bureaucrats?

    50% untrained doctors? 50% of the monks pedophiles or just unfit to wear the saffron robes?


    In the past 17 years living here, I have seen a couple of bent cops, certainly a doctor or two who didn't know ass from elbow, and a few monks living more like playboys than the Dali Lama.

    But  just a few. Perhaps you might consider new lenses through which to view your world.


    Every single cop that takes 200 baht at a checkpoint is bent. Every single cop that takes payment in order to investigate a theft etc. is bent. Every single cop that pays for a promotion bent. None of my Thai friends or colleagues has faith in the police. The Thai Police Force was voted 2nd most corrupt department in the country. Thai police chiefs refuse breathalyzer tests and carry guns on airplanes and they set the example for lower ranks to follow.


    I'm generous if I say ONLY 50% are corrupt. :saai:

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