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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. I see, my apologies. So, do you think the Europeans will be intimidated? Whether Russia is responsible for the sabotage is dependent upon your answer.
  2. Your Fpresident claimed without offering evidence that the election was stolen (and almost 50% of the populace believes him). Some senator recently claimed on MSNBC without offering evidence that Russia was behind the sabotage of the pipelines as did some other western “experts” on various other msm. What’s the difference? It’s all a matter of narrative.
  3. Some have suggested that the sabotage on NS is to send a signal to Europe. I query what the signal is. It’s not intimidation as you rightly pointed out. So what else can it be? Meaning, can’t be Russia that committed this despicable (using this word from another post) act.
  4. I caught the 300,000 mobilisation, must have missed the 1 million call up. How do we know that the Russian retreat was not strategic? I saw some analysis which seemed logical. However, not being a military expert, I cannot comment.
  5. Wow, we are being very careful with words now. Putin unequivocally indicated… Well, Biden said don’t, just don’t. Anyone can read whatever they like into that. To me, the meaning is also crystal clear.
  6. Exactly. Europe won’t be intimidated by a hostile signal so it doesn’t seem credible to me that Putin sabotaged the pipelines.
  7. They can’t even do a Kabul, another unintended consequence of poorly thought out actions.
  8. Hmmm. Not a credible reason, imo. And he’s losing, according to western msm. Annexing 15% of a country doesn’t sound like a loss to me.
  9. Have you been drinking? First you made some very uncharacteristic spelling errors. Now you seem to be miscomprehending (is there such a word) my posts. I never said Biden considered using nuclear weapons, god forbid. I said he indicated something similar to what Putin said, which is reacting accordingly.
  10. You misunderstand. You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
  11. By the way, no one has given a credible reason as to why Putin would send a message that he is capable of taking out the Baltic pipeline. What would it achieve? Is Europe likely to be intimidated by this signal?
  12. Who is to say that Germany wasn’t having backdoor discussions with Kremlin to reinstate Nord Stream 2?
  13. So what he said is that he would retaliate accordingly, meaning it won’t be a first strike. I think that’s fair. Biden said something similar.
  14. My point is that in the absence of other forms of transportation, walking is a viable alternative. Also, it’s unimaginable that Russia could or would draft non citizens into its army.
  15. All a matter of interpretation. “You must fight like hell for your country or we won’t have a country anymore “. “We will have trial by combat” ”It’s time to take names and kick asses” I wonder how your wonderfully fair courts will interpret all these proclamations.
  16. I see. But I’m sure that any foreigner that wants to leave will be allowed to, unless they have committed a crime.
  17. Correct. So if the flights are full and they want to get out, they can walk. What’s wrong with that?
  18. Putin warned that Russia “also has various means of destruction” — in other words, In other words. Did Putin say, in other words? Or was this by some western correspondent? Putin did not expressly say nuclear strikes like you claimed. But both Biden And Nuland expressly said they will put an end to Nord Stream. Oh, the hypocrisy.
  19. Please tell what world power has had a more peaceful dominance than the America you hate? Dominance. Interesting choice of words. So you think that dominating other countries is acceptable? Akin to bullying. And peaceful? Please don’t make me laugh. America may not have expanded its borders in the last 70 years. But do you deny that America has been involved in more wars than any other country in the last 70 years? And for what? Regime change. And the poster that I was responding to is hoping that the US will do something to Russia. That’s why America is hated by many countries around the world.
  20. Have you not seen other war refugees walk for days and weeks on hand, seeking asylum in another country?
  21. I doubt it. Is any of your communication of value to the Chinese security services?
  22. Stick to facts. They never threatened nuclear strikes. Putin merely said they had all kinds of weapons, some more modern than those of the west.
  23. I wouldn’t know. Just saying that they could have a motive. And if they wanted to, they could have done it, possibly with the help of the US.
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