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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Majority of posters in this forum are multi millionaires, didn’t you know? I was a pauper, only had a 4 bedroom house in Beaconfield (although I had a flat in Croydon for when I did not wish to commute to work there) and drove a Lexus 300. Even then, I could live comfortably with my wife, 2 kids, nanny and a border collie.
  2. Joe Blogs, hmmm. Tried to goggle him, no results as to his resume and expertise. I do know that he titles his videos with cheap clickbaits such as Russia economy will be wiped out for 8 years or China heading for economic collapse. Strange that no real experts share his views.
  3. In any case, does anyone know what’s involved in hooking up an EV battery to the house mains?
  4. I don’t camp nor sleep in my car. I prefer a comfortable hotel room with flushing toilets lol
  5. The reason you’ve never seen any Russian splashing the cash could be because you move in the lower classes of society. I have personally witnessed many Russians spending tens of thousands of Euros in the diamond shops such as Coster and Gassan. I have drank many a glass of champagne with them.
  6. Why then do you look away when the murdering Presidents and Generals of America invade Middle Eastern countries? Or do you not consider middle easterners worthy of your so called human rights? How about a 10 year old girl forced to carry her father’s baby? Why do you look away?
  7. V2l is definitely a bonus feature but not as valuable in Thailand as electrity prices are much lower and off peak rates are only 2 baht cheaper per kWh (assuming you have a TOU meter - thanks @Bandersnatch for that info)
  8. Your wife has a fantastic idea. London is among the best cities in the world. First class cuisine, West End shows, first class tourist attractions, awesome night life. I lived in Beaconsfield, just outside the M25. Beautiful woods for trekking and walking the dogs, great British pubs with the best ales in the world. If you love your wife, you shouldn’t deprive her of the opportunity to experience life in a first world country.
  9. I half understand what you are trying to say, I think ????. Thailand, being a neutral country, does not meddle in other countries’ affairs. The government is responsible for the welfare of it’s people and the economy. Tourist dollars are good for the country, that’s why Thailand welcomes tourists from all over the world. Same reason why India is buying Russian oil. Some western countries, on the other hand, prefer to let their people suffer and probably freeze to death because of some imagined hypocritical morals. It makes me laugh that some foreigners in Thailand think they can decide what’s good for Thailand. You have the right in your own country, not in a country where you have no say.
  10. As stated numerous times, an EV might not be a good choice for condo owners/tenants here in Thailand. PHEV is the better choice. Having said that, do we know the percentage of car owners living in condos/flats/apartments vs landed properties? I would venture that the latter is by far a higher percentage.
  11. What exactly are you trying to say? I’ve reread your post a few times but still can’t make head or tail about the point you are trying to make. As for tourist money, show me one country that doesn’t need it. I was in the tourist industry for over 30 years and pretty much every country in the world needs tourist money. You are Finnish. You should know how many Russian tourists come over from SPB to Helsinki on a daily basis.
  12. Not sure if you’ve ever been to Russia or know any Russians. All the Russians I know (I’ve been to Russia many times) easily outspend 99% of the so called high quality western tourists frequenting the bars in Pattaya.
  13. Don’t need his kind here. Why do they interfere in another country’s internal affairs? Go and fix your own home first.
  14. Yes and no. Get a residence certificate from immigration and it becomes easier although I can’t think of any reason why a Malaysian would want to do that unless they intend to apply for a non-o.
  15. Last I checked, Hat Yai in Thailand. Malaysians coming through the border near Hat Yai still require hotel accommodation and F&B. What difference does it make if they fly in to an airport?
  16. A friend and I once decided to lunch in a fancy 5 star hotel. I drove up in my Merc, got out and the valet parked my car. My friend, who is considerably richer than me drove up in a regular Asian made vehicle. I had to wait an insufferable 5 minutes for him to find a parking spot.
  17. Wearing a mask is not so much about protecting yourself as protecting others. OP is both unvaccinated and untested. Extremely inconsiderate and selfish. Infect your local area if you like. Don’t come and potentially cause grief and suffering for others.
  18. A lot of the above posts talk once again about the charging network. I agree that this is arguably the single most important point necessary for wide EV adoption. Itwill be a while before CSs are as common place as petrol stations. However this misses the point that most charging is done at home, unlike with ICEs. After all, in reality, how often does one go on a long distance trip? Once a week? Once a month? If it’s the former, then I would suggest an EV is probably north the best option. The other thing to ask yourself is the daily distance you would cover on a long trip. Some people like to only drive about 300 km or so. Should be fairly easy to find a resort where you park in front of your room and then charge overnight.
  19. Why not just use a contract cleaning company? I had a team of 5 workers come and clean my house for only 2,000k. They spent about 6-7 hrs cleaning top to bottom including ceiling fans, standing fans, mosquitoe nets etc.
  20. My system is only 3KW which is sufficient for my usual daytime usage (ac, washing machine, base load). I believe there is a smart charger made by Zappy UK that can monitor PV production and only uses the excess for car battery charging.
  21. I don’t see the need for recharge in a country like Thailand. In some cities around the world with strict emission control, that might be needed to be able to use EV only in the city. Also, burning fuel to generate electricity for the battery is extremely inefficient. I’m a bit confused about the 3 drive modes you mentioned. EV is self explanatory. But what is the difference between hybrid and ICE only? Surely as a PHEV, the “worst “ case scenario will be hybrid mode (like the Prius) even when the battery is ‘fully discharged’. Do you mean sport mode instead of ICE mode?
  22. An article from 7 years ago, hmmm. In case you didn’t realise, the world has changed a lot since then. In any case, none of your quoted stats mean anything. For eg, a recent poll in Australia stated that 42% of Australians believe that China will invade Australia soon or sometime soon. However, China has never once indicated that it will do so and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for China to invade Australia (wouldn’t be possible in anyway). This statistic is purely the perception of some naive and gullible Aussies. I asked 3 wealthy Americans I know if they intended to leave America. All 3 confirmed that they have left and are living in Thailand. Conclusion, 100% of wealthy Americans intend to leave America. See how ridiculous your claim is?
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