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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. WIth a lot of the purchasers of "go faster chips for deisel pick ups" - I think the initial chip is on their shoulders ????
  2. So these Thais were not just innocent victims? Just because some in the tourist industry fleece us, does not mean innocent people need the same treatment. In fact, you should be on their side but I guess it's a race thing, right? Some Thais are bad, so they must all be. Fortunately, this site is a proud sponsor of casual racism against Thai people, so you'll be fine
  3. I presume these are the things that cause some pick ups to kick out loads of dust every time the driver accelerates. Poisoning the population so you can get your 0-100 kph down from 16 seconds to 12 seconds is kinda pointless. It will be faster, but it won't be fast.
  4. I stop for Zebra crossings - usually it takes 2 mins for people to realize someone has actually stopped. The rumor that "you shouldn't stop because you'll be rear-ended" is a fallacy. There's plenty of reasons cars stop on the roads without causing an accident.
  5. Gotta say - the drivers weren't exactly paying attention - if I can see potholes at night, I'm sure I'd see this....
  6. Sounds like something from the "Damage Done" by Warren Fellows - but I think it's not uncommon for the little critters to get in there.
  7. You know nothing about addiction. When someone has a "need" for a drug, it escalates and they become the dealers best customer as they slowly kill themselves or run out of money. Supplying an addict is immoral. Depending in the drug, what an addict need are things like depakene, abilify, counselling and this in a rehab environment. The idea that drug dealers are providing a good service just means you haven't hit your rock bottom yet.
  8. Yes - the book was not anti-muslim at all - it's about a guy that falls out of an airplane and survives and... well it's been 20+ years since I read it. Bottom line - I doubt he thought it would cause such a stir and if you read it (like most here appear to have not), you'll be mostly scratching your head about the fuss it caused.
  9. I agree, but I think there's a line somewhere. Murder, terrorism, pedophilia - I think we'd all agree there. But the thought of Facebook becoming a supergrass where you could be subject to investigation for words you type (which may be in jest) - that's some Aldous Huxley stuff right there.
  10. https://www.aspca.org/helping-people-pets/shelter-intake-and-surrender Stats from USA too: "Of the approximately 6.3 million companion animals who enter shelters nationwide every year, approximately 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. Each year, approximately 920,000 animals are euthanized (390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats)."
  11. https://petkeen.com/animal-shelter-statistics-uk/ This one does have sources at the bottom but.... in the UK... "There are approximately 6,000 kill shelters in the UK. Kill shelters can be dog or cat pounds or organizations set up to kill animals for profit." All this - and yet you do not see gangs of stray dogs roaming the UK. They are culled... That's because over 600k are impounded a year. By a network that keeps the streets safe and clean from serial poopers.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2013/dec/08/dog-pounds-nightmare-christmas-unwanted-pets "Lost, stray and abandoned dogs are sent to pounds such as this all over the UK, where they are kept for just seven days. Then, if no one claims them, or rescues can't offer a space, they are put down"
  13. I find the anti-cull argument hilarious. If you kill dogs in one area, they will move from another area Kill dogs in area A, there will immediately be less dogs in area A If dogs from area B move to area A, there will immediately be less dogs in Area B Either way, killing a dog results in 1 less dog The cull should involve permanent patrols in both Area A and B Once area A is cleared, it will be kept cleared by regular patrols They do this in a lot of countries, capture strays and kill them if nobody claims them. The UK does it, the US does it. But Thailand has some sort of Zombie dogs that come back from the dead???
  14. Give the head of every Amphur and village the job of culling, it's good for employment and it will work. Also micro chip pets so that any strays can be traced back to prior owners who should be fined. A small army of exterminators, each looking after their own small areas will do the trick. Easy.
  15. I was bitten by a soi dog. I was riding my bike and it just ran up and bit my thigh. Luckily, I didn't come off the bike because I hate to think what the rest of the pack would have done. There was no warning, no barking, the thing just came up and bit me. It's been close a few times since while cycling. So hospital and rabies jabs are all soi dogs have done for me - oh yes, and I ended up giving up cycling. Not sure why I should for vermin. Perhaps when you are attacked, it'll change your mind.
  16. These are not pet dogs. They are vermin like rats. One day Thailand will wake up and cull them.
  17. My only comment - never pay list price on a car here. You need to bargain hard.
  18. That is the cheapest way to get rid of a wife.
  19. Had over $500k worth of cars in the wife's name so far. My rationale: staying below the radar, in general - who knows where the info on ownership goes? she gets the speeding fines I don't buy cars that cost a significant portion of my income, so could take the loss You can read between the lines there but mostly, the Thai govt and me should have as loose a relationship as possible.
  20. Never gone above 227kmh on these roads. Cant be too careful.
  21. It seems most people here don't actually know any Muslims. They are just like you and I. Laugh at the same jokes (with a few obvs) omissions, get the same nagging off the wife, get manipulated by their daughters. They are in Lahore - one's wife is a teacher of Physicas at Lahore UNI. 99% of the stuff above comes direct from the Daily Mail or Daily Post.
  22. Bangkok has people with medical MJ research licenses growing the very best from the states. Allegedly
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