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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. I heard down the grapevine that this individual was found at the foot of a ten storey block in Pattaya and quickly moved, so as to not allure more tigers to the vicinity. Once removed, a chain was alledgly found around it's neck in its new abode at the temple.

    Also, apparently, by the other media sources, this tiger was alledgly a rare Russian Siberian breed, if that's at all possible, and know for its deadly drug-induced bite after consuming rare leaves of a sort, and snorting them with Tigresses.

    It's a shame for the tiger, but a wake up call for the Siberian crew that removed its <deleted> before hanging it. ;)

    -mel. giggle.gif

  2. Police said Willinton Quintero was arrested for theft and had been imprisoned for two years and three months.

    I suppose this was in Thailand?By my knowledge i can be wrong but don't you get deported and blacklisted after you done your time???Back in the time you could easy fix to stay but that time is over these days I know only of some foreign drugdealers that are"allowed" to stay and work with the police and ofcourse for themself but never heard of foreigners that could stay after offences like this in recent years but then again i could be wrong.

    I know personaly somebody blacklisted without ever doing something wrong in Thailand,his only offence was that a Europe country was asking for his arrest and deportation the guy have property a Thai wife and a Thai child,after he did his short jail term in Europe the guy boarded a plane to BKK and was sended back straight away......blacklisted forever without commiting 1crime in this country...

    Sorry? :o

    Yep it was in Thailand, but he just got arrested on Thursday - so he's got a bit of time to serve his time yet.

    I don't think this article was written 2 years 3 months and 2 days ago. ;)


  3. I understand the the tendencies to laugh and joke about things one doesn't understand but how about a little respect when it comes to dead and beliefs that help people mourn. People'd beliefs and they way they show respect to the dead shouldn't be ridiculed unless you consider these people somehow not deserving of the same respect you likely give westerners that may also believe in things and have rituals that defy logic and science and have throughout history resulted in the deaths of millions because of these illogical beliefs.

    <deleted>? clap2.gif

    Another believer in scientific non-proof. There is no way you are Buddhist, my son... ;)

    Nothing wrong with respect for the dead, don't get me wrong; but for you to suggest that we don't believe in things that defy logic or rituals or deaths because of illogical beliefs?

    Nope, we generally don't believe in things that defy logic - it's called Bull Shit.

    Rituals are for the insane.

    Deaths because of illogical beliefs? How about Sun Yat-Sen, who believed he was the brother of Christ himself, or how about the illogical beliefs of Thaksin Shinwatra who believed that drug takers were out to get him, so he slaughtered 2,000.... for a bit of attention.

    Get real,..... your post is poop, for once! sad.png


  4. "More reports of people hearing the babies crying have come to light as well. Four police officers working the night shift Plabpachai Station said they heard crying noises and whispers coming from the evidence cabinet where the six fetuses were kept. Female police officer Jittima Thongchai gave the babies an offering of red Fanta soda and drinking yoghurt, and several police swore they heard a whispering voice say “the white chubby lady is very kind” in response.

    The superintendent and officers at the station said they are not afraid of ghosts, but that they want to show their respect. As the Thai saying goes, “you may not believe in ghosts, but don’t disrespect them,” the superintendent said."

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif !


    And these are the guys with guns... w00t.gif

    Jesus H Christ, but this is scary - and not the ghost bit! giggle.gifermm.gif


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  5. The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

    "Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education"

    I stand by my comment, snide or not. He is what he is, a "daddy's boy" and a spoiled one at that, and he exhibits all the characteristics of his ilk, the sort of people, who when questioned or stopped are often heard to say " Do you know who my father is?" or " Do you know who I am?"

    This son of Thaksin may have been to school and university but that doesn't necessarily make him an educated person, since university degrees can be purchased as easily as a paperback, and not just from KSRd.. His university history speaks volumes by the way.

    He is not an example to the youth of Thailand and to be perfectly frank I doubt that without his father's money and influence, the young chap would be fit to clean my windows.

    And one only needs to look at Dhanin Chearavanont to see that a guy at the top never bought a degree, admits he never went to Uni, AND is Thailand's richest man, as owner of CPF.

