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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. 680kg and 300hp. 0 to 60 in 5.9. My car is 1700kg, 385 hp and gets there in 4.7 seconds. Another set of wheels we have is 382hp, 1300kg and gets there in 3.9secs Like I said, those horses aren't being used.
  2. Might have 300 horses but can it use them? It looks like it'd just spin those tiny wheels.
  3. Because the Russian people are victims. You think that Russia is a democracy and Putin is their chosen leader by elections?
  4. I was never a fan of Mr T. But he was a much lesser evil than the current crop.
  5. It was Purachai that ended the all nighters and started enforcing the afternoon breaks. He did that in 2002.
  6. It's sad but this is why we have insurance. There is no stage 5 cancer. I always thought 4 was the end of the road. My wifes step father had cancer, treated at a local hospital on the 30 Baht scheme. He was written off, my daughter and wife went to see hin as he'd stopped eating. He was emaciated. While they were there I said to the wife "can we get a 2nd opinion". 30k baht later he was fit as a fiddle. 3 years on he is active and healthy and getting by on 6 monthly visits. Its kept in check with some sort of hormone treatment but itll get him in the end. Life is cheap here. I hope the guy recovers.
  7. Rats might be an issue. Craxy things love chewing on cables.
  8. I had an Ikea van hit me. after hitting a motorbike, he skidded into me with the bike under the van. Their insurance claimed my fault because although i was stationary, my wheel was over the centre line. I showed the cops the pics which showed the ikea van was moving diagonally and would have hit me anyway. The outcome... ikea driver at fault, me and a cop laughing as i paid the 300 baht fine for being over the line. It just needed to be done to square things and avoid court, i guess.
  9. Which is total nonsense. First day of covid, this care package came, free of charge. Kit, drugs, alcohol, food. I stayed at home, got a call each day, had to send pics of my thermomitor and o2 meter readings. Offer of being picked up was there but I was left to self quarantine. Total cost $0. Food kept coming for 10 days. There are options. If expats dont educate themselves, they cannot expect the best outcome
  10. Look how many the US have killed with their invasions in the past 5 decades. Most of us are getting the story from one side only. But America good, Russia bad. Not according to the body count.
  11. So you are doing nothing, right? Quick barrage of social media posts to remind people you still exist and job done. Thoughts and prayers are equally effective.
  12. You are kidding, right? They get paid ok - but most are 100k/mo with some up to 200k My first job here in '98 paid 3x that. Expat-wise, teachers are bottom rung. Not the best skill here.
  13. You are naive thinking a party girl could hook up with a low level dealer and not know.
  14. Get real. He was a low level dealer, selling to expats. She was a party girl who liked to partake. He was a big fish in a small pond. He only makes money if people know he's the man. The idea that she didnt know is ridiculous. Chicks think guys like this are cool.
  15. Right and wrong are subjective. The law simply lays out rules along the lines of one version of right and wrong. The law should not be confused with right and wrong.
  16. We are on a rock, travelling at 1000mph through an expanding universe. The idea that another human can tell you what to do, what to putin your body or where to locate yourself is ludicrous. Still, society is what it is.
  17. How could she NOT know he was dealing? Drug dealers at his level are always hustling for customers.
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