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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. So I got C43 just before covid hit and I've only done 26,000 km in it. It's 3 years old - usually the time to buy a new one but as covid stopped me going anywhere, it seems dub to get a new car when this still looks new. The 3 year extended warranty is $10k. It's a performance car and I would imagine a new gearbox would cost that and a new engine would be a write off. So the thought is to get the 3 year warranty for $10k, then sell it when there's 6 months warranty left. It seems expensive but the repair costs would be high till it's an "older benz" where it could be taken to one of the unofficial repair shops. The choice is warranty or not - I am not getting rid of it as it's still a great car, What would you do?
  2. That's pretty bad. But my son had driving lessons here, then passed his test. Lessons were about 6 hours. Not nearly enough and now he's learning on the road.
  3. Work is slavery. It is no more secure than having your own business. Its just the path of least resistance.
  4. 24 years here. Never been afraid to drive. Nor would I want to be tethered to a woman for my mobility.
  5. Interesting, I had 2 AZ and covid all right here in Thailand. Sounds like I can leave but not come back ????
  6. I never see cars speeding up behind me and tailgating me. I drove back from Samui last week and only 1 car overtook me on the entire journey No idea what you are talking about...
  7. I walked thru Patpong a week ago. All shuttered except 3 or 4 places that somehow had a special exception. Cowboy is mostly open. I haven't seen any alcohol restrictions in restaurants for months. British/Irish pubs are open. My mate who is on holiday here us also going to nightclubs (I draw the line there). I'm a bit confused as to what's supposed to be closed.
  8. Happened to me first time this week. Fell asleep at traffic lights, scared the poop out of me. Pulled into a 7-11 car park, had 30 mins sleep, then proceeded the next 5km home.
  9. Well - how is it measured? Dyno? OR based in theoretical output? It's a lot of horses to actually use on the road.
  10. I thought all the sexpats had died off. As for vegan vaccines... how odd
  11. Great replies. I'm learning. I am presuming that more horses costs more money. So unusable horses is illogical. But this isn't a game of logic. FWD - I had a 215hp one and while it was quick - it suffered from torque steer - not pleasant. RWD - if you can't maintain traction electronically, you have to be gentle or you'll end up off the road. I have a hi tech but light car that twitches with only 382 horses. If it had 1000 horses, it'd be in a hedge somewhere. Seems an effort 2 drive. Seems to me, a combination of traction and power is where it should be at. But I am presuming people with 1000hp minis are nutty anyway
  12. There seems to be a trend in the motoring world to 'soup up' cars to the point where there is zero chance the power could be used. Like this 1000hp mini. Now, I'm all for customising cars but isn't it a total waste of time, energy and money to go past the power that you can actually use? 1000hp in a mini is about 7-800 more horses than you could actually use. Is there a wheel spinning contest I'm not aware of. To me, it's like having a 2 meter manhood extension. Might be a good conversation piece but of no practical use. I'm amazed people are surviving driving these things.
  13. You mean the one titled "4xx hp per tonne", where I mentioned that hp would not be available? I was commenting on the content. Pretty sure that's allowed.
  14. Don't see many gold wheels but after market wheels are certainly a matter of taste. Some seem pretty garish to me. What I find odd is people getting cars with good looking manufacturers wheels, then changing them and having to get new tires too.
  15. I am in Samui right now. Weed cookies, chocolates, gummies and weed itself are openly available at a number of cafes. The cookies are made from the butter. Chocolates have abt 20mg THC, gummies 5-23mg each, cookies abt 20mg. Newbie is gonna get high on 10mg but more frequent user 50mg and more. You can't miss the places. It is very odd. Or rather, it feels odd after so many years here to see it so widely and openly available.
  16. Dude, your car gets to 60 in 10 seconds. Mine get there in 4 seconds. But you'll still likely be ahead of me. This because it's not a competition and most of us aren't paying attention to how far behind the other cars are. Who even pays attention to that? Plus, nobody wants to embarrass the guy with the little drive train. It'd be like a heavyweight fighting a lightweight. There is absolutely no way you are out performing all cars on the road. I imagine people see you pull away and ease off the gas so they don't get involved on the accident you'll eventually have. It's great you love your car but my son just passed his driving test, so ease off a but so you don't take him or someone else with you.
  17. The reasons: The car doesn't have the weight or grip to use anything close to 300 horses. Lots of these souped up cars with huge bhp numbers on a dynamic cannot put those horses to use on a real road. It's vehicular d1ck swinging.
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