    He's clean, doesn't play politics, works on his lot, and maintains his own lot. He is an example, although he has the poorside of being from a Chinese immigrant family that came here with nothing. He didn't need police members of his family, and nor has he ever been corrupt.

    Honesty can pay in Thailand, and take you to the echelons of the top title!!


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  6. I think it just needs to be very heavily emphasised that the offers of financial payout as opposed to jail terms in Thailand are a complete misdemeanour, in comparison to most other countries of the world, and something needs to be done about it.

    3 years in jail or the offer of an alternative of 6,000 Baht fine is ridiculous.

    3 years in jail should equate to something like 5 million baht, just for starters. 6,000 is a complete insult to the victim or their family.

    A serious legal review of comparisons is needed.

    Theft from a house..... 6 months or 300 Baht fine.

    It's no wonder those at the top are laughing down at everybody, because whatever they get caught with they just roll out the cash and the corner of the mat is lifted, without report.

    Yet, there's nobody in a top position to take any of this on - as they are all in the same boat when it comes to getting their servants to lift the mat.

    It stinks thru and thru, and it comes - like diarrhoea - thru your genes too!

    -mel. sad.png

  7. "He said if any article caused political victims to feel that they would not receive justice, the article could be changed and improved during the deliberation process."


    I say, " If any personal action, like killing somebody with a gun, caused victims to feel that they would not receive justice the laws about rich people's kids getting away with blue murder should be changed and improved during the deliberation process." ;)


  8. While they're at it, regarding waste, why don't they start charging 7/11 for giving 2 plastic bags for 2 things bought?

    The amount of plastic bag residue left around the natural areas of Thailand is a disgrace. The amount of plastic bags issued by Tesco Lotus, for example, is tantamount to negligence. You can buy 4 different classes of food and get upto 8 bags.

    I usually make queueing people wait, take out and exchange my foods to the correct bags, frozen with frozen, veg with veg, toiletries and sanitores, and tinned foods with pre-packed foods etc and hand back half of what they issue to me, and say thanks but no thanks.

    Toxic waste is a serious issue - but so are things like billions of plastic bags in the environment!


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  9. Sorry to informall you guys, but it is only the Grade 1 i-pods being introduced from China that will receive these initial HD trial runs.

    You'll have to queue up, like the other 800,000 kids this year, then the 1 million for next year and so on, whilst delivery logistics is sorted out on how to manufacture these things on time - JIT supply, if you like. cheesy.gif

    -mel ;)

  10. On Friendship.....

    Kahlil Gibran.........

    Your friend is your needs answered.

    He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.

    And he is your board and your fireside.

    For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.

    When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay."

    And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart;

    For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed.

    When you part from your friend, you grieve not;

    For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.

    And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.

    For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught.

    And let your best be for your friend.

    If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also.

    For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?

    Seek him always with hours to live.

    For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.

    And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.

    For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

    Aye Khun Thaksin - refreshed like a need to return..... Baahumbug......


  11. "For as long as I have known him, Thaksin has never abandoned his friends or allies in a common struggle," he said.

    Aye, that's why he frecked off abroad, in a state of incredulousness!

    He'd never abandon his mateys, for a slice of his own loaf now, would he? cheesy.gif

    Natthawut obviously knows him well. Very well indeedy! wub.png


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  12. so these days, they hire ex-cons to be journalists.... loooooooooool

    God forbid hiring an ex-con....? Whatever next?! A black man for President, a woman as PM?!

    Many brilliant journalists are "ex-cons" having spent time behind bars at some point or other chasing down sensitive stories or trying to expose corruption of those in power.

    Pretty irrelevant really given this guy isn't a journalist, he's the author of a single book, which I guess he'd struggled to have written without being an ex-con, given the subject matter...

    Maybe. However, if an ex-con is going to write a book and try and make a mint out of his/her experience, then that isn't exactly fair justice in the end, is it? More like, 'yes, get help with a book and experiences, even go so far as to get it published, but have the decency to take away any royalties, and other financial benefits, and have them given to children in need and battered wives..... for sake of their needs, and prevention of future family crime from said selves and future generations.'


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