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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. On 7/18/2020 at 2:02 PM, RichardColeman said:

    Seriously ? How daft do you have to be to think a pilot on a million baht a month would want to marry a 50 year old chunky thai woman ? 


    About as silly as all those fat beer bellied bald wife beater T-shirt farang bar stool bridgers who think that young Thai ladies are attracted to them because of their charm, intellect, imagined wealth and ex special forces super spy backgrounds!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, cantata said:

    Very foolish to challenge an assertion. Especially one that is so easily provable.

    Spain' Debt to GDP ratio




    Italy's debt to GDP ration




    As for invoking the name of my avatar as some dispositive proof of my national origin...how ridiculous can you get? Just further evidence how political ideology contributes to the paralysis of thought processes.


    Interesting charts. 


    Can you also tell us, for Spain and Italy, which years were they net contributors to the EU budget and which years they were net takers out over the same period?

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  3. 3 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

    Use of terms like “payouts” “packages” “recovery funds” isn’t fooling all European tax payers anymore. 

    The poorly governed countries have their hands out every year regardless of constant bailing out by the lame ducks in the photo above. 


    Only time now before another major contributing  (or its citizens) country follows the UKs lead and wonders why they didn’t leave the EU welfare state earlier.


    The bailouts, grants, donations, funding etc etc etc are the price Germany and France have to pay to ensure they can "lead Europe".


    Only those whose money is being spent, including Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark etc are getting fed up with continuous handouts and zero change.

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  4. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    I still see the benefits of the block better in then out. But yes the northern countries bailing out the southern countries gets old. I hope our PM veto's it all. This constant bailing them out without conditions should stop. They keep spending too much and then expect others to bail them out. 


    Of course. The habit is created and then it become a habit no one wants to break.


    I remember there were so many scams going on in the South Europe too. Lots of bridges, roads etc getting large grants and then the money being skimmed and used for other things. There's no doubt that some countries have been milking the system for a longtime. And while the milk keeps flowing, they ain't gonna change.


    But, frankly, if it's a loan rather than grant, who thinks it will ever get repaid!

  5. 1 hour ago, taxin said:

    Even now there are plenty of shops along Pattaya beach front selling these types of knives, everything from small pocket knives to machetes, I’m surprised the police allow it.


    Not illegal to sell. The police can only enforce (if they chose to) the law. It is however illegal to have one in a public place without a reasonable excuse.


    Btw, you can buy all types of knives on Lazada too. Some copies of premium brands on there too, cheap of course. Or cheap Chinese brands. 


    At least there aren't still the street vendors on Sukhumvit selling automatic knives, zombie killers, knuckledusters, batons etc etc. Still the odd item but there used to be loads and loads. 



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  6. On 7/16/2020 at 7:51 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    The indications are that Britain has responded to US demands.


    Get used to it, there’s more to come.


    Only an indication to those whose politics it suits.


    Other countries are also waking up to what China is really up to.


    No the slow navel contemplating easily conned EU though.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Hindsight is always the best. She's raking it in and an Academy Award is a license to print money so she can console herself in her mansion that she's doing good things for people of colour by speaking out. I find it hard to believe she had no awareness of the storyline being 'oversimplified' at the time, and as a total bitter crusty old cynic that I am she saw the ego boost, the job and the bucks before any attendance to what I imagine would have tweaked her conscience.


    This "people of colour" phrase is total bo$$ocks. White is a colour or that a revelation to some?


    The phrase was used to categorize mixed race people, freed slaves (as opposed to the N word), and any who weren't clearly white European descent. It was as racist an expression as the N word. Only covering a broader category. The South African apartheid regime used coloured as catch all too for non blacks or whites.


    BLM movement use it to try and isolate white people and from all the rest. They are as racist as the Nation of Islam movement. The latter bordering on eugenics but reversing the colours.

  8. 18 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    I suspect the real reason she changed her mind and started to support Brexit was to secure her Cabinet position!


