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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. "With the cards, each driver is given Bt3,000 credit per month and a discount of Bt0.50-Bt2 per kilogram, but their monthly purchase must not exceed Bt9,000. However, the project does not address the root cause" - the cost of Ya Ba itself. giggle.gif

    However, on a serious note, what all of a sudden led to the idea that "taxi" drivers are hard done by, and very low earners?

    Does the Som Tam woman with her little trolley qualify for an energy credit-card?

    "Some taxi drivers did not bother to repay the credit-card debt because they misunderstood it as a cash give-away by the government."

    Pull the other one, creeps! bah.gif


  2. "At one time, peace-loving Thais paused under the power of guns. But when they cast votes again, they will vote for their choice. They are denounced as stupid voters, but that's their right and they are responsible for the negative consequences if they make the wrong decision," he said.

    They sure are, pal! tongue.png


  3. Until Thailand, like many other developing nations, can drop the stigma attached to being a "farmer", there will be less interest in careers in the agricultural sector. Farming is one of the most important businesses. No farmers, no food. Politicians and lawyers we might be able to do without, not so farmers.

    Thai farmers in mosty cases are subsistence and small scale, but at least they can earn money. In the west, the farms are in the hands of multinationals. Most students want to study the 'clean' careers like business, law, medicine etc. In those sectors the rewards can be high.

    Not so in agriculture.

    However, there should still be plenty of opportunities if the government, particularly the PTP, pays more attention to this sector, as this is, after all, where their voter base is located to a large degree.

    I agree, and half-agree. The PTP does pay attention to this sector; and yet controls the prices for mafia and top dog purposes I think you would agree? Their vote base has to acknowledge soon, that despite the bought votes, they are in the losing position?

    Hence, the small quandry who wish to return home, after graduation, to milk non-bosomable intakes?


  4. PM me, as a private tutor - Thai speaking. I am also British, and teach at an International school. My rates are much cheaper than Inlingua, and I use Thai to explain when the non-native English speaker does not understand.

  5. "In the first bust, police arrested four Malaysians and two Narathiwat residents allegedly along with 26kg of "ice", 25 grams of heroin and two sedans and one pickup truck."

    They arrested 26kg of ice, 25g of heroin, two sedans and one pick up truck? blink.png

    Next they'll be arresting subordinate lamposts... cheesy.gif

    Nicely worded, yet again....clap2.gif


  6. How would you regulate who comes in and out?

    I'm easy as for location, however Bang Na is a bit far out, from Lak-si for me......

    I would guess the majority would be in relationships, so a couple's night would be a fair game bet for destination suiting, and preferably, assuming this is a meet up for talking, getting to know members and common interests, then a quieter venue would be nice, as opposed to music madness and crazy dancing.... in my humble opinion, of course.

    Timing should be to suit TV occasion and not all members availability, as the latter would just never work.


    Sent from my Betamax video recorder. ;)

  7. BANGKOK: -- Police nationwide have been instructed to reinforce prevention of gambling before and during the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship or Euro 2012, which starts next month.

    It is the police themsleves who run the rings and nets.

    Of course they want no gambling outside of their areas of 'execution', as they are the 72-76% takers of normal gambling payouts to the banker.

    The banker never loses..... so prevention before other causes become alluded to!


  8. To be perfectly honest I believe that Yingluck's personal appearance down there was a good start. She should make more appearances down there make it look like she is searching for solutions. Easdy to sernd the army and set up different agencies and make it a impersonal thing.

    Show up and let them think you are personally involved.

    I am sure just her physical presence in the deep south from time to time would go a long way.

    She certainly should make more appearances down there. There's nothing more beautiful, be it ars* or tit*, than the view of the top of a Lady's head in e/a state. whistling.gif

    -mel. clap2.gif

  9. The Minister has expressed confidence that the dam will not produce any impact on the environment.laugh.png

    This comment is surely intended for domestic consumption. How any educated person can utter such a statement with a straight face is beyond me.

    Cutting down one tree, flooding one rai, building one road, all these things have an impact on the environment.

    What he might have said if he was being really honest was " We intend to build this dam, there's lots of money to be made and frankly I don't give a shit about the environment". Thank you.whistling.gif

    "This comment is surely intended for domestic consumption. How any educated person can utter such a statement with a straight face is beyond me. "

    Please, pleeeaase don't feed....... as most Thais might actually try to physically eat comments! ermm.gif

    -mel. ;)

    Mind you, there's an idea? giggle.gif ... write "ice-cube" on pieces of paper, and sell them for consumption.


    Tom yum soup paper... hot and spicy paper with additional flavours... blink.png

    Na! Let's not go there, it might work... cheesy.gif


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  10. Of course there's lots of large eggs, and small eggs.

    The mid-range eggs used to be a staple diet, usually 3 with a meal that would be a sustenance meal for a family of 247 people with sticky rice as an additive.

    Now rice is being out-ranged, and mid-sized eggs at 2.4 Baht a piece being in low demand, as she puts it 'cos there's plenty of fruit, there's not an iota of a problem.

    What she really means is cut out the middle-men and then mid-range sized eggs will be asunder, in 8-10 weeks time, but alas they will be out of date (if there were ever such a thing in LOS).

    I smells me a few new Thai dishes of delicacy being cooked soon: Khao Pad TangMo (Melon fried rice), Pad Thai MaMuang (Stir-fried noodles with fish sauce and lychees) [ewww bah.gif ], Tom Yum Thu-Rian (Spicy fish sauced hot chillied Durian cheesy.gif)

    As for the pigs and their pork, and their prices? They'll just remain in the Houses of Parliament. ;)


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