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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Seems like a consensus (that the war wouldn’t have happened).
  2. And yet, millions of Americans refuse to believe it. Do they have some sort of mental impairment?
  3. Yes, I support masks. Better safe than sorry. I don’t subscribe to all that freedom and liberty nonsense. Electronic payments are the best thing since sliced bread, especially in the markets. No fumbling in handbags, no stained cash changing hands and useless coins. We are after all living in the 21st century. Some of us I mean.
  4. Maybe the Ukraine war wouldn’t have happened if he was still president. We will never know.
  5. I wonder if there were documents in the empty folders found at Mar a lago and if so, where those documents are. With Putin? Xi? MBS? What dirt was there on Macron?
  6. There are many expats in Thailand that don’t wish to be here but don’t have the choice to live where they like. So they vent out their frustration by bashing the country, the people, the food, the government etc.
  7. So why did you bring up Biden and his vote count? Trolling again I see.
  8. According to the wife of a Supreme Court judge, the election was stolen from Trump. Who do you believe? Shifty Schiff or a Supreme Court judge’s wife?
  9. That happened only 2 years ago, so it’s not like it’s ancient history. His rallies are sold out events, his endorsees have a strong chance of being governors, secretaries of states. He doesn’t need to win any votes as the state electors will certify him. Job done, fait accompli.
  10. Is it really so difficult to put on a mask? And who deposits large sums of cash nowadays? Even roadside vendors accept electronic payments.
  11. You mean he can’t declassify documents by thinking about it? Blow me down with a feather. I must stop believing Fox News. And I always thought that it was just cnn and msnbc that was fake news. As to his character, there are over 70 million Americans that voted for him. Surely that can’t happen if he is an unscrupulous person of low moral character right? He has admirers as far away as the UK and Australia. That must speak volumes about his greatness.
  12. Not for lack of trying. Lock her up comes to mind. Trump does not believe in democracy. Almost half the country agrees with him. Message to the world, do what we say, not what we do. Credibility shot yet?
  13. 70+ million of the most powerful country in the world. Most votes ever for an incumbent.
  14. From what I can gather, the GOP is totally behind him. The only dissenters are, as you would expect, RINO’s such as Christie and … er … er, ok Christie. As to lawful possession, … let me skip to the next point. You said any other person would have been arrested. But till now, Trump hasn’t even been charged. Is this proper legal process?
  15. the Russians wanted to be involved in the investigation. Perfectly justified as they are the majority owners. Not unlike Boeing wanting to be involved in the event of one of their planes crashing. But, as far as I could tell, the minister did not comment. I’m more confident than ever that the right conclusion will be drawn.
  16. Many senators and congresspersons have come out and condemned the FBI’s actions. Heavy handed, for a document storage issue. Even Rubio said so. I hope Clarence won’t be swayed by Virgina and teach the 11th circuit a lesson in proper law and order.
  17. A clear violation of Trump’s human rights. How did they open his safe? Safe cracker or crowbar? I reckon the latter.
  18. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know if the entry was forceful or not. Trump said his home was raided, even Melania’s underwear drawer was violated. That’s so terrible.
  19. Putin fooled the whole world. Experts thought that Russia had one of the top three armies in the world. But even Ukraine can defeat them. This is now a “tremendous opportunity” to obliterate the Russian threat, once and for all. US And NATO must put feet on the ground, before winter (unlike Hit***). Maybe that can be followed up with similar action against the communists. They have not fought any major wars in the last few decades. They won’t be combat ready. World order will be restored.
  20. So some are above the law, in America. I thought so. Western democracy eh?
  21. You are right, if justice is blind. Bet you didn’t realise that Trump could shot someone on some avenue or other and nothing will happen to him. Yes, all it needs is for the self claimed genius to steal one document and he can be convicted of that already. The DOJ can then charge him for stealing other docs. But of course justice and truth have varying standards in the west. Just trying to save you time and effort on a completely fruitless and futile activity. By all means, carry on.
  22. I didn’t say that the flights were proof. Merely to contend your comrade’s implication that Russian boats seen were suspicious.
  23. You do realise that the DOJ don’t need to go through all 200,000 pages of documents? There have been folks jailed for just illegally having one classified document in their possession. By the way, there’s no need to post links for me. I’m perfectly capable of typing in a search term on baidu.
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