    But my point remains; it seems Cabinet ministers are allowed to change their minds, but we, the people, are not!


    That's politics for you!


    Change your mind and follow public support to keep your seat and if your party's in power get a cabinet seat too!


    Look at many long term career politicians all over the world who all manage to actually do very little but jump on every bandwagon and crusade. All part of their game of smokes and mirrors for the plebs whilst doing the real business out of sight.

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/16/2020 at 12:32 PM, Rookiescot said:

    This is just another display of the contempt with which Westminster and in particular this government, holds for its "colonies".

    English exceptionalists. Can not work alongside other nations in Europe but love to lord it over their neighbours. 


    And some people like to pretend that the country isn't actually the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and that it's government is the Westminster parliament.



  10. 7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    So we create a problem in the UK then we export that problem to a poorer country? Sounds very... colonial.


    Personally speaking, in terms of the universality of the respect of human rights, Israel is definitely not a country I would wish the UK to emulate.


    And let's not forget - she was born in Britain and is as British as the rest of us who were born there. 


    Being born in Britain does not make you automatically British or a British citizen.


    Her behavior suggests she believes she belongs to a different culture altogether. That should be respected. It was her choice. 


    Now, that the sh$$ts hit the fan, she wants to turn the clock back and pretend it all never happened. And expects Britain to pick up the tab and look after her. 


    The world has changed. It's far from an ideal place and getting less so, sadly. So idealist ideas aren't so much a solution to the current issues. More pragmatic approaches are needed.

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  11. 5 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I don't think Bangladesh wanted her either, that's pretty bad if one of the poorest countries in the world doesn't want you lol.


    IIRC Islamic Bangladesh said they wouldn't accept her. Even though her dad is Bangladeshi and lives there. 


    They aren't stupid. They don't want a nasty radicalized bitch coming to their country and spreading ISIS doctrine. 


    Her husband, a father of the 3 children she conceived and didn't look after is a Dutch citizen. Why doesn't she go with him?



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  12. 9 minutes ago, mokwit said:

    Seems she has a new coach - is struggling with the script a bit.






    Clearly struggling with the new script and attempts to inject humor and political punch.


    And not the use of the "we". Who is the 'we' and when did they appoint her spokesperson?


    Of course, she's referring to her parents, their cronies and the political handlers.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    Yep.... to Marxism/Socialism. 

      How soon before they start building the re-education/extermination camps for those of us who won’t go along with it? 


    How many times do the want to see Marxism and Socialism fail before they wake up from their dream. Or is the dream about them creating, running a ruling their idea of what's fair?

  14. 16 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    This kid is really getting on my nerves. Nobody likes a wailing banshee at their throats at every turn, especially one so newly out of the crib, She may be right, but she is also annoying.  

    "In an interview with Reuters television, the 17-year-old said governments would only be able to mount a meaningful response once they accepted they needed to transform the whole economic system.


    “We need to see it as, above all, an existential crisis. And as long as it’s not being treated as a crisis, we can have as many of these climate change negotiations and talks, conferences as possible. It won’t change a thing,” Thunberg said, speaking via video from her home in Stockholm."


    Totally agree with you Pilotman. But does anyone really believe a 17 year old mildly autistic girl could come up with comments like that all on her own? She's been manipulated, spoon fed, and used by her parents and cronies pushing their own political agenda. Not once dare she try and challenge India, China and Russia - all massive polluters and none of them would give her the time of day. 

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  15. On 7/12/2020 at 7:50 AM, Denim said:

    While there is a xenophobic military government Thailand can kiss its tourist industry goodbye.


    They are so incompetent it beggars belief.


    As for encouraging expat travel around the country with half of them currently facing visa uncertainty .... no chance.


    We have completed stopped spending money until we feel we are welcome here. No upgrade car, bike , furniture etc right now. Just food and utilities.


    Seriously, you think previous governments were not incompetent? All good at lining their own, families and cronies pockets.


    Just like Trudeau it seems too 555!

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