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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. This is a good example of culture difference between east and west. Westerners are all about freedom and liberty. Asians are more about respecting authorities, social norms and consideration for others. I may strongly believe in one set of values but if they differ from those of the country I’m living in, I will either adapt or leave.
  2. It depends. Who was driving the expansion of NATO? (no need to answer, just a rhetorical question). Russia has protested for years, this is a redline for Russia. This is just another example of the proxy wars the collective west like to engage in.
  3. If the US and EU supply troops, this means they are declaring war against Russia. I don’t think they will dare to do this. Instead, they will take covert measures such as bombing the pipelines to try and cripple Russia. The sad thing is that EU is too blind and naive to see the consequences and the hidden agendas for themselves. While their fortunes continue to decline, those of the US continues to grow (military industrial complex, LNG suppliers).
  4. This is a thread about Ukraine applying to join NATO. What does China have to do with it? You don’t have something against China do you?
  5. https://cyber.fsi.stanford.edu/publication/unheard-voice-evaluating-five-years-pro-western-covert-influence-operations-takedown What’s good for the goose…
  6. I was at the food fair in Central Festival, Chiang Mai, yesterday. Hundreds of people, all masked. Thank god there weren’t any anti-mask farangs there.
  7. Seems to me you are talking about border disputes. This happens all the time with many countries such as Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan… the countries you mentioned in your post. Border disputes are not the same as regime change. The west is very active in the latter. Do a google search if you want examples.
  8. China currently has arguably the best track record where infrastructure construction is concerned. Also, one of the world’s leaders in 5G tech. So pretty much a no brainier for developing countries wanting to develop. But like you said, maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.
  9. He seems to be causing trouble everywhere he goes so Thailand might be silently breathing a sigh of relief that he’s not coming. All that remains is what gaffes the other one might commit. Maybe praising Myanmar?
  10. Have you looked lately how that welcome mat is wearing thin? Don’t know about that but it seems to me that more and more nations are turning away from the west and looking east. These countries are fed up with the hypocrisy and arrogance of some of these western countries.
  11. Best post ever. You hit the nail right on the head. Open democracy works for some, managed democracy for others and authoritarianism for yet others. I don’t understand why some can’t see that there is no one size fits all.
  12. If I’m not mistaken, one of worst banking crisis was caused by er, oh yes Lehman brothers of the sub-prime fame. Due diligence indeed. The BRI program is much welcomed by those countries that are helped by it. Sure, there will be stumbles along the way, not unexpected when you are talking about the biggest infrastructure project the world has ever seen. In the end, all the countries involved will be greatly improved because of the BRI project.
  13. Yup. Nothing wrong with that. China participates as well. http://www.sais-cari.org/data-chinese-global-foreign-aid China also sees that more is needed than just pure aid. Investments, particularly in the infrastructure is key to helping many poorer nations to develop. Sadly, not all investments succeed, that’s just the way things are.
  14. Why should China or any other country build any infrastructure projects for free? Can you name any bank that is willing to give you money without having to repay it? You don’t trust the CCP. That’s fine, I don’t have a problem with that at all. Every country does what’s in their best interest.
  15. How many overseas bases does China have? And have you asked yourself why? China has no wish to try and control other parts of the world. As for defence, I don’t know know how many military bases the US have in Europe alone, including Germany. Is Europe/NATO so weak that they can’t defend themselves against Russia? I think most people understand the real reason why the US have 00 military bases.
  16. I have not seen China interfering in other nation’s internal affairs or to try and instigate regime change so that’s a positive. As to foreign aid, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The west has been doing the former in order to maintain control and dominance. Aid in the form of food and medical supplies solves a short term problem. It does nothing to address and resolve the underlying problems. China has provided a lot of aid in this manner. China also invests in the infrastructure which gives these countries a chance to develop. Some thinks of this as a debt trap. It’s really no different from a bank lending money to an individual to build their own home.
  17. Pathetic. Questions not directed at you as you have nothing of value to add. Learn to mind your own business.
  18. Does it matter to you whether Xi has a 3rd term or be President for life? How does that affect your life in any way? I’m genuinely curious. It wouldn’t bother me if Biden or Truss or Olaf will be the leaders of their respective countries for the next 50 years.
  19. Glad to hear that you visited many times. What did you think of the change in the country over the last 40 years? Do the people seem happy, prosperous? Or did they fear that their every move was being monitored? Did you feel that you were being followed every where you went? If so, why did you visit many times?
  20. Strange. My friends in China are able to view the same sites as me. They use baidu instead of google. Are you in China or are you just repeating western propaganda?
  21. Rolling Stone is an American institution for the American public. How is that,propaganda?
  22. The big lie, the cornerstone of American politics https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-ginni-thomas-jan-6-committee-election-stolen-1234603703/
  23. For sure, the US has the most experience, having caused and fought in more wars than any other country in the last 70 years. To the collective west, China and Russia are bad actors. To the rest of the world, the US is the bad actor. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist. All depends which side of the fence you are on.
  24. Sounds like you are agreeing with me. Money, manipulation, false promises, popularity. You should learn about the meritocratic system that China employs. Would make it impossible for clowns and oranges to become leaders.
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