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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. That's a big can of worms. I'm no legal expert - but considering all that was said on there about voting machines & Dominium, it would seem like a slam dunk having Hannity say this. But then I am sure he was well briefed before going to answer questions. But in business defamation/disparagement claims in the US, you have to prove loss of the amount you are claiming. Did Dominium really lose $1.9 Billion dollars because of these statements? I would wager not. Their machines are still being used in the US, not sure about rest of the World.
  2. Well, they can't say it now - but I would wager nothing will change. What would be interesting would be to know how much Dominion is suing the network for. It looks like a real can of worms for Fox.
  3. Nope. As has been mentioned by other users, wars are no longer won by superpowers. Russia wont win, much better if the military industrial complex on both sides get $$$$ from a prolonged conflict.
  4. I am not sure I agree. Neither the US, nor Russia has won a war since WW2. I don't think the US have the teeth for anything other than a prolonged conflict with no actual result - which is what we saw in the middle east and Afghanistan. I think the only way this ends is with Putin dead or Ukraine acquiescing. I don't see US/EU or Russia winning in any conventional sense.
  5. I am a big fan of this space age interior.
  6. That is taking the p1ss. Tesla do similar things. In my opinion - if it's built into in the car already, you should have access to it. Let's hope hackers can free up this 'functionality'. I can see this backfiring on them, I hope it does and they backtrack. I certainly would not pay MB this money, not a chance.
  7. I will add to that. Humans can suffer from mental illness and so can dogs. It doesn't matter how well trained your dog is, it can still suffer from mental issues and attack without warning. Dogs are NOT computers you can program, they are animals and can be as flawed as humans. It's part nature and part nurture - but you cannot nurture a flawed dog, no matter what you do. All of these dogs are an accident waiting to happen.
  8. I am a dog owner - but I still think the soi dogs need to be culled. My dog isn't a problem to anyone else - these dogs are. It's not about feelings or if it is - it's about feelings for victims over feelings for dogs.
  9. Still - we are where we are - it doesn't matter who is at fault, it matters who is at risk. Right now, the dogs are a risk and hence should be culled.
  10. I did - you said "There isn't any wrong with dogs roaming, IF they are treated right and taught respect for people" That is a very big IF and it is not followed in Thailand. What we have is packs of dogs that regularly attack humans and maim children. They should be culled. The amount of stray dogs should be down to zero. They are a menace and a hygeine/disease problem.
  11. So who is teaching the Soi Dogs not to poop in the streets and not to attack adults and children?
  12. I think his musical genius is part of his mental condition too. He is bipolar, so you have to give him a break if he was having an episode at the time. It makes you do dumb <deleted>,
  13. I don't think there's much chance of it spreading, it kills to fast. It's not good to kill your host too quickly
  14. The population doesn't need to be lowered. We need zero soi dogs, not less of them.
  15. Both our cars are insured for named drivers. Not sure why - but that's the best deals we could get on renewals and with the best no claims. But it's pretty cheap to add a driver.
  16. Drugs like meth change your brain chemistry, it takes up to a year clean and drugs like abilify to help in the process of reversing the damage. So 3 days clean means nothing. The meth had most likely left him bipolar, he could have been clean a month and still gone crazy off the drugs. Maybe a lesson for the 'legalize all drugs' posse
  17. The fact she is only 10 means she probably doesnt know about these things... Jeez...
  18. Only downside, neither are cars for car fanatics. They are bland, lifeless transport items. Some dont want to be transported, some of us want to really enjoy the driving experience. Put your calculator away and put your foot down.
  19. The new mercedes c63 is a 2.0 hybrid with combined 750hp and 0-100kmh of 3.1 seconds. And the price is going to be around 4million thb when it hits Thailand. Thats cheaper and better than any Tesla here, tax is low on it, plus there wont be a $30k bill when your battery dies.
  20. Inhaling smoke doesnt damage your lungs? Excessive use of weed put me on a corticosteroid inhaler, which i still have to use daily. The moment the doctor put a stethoscope on my chest, he asked if i was a smoker and i dont touch tobacco. The xray confirmed the damage to my upper right lung.
  21. There needs to be a line in the sand. An abortion at 9 months is horrific. At 1 month, reasonable. Its an issue for scientists, not politicians. But it isnt just about your choice. Dismembering a viable 8/9 month old foetus in the womb is straight up murder of a being that feels pain.
  22. The world needs treatments, not just vaccines.
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