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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 9 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

    Come on now ... even if there were a thousand t!ts, Benny Hill would have still been painfull to sit through 


    Really? I found his shows hilarious. As with Only Fools and Horses, The Two Ronnie's; Dave Allen; Morcambe & Wise; and Not the Nine O'clock News.


    And not forgetting the genius Spitting Image.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

    I  once ate Robertsons  jam,  I  feel it's my duty to step  off the balcony with my racist attitude.



    I've still got a few of the broach badges they used to give away if you collected the golly tokens. Including one in British police uniform! 

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  3. 41 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who took all of the credit for being the first man to reach the summit of Everest. His Sherpa guide Tenzing was nothing but a side note. I see the PC brigade have caught up and he now gets a surname. 


    James Cook, on that list, is quite debatable too. He dispossessed, for the Crown, Australia's indigenous people from their land. Does that make him a hero? His first encounter with the Maoris resulted in a fight that killed some... of course they weren't important because they were "natives". No doubt the Aboriginals and Maoris would have been quite content had Cook never come to visit.


    All this colonization was not for the benefit of the original inhabitants and in most cases destroyed their lives.


    Add North America and Canada to that list. The native populations were robbed of land, possessions, culture, everything. All in the name of progress.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

    I didn't know about George Floyd's past. This from Wiki:


    "...After several arrests for theft and drug possession, Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion which he committed with five other men; he agreed to a plea deal in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison.[2][16][17] He was paroled in 2013 after spending four years at the Diboll Unit.[5] After his release, he became involved with Resurrection Houston, a local ministry,[2] where he mentored young men in a Christian church community.[15]

    In 2014, he moved to the MinneapolisMinnesota area to find work, as some of his close friends had done.[18][19] He worked as a truck driver and a bouncer, and lived in St. Louis Park.[3][5][20] In 2017, he filmed an anti–gun violence video.[2][9] In 2020, he lost his security job because of the COVID-19 pandemic..."


    But it looks like he was trying to turn his life around


    Indeed. He certainly didn't deserve to have his new life unlawfully terminated by someone sworn to protect and serve all citizens. 


    The old hag Pelosi struggled to read a list of names that someone had prepared. Shame she didn't bother to learn about them. Several people on that list. All black, all killed by the police in very dubious circumstances.


    If anyone doesn't like Mr. Floyd because of his past, plenty more to choose from.

  5. 4 hours ago, jonesthepost said:

    As I understand it you cannot register on the goverment gateway if you do not have a UK. address


    Yes you can. I registered and my address is in Thailand.


    It's a very good site. Easy to amend information which they usually react to very quickly. You can get emails sent to you notifying any changes or messages and then enter the site to check them.



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  6. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    “... every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell, 1984


    A small post - but one of the most insightful and intelligent posts I've read in several years. Thank you!


    I hope it helps open some eyes.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Who was responsible for the greatest genocide ever in which millions were murdered in the most barbaric ways imaginable in little more than 5 yrs because they did not meet the preferred Nazi racial profile .? 


    Churchill was not perfect .. He was a product of the Victorian era where you served the Empire and were proud to do so .. It is reflective of the world we live in where the focus now falls on his earlier life and decisions made then rather than the one of him stepping upto the plate to take on one of the most evil individuals to walk this earth , whose army had the rest of Europe subjugated and were massing just the other side of the channel with Britain next .. What would have happened without Churchill having the balls to tell Herr Hitler what would happen to them if they dared try invading with the " fighting on the beaches " speech ..

    Those were the darkest clouds over Europe with Britain left as the last free country .. It required quite exceptional leadership to lead us out of it without falling as the rest had and Churchill was that leader .. 



    Actually Mao and Stalin killed more, larger genocides, than Hitler.


    All of course were terrible, disgusting people who viewed humanity with callous hatred. And all committed genocides of appalling natures resulting in several millions of deaths each.

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, vogie said:

    And when we don't know how good or bad your country is I find it very desrespectful for you to keep berating the UK. We get it, you don't like the UK, is your country so brilliant it gives you carte blanche to keep having a pop at us, please give it a rest.


    Interesting comment. Whilst a tad off-topic, it is relevant to this topic at the macro level.


    I was based in the Netherlands for a time. Dutch TV did some excellent documentaries. One was all about the Belgian Congo and how ruthlessly the enslaved people were treated. Rubber workers would loose a hand for failing to meet targets; or their children would loose a hand or foot; or their wife. These off-cuts would be smoked to preserve them at taken back to head office as proof. In 10 years the population was halved.


    Obviously people talked about that at work the next day. It was harrowing stuff. What surprised me is my Dutch colleagues told me the whole topic was simply ignored in neighboring Belgium!



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  9. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum is an example of what can be done.


    And how about honoring those who fought slavery, not just the well known names, but ordinary people like the Manchester Mill Workers who refused to work with cotton shipped from America’s confederate states.


    There are plenty of fine examples of the very best of British history to put up statues to.



    Were there similar examples to be found in Belgium? Museums to the incredible and sickening brutality, mutilations of men, women and children and murder carried out when the monarch of the time privately owned the Congo? Anyone refuse to work with the rubber?

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    3 things I would actually omit from my resume !

    As for cooking up the her waist in water.... did she not have the sense to wait for the tide to go out or find something to stand on?


    That's the funny thing about in-land floods, it doesn't go out with the tide and come back again. Nor is it salt water! It stayed deep for a long time in 2011 - and some areas have had it more times since then. 


    Next time, you try standing on something, in flood water, and cooking meals for others. Let us know how you get on.

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, ukrules said:

    They're gathering evidence in the existing case. I don't believe he's a suspect in anything.


    You don't extradite witnesses, it's simply something that's not done, that's why Barr said they won't extradite him, it's nonsense.


    That said, it's never a good idea to talk to the FBI about anything because there's one thing they love to do, they like you to make a tiny mistake, even something completely inconsequential so they can say you lied which is a crime in itself.


    Never speak to the FBI.


    The FBI -  a political tool now, shadow of it's former self.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

    He would have to be a complete idiot to go to the US.  Anything could happen.  The least he could to is agree to meet DOJ/FBI in the UK.  He won’t do that because he is guilty as hell


    Not into innocent till proven guilty are you?


    But you're right about the US Justice System. Totally broken and corrupted circus run by clowns. And like you, not bothered about innocent till proven guilty.

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