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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. She just wanted to travel the world and do drugs. Of course she knew her bf was a dealer, she was getting free pills from him... I have no problem with it. Each country has their own rules though. She got caught in a net. Eyes were on them. It's unlucky but she'll be transferred back home in 6 or 7 years and then released. But she's there because of her choices
  2. Well, thats her story. Most people in jail claim they are innocent.
  3. One of the problems I foresee.... Russian invaded Afghanistan - got their butts kicked - loss USA invaded Vietnam, Afghanistan - got their butts kicked - loss USA pretty much messed up the entire middle east - did not get anything from it exept their fingers burn and destabilized the region - loss If Russia invades Ukrain and takes it over cleanly without a follow up Guerrila war - then it shows that Russia is able to do something the USA has failed at many times - going into a country and taking it. At that point - balance of power changes forever.
  4. Booster 4 is on the way. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60465983 Over 75s for now. I thought booster 3 gave longer term protection.
  5. From what I can gather - most restaurants are not on cruise ships.
  6. No - you could refuse people entry with Herpes Simplex because it can be passed on a shared glass. Same for flu, meningitis, rubella, chicken pox. Other airborne diseases - Chicken pox, mumps, measles, flu, common cold, TB, anthrax, diptheria, meningitis. Why are you not calling for those to be monitored in restaurants ? Is there a reason you haven't campaigned for testing/vaccination proof of these ailments before being allowed into a restaurant? I presume you want evidence of vaccination OR lack of disease. Or is it vaccinations or nothing? I have had 2 vaccines and 1 dose of covid. I believe that I am as well protected as someone that's had 2 vax + 1 booster. I count beating covid as a booster - so by your measure - at the time I am supposed to be boosted with another vaccine - I should not be allowed in a restaurant, right? Even if I was free and clear of Covid - I still can't go in unless I took a specific vaccine right? To you - it doesn't matter if I have covid - it's is your way or the highway, right?
  7. Here's the problem - your health information is private. It's the same in most countries. How about restaurants refusing customers with Herpes? How about HIV? That's a helluva slippery slope.
  8. I don't think COVID is limited to Thailand... Bottom line is - we don't need to see the data anyway. We know what it's going to show. This CDC data needs to be taken on merit. It's been buried because they fear the ignorant masses will misinterpret the data. The idea that government will lie to you to protect you from yourself - that's pure authoritarianism.
  9. No - I didn't die. I got Omicron - it didn't do much but make me sick for 2 days. I have no co-morbidites. There is no crisis - it's a fast burn version of COVID that's going around. If Thailand was in crisis - we'd all know people that are suffering. I know about 30 people that got Omicron with me. They all got it, all got better and now I don't know a single person in Thailand that has it.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/20/health/the-cdc-isnt-publishing-large-portions-of-the-covid-data-it-collects.html Data being withheld. Booster data on 18-49 year olds.
  11. So what? 16,000 people getting Omicron a day? It made me sick for 2 days, and left a niggling sore throat. There is no emergency here. If there was,we wouldnt need a chart to show it.
  12. Out of control where? Right now, i dont know a single person that has it. If it was ravaging the country, we'd all be seeing it.
  13. Well, I am certain she'll be thrilled to hear an aging sexpat comment on her physical appearance, rather than her prowess in snooker. Plus,are you unaware of the power of make up? I know she looks goid in the picture but she has so much make up on and photoshopping done, it might as well be another person.
  14. 14 out of 26 deaths unvaccinated. But 12 were vaccinated. So an almost even split.
  15. How is this news? Its a puff piece for a real estate compant, right? All asset classes are in a bubble right now. Its a poor time to invest in anything.
  16. WOW. This topic. Incredible. I guess if you need to get the sexpats out of bed - this is how to do it. The last time I interacted with a ladyboy was last week, at my house, over beers and wine and snacks so hot you couldn't taste the beer or wine - or the snacks. Not just one ladyboy - but a couple and there was a Tom there too. We had a houseful of people. None are prostitutes. It's just a regular part of Thai society. The Tom drives an airport limo out of Swampy - just a regular Joe. I get the humor here - but the inference here is that they are all prostitutes. So I can tell you this - you don't need to be able to tell the difference. Every human in Thailand isn't an object of your f*** stick. It's not your business. Just treat the people you meet like human beings and don't ask personal questions like that. Over time - it'll be cleared up because their jokes will usually give it away. These people are well... they are people. That is how you should treat them - you don't need to pigeonhole or categorize anyone - just take care of your own business.
  17. This is specific to vaccines and comprimising our immune systems: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-11/repeat-booster-shots-risk-overloading-immune-system-ema-says#:~:text=European Union regulators warned that,to the European Medicines Agency. So it might all be moot.
  18. I was out last week and met the owner of a McLaren. Told him, "its lovely but it looks lika lambo where u cant see out the back window" "Cant see a thing" was the reply. Go for it!
  19. I understand them well. But here's my stats: I know about 20 people that got covid. I do not know a single anti-vaxxer. I do not know a single person that is not vaccinated for other reasons. My sister is a nurse and got it twice so far. Fully vaccinated because of her job, I know one person that died - and she had a heart attack after recovering - she was a great gal and she is missed. She was older and in a high risk group. No doubt at all that COVID took her. Fully vaccinated. When my wife contracted COVID - she was in a room of mostly vaxxed people - every single one got it. All adults. They caught it off the son of the owner - who was vaxxed and not yet sick - he fell sick the next day and they called everyone to tell them. The people I know that did get it - all got it as a group - from a party or something similar. Well - except me that got it off the wife after she contracted it on a night out with her mates. All vaxxed. As an employer- I have had more people off sick from the reaction to the vaccine than the disease itself. I have no vaccination policy - but everybody got vaxxed. I got it 4 days later, presumably from the wife. From my perspective I am vaxxed - too soon for a booster though I can see that vaccines lose their effectiveness quickly - but in my case, I think it was Omicron and vaccines just not providing much protection. I don't care whether someone else is vaxxed or not I am not sure if I will take the booster or not. You can argue all you like that I would have got sicker without being vaxxed - but we'll never know. I would like us to get past all this emotion and name calling before making my decision on the booster. So we can get past the name calling we see here. I do know that there will be a limit on how many vaccines we can have. I would prefer a strong therapy to the virus over continued vaccinations that wear off quickly. I also pity humanity that we have Chinese vaccines, Russian vaccines, Pfizer vaccines, Moderna vaccines, AZ vaccines. From day 1 it was a competition, when it should have been a collaboration. Anyway - I think the technology will improve and I see these vaccines as phase 1. I think we'll get better, more effective, longer lasting vaccines - I am looking forward to that.
  20. I am not against it. I found it ineffective. I wouldnt take another. I dont have a stake in others taking it. So i have no opinion.
  21. Ill go with what i know. Wife and i got 2nd AZ shot in December. Seemed pretty useless to me personally. Both of us got covid in Feb. Daughter has had 1 shot, didnt get it. Ill take my chances from here. Ill have another shot if it prevents me from getting sick. The higher the qty of self righteous people pushing me to get it for their good, not mine, the less inclined ill be. After all - wolves love sheep
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