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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. Total myth. Enjoy your car. I just drove from home close to Lat Krabang to Sukhumvit 33 for lunch. Saw loads of BMWs, Benz, Porsche on the way. Didnt notice a dent in any of them. In my 23 or so years here, my earnings have always been offshore. Never had an issue getting loans. Have you been turned down?
  2. Long-Term side effects would not be known at this point. Or maybe you know something the FDA doesn't
  3. So what? As the FDA says - there is still risks with vaccines - even after approval. That is my point. I backed that up Why would drugs and vaccines need to be approved in the same way for that to be true? You guys are preaching the science as if it's final - I have show you why it isn't. The FDA says it isn't. But just for you - here's a list of vaccines that have been withdrawn from the market - some for safety reasons: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK561254/table/T4/ Science.
  4. Not according the FDA that approve them https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/development-approval-process-cber/vaccine-development-101 "It is important to note that a vaccine is a drug. Like any drug, vaccines have benefits and risks" "there is still a need for ongoing surveillance of vaccines after FDA-approval to identify uncommon adverse events or long-term complications that may occur"
  5. If whining (s)expats get their way and make it just like home, tourists will stop coming. Weather Too hot Food too spicy Driving to crazy Etc
  6. True but we still also know that the majority are old, obese or otherwise ill already. So should an 18 year old whonis healthy be forced to have a jab if they dont want to? Naaaaaa
  7. lol The book freakonomics isn't about economics - it is about people coming to conclusions that in hindsight should have beem obvious. You know - unintended consequences. You know - people who didn't know how doubting about data should work.
  8. Your last question "how do I explain why.....?" Is telling. You say that "how conclusive can you get" about something that confirms your world view. The answer is "conclusive to you". Freakonomics would be a good read because this sort of thing is covered each story. Science, action, unexpected outcomes, revised science. Trial and error, feedback loops, constant learning. For me, COVID was a lottery. Might get sick, might die. It was uncertain. The vaccines were also a lottery. Long term effects unknown. I decided the balance of probability was in favor of the vaccines, so I had 2 AZ. But a certainty? All data is in? No opinions allowed? Nope.
  9. You should read De Bono. But you made a great iillustration of my point. We are with you or against you, right. You have facts, others have opinions.
  10. What about the people that had it already and got over it? Shouldn't there be an antibody test people take and then get a pass if they have natural immunity?
  11. This is true and it's a complex issue. Me personally - I do not believe in politics or politicians. Every time they want your vote, they say what they will do - and then don't do it. By any measure, voting more than twice is being a putz. So it comes down to your "team". I think politics and politicians will become obsolete one day - the system will be improved and surpassed by tech. But you are bang on - but you seem to be on one side. Which means you are part of the problem. Look at CNN and FOX - half their shows are about how bad the other network is. Is that news. Some anti-vaxxers, I don't get. I don't understand religious excemptions. I thought the fringe religions that don't accept blood transfusions were a tiny percentage. I do get people that already got covid not wanting a jab - I've just got over what was probably Omicron - so I don't want that one particularly. It seems pointless, wasteful - but I'd do an antibody test first (like my TB jab and hep b jabs) to see if I needed them. But this nonsense about left/right and vilifying each other for taking the other side of a binary decision - that's the extreme of both sides. I don't listen to any of those people. But this is the fault of government and the other side that wants to be in government. It is a dividing tool and is being used as such. I don't want to play that game. For me - just like the way people fall for politicians lies each election - I only need to be lied to a couple of times before I treat everything with suspicion - and so I am not buying this push for vaccines aside an incredible lack of discussion on therapy. Interestingly - a friend was telling me he'd read some research about approaches to hit the virus from a different angle and that this may lead to us being able to finally "cure" virii - don't have a link, it's hearsay - but something to look forward to. But - if you think those with opposing views are idiots - then you are part of the problem. Debate isn't about "winning" - it's about understanding differnt perspectives. When there's only 2 choices - you gotta accept that others may go for the one you didn't.
  12. One thing to also consider here. The frequency of vaccinations is a potential issue. It's been raised by EU regulators. There's an article on Bloomberg here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-11/repeat-booster-shots-risk-overloading-immune-system-ema-says#:~:text=European Union regulators warned that,to the European Medicines Agency. So it might not come down to whether they work or not in the end. It'll come down to whether our immune systems will become comprimised. Pfizer and BioNTech are currently in a clinical trial if an Omicron specific vaccine - which is 3 doses. Apparently (according to CNN), Pfizer are already manufacturing it (https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/25/health/pfizer-biontech-omicron-vaccine-trial/index.html). According to CNN, Pfizer are producing this at their own risk - pending approval. So they are manufacturing a vaccine before it's approved and it's 3 shots. You make up your own mind: Pfizer are being very generous taking that risk They know they will get approval and that govts will force it on people Or a toss up - they've looked at the investment and probabiliites But doesn't make sense to me to produce a product you cannot sell. I am not talking about creating a product you can't sell - I mean going into production and producing millions of doses seems strange.
  13. Glass half full arent you? I dont need round the clock care. I got antivirals, bromhexine, cough mixture, loads of stuff no chance i would take it all. In addition, we are sending o2 readings (they supplied the meters) a few times a day and the offer is there for a pick up to go to the hospital. Mind you, i'm over it now. Perhaps where you are theyd have sent Florence Nightingale. From where i am sitting, exellent care.
  14. Nope. I have COVID, in Bangkok, right now. My choice to stay at home or not. I decided home and a nurse came round with meds. Nobody asked for money. Its free. The wife made the calls and shes got it too but i am being treated well, the wife has to send my O2, pulse, temp a few times a day. I am from UK and am being treated way better than people there.
  15. And then one for the next variant and the next and the one after that. Its a boondoggle for the drug firms, who pay lobbyists, who tell politicians which side their bread is buttered. I got a delivery this am from the Thai govt of Bromhexine & Favipiravir, an anti viral. A nurse brought it round ti the house. Vaccines for those at risk, treatment for thise that get it. A 2 pronged approach. But the money is in vaccines. Not much money in Favipiravir...
  16. Covid has caused delays. Our last car it took 5 months. They used to be serious about restrictions, like not driving at night. They seemed to have relaxed that completely
  17. If they said 3-4 weeks, then i imagine it'll be 3-4 weeks. Any reason you think they would lie?
  18. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-raises-covid-19-vaccine-sales-forecast-36-billion-2021-11-02/ $65 billion dollars in sales for Pfizer alone.
  19. That is the current story though, right? I get believing the 1st and even 2nd story about these crappy vaccines but I am not daft enough to keep believing. They are selling it just a bit too hard. I'm done at 2 vaccines and a sebsequent dose of COVID
  20. If you are an authoritarian, yes. People have different takes on this. You need to learn to accept that this is how the world works - 'cause it ain't YOUR world.
  21. The sources that told us the vaccines prevented infection are the same you are using now. "Fool me once" and all that.
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