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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. It seems most people here don't actually know any Muslims. They are just like you and I. Laugh at the same jokes (with a few obvs) omissions, get the same nagging off the wife, get manipulated by their daughters. They are in Lahore - one's wife is a teacher of Physicas at Lahore UNI. 99% of the stuff above comes direct from the Daily Mail or Daily Post.
  2. Bangkok has people with medical MJ research licenses growing the very best from the states. Allegedly
  3. You can get cali brands here - Gorilla Glue, Laughing Buddha but not at $50 for half ounce. That's cheap
  4. Sad answer. If you ever have a friend get constant shakes from MS - you would know a joint/oil stops it immediatelt
  5. I don't see the problem. Some people don't like certain laws this is how democracy works. Its not about pleasing every one.
  6. I use Empourium for little washes and a place in krunghthep krita soi 32 for proper valet/treatments
  7. yeah - my thoughts too - cheap - looks good - perfect.
  8. I found Benz to be really reliable so far but BMWs seem to come part finished with the bits missing replaced afteer a trip on a low loader. BMW - Built in Germany, finished in Thailand...
  9. Yeah - it's very bad press and not worth the hassle IMO. Now - non-manufacturer warranties - I'd be more concerned. I'll need to keep it serviced, but the cost of that so far has been pretty low (considering 26k km on the clock).
  10. I once took the family rotary telephone apart to see how it worked. Got a beating from my dad for not being able to put it back together. So pretty sure that I could replace the tax sticker but past that I'd be lost.
  11. I do see that side of the story. And of course they profit from them - but hopefully it's an exchange of half way decent value for cash. Thanks for the reply,
  12. Yeah - but it's an AMG - The clock on it probably would cost $1000 to replace ????
  13. Covers everything the original warrrantly does - all engine parts, gearbox etc as long as we service it. But I will double check and get back. Transferrable - that didn't occur to me - so thanks.
  14. Renaults and Peugots and Citroens are a bit <deleted>. The import duty is 80% - so think of the better Japanese car you can get for the same money. That Megane looks nice though - but only 250 horses - a bit under powered.
  15. Any statement where "all x think y" is bigotry. Asians are as varied as Europeans. Try meeting some that don't ask where you from, how long you stay Thailand. You may be suprised.
  16. First time - we asked what we'd get if we purchased a new 328i - and got told "a new umbrella" - she was a new sales girl. Push hard for discounts. Push until they pull out a piece of paper from the manufacturer that says this is the maximum discount allowable by any Thai dealer. Then look form 100k more than that (or less if a Vios or other lower priced car). Each brand at the show has sales people from different dealers, so get a deal from one. Then go back to another the next day looking for better. It's THE best place to get a car.
  17. It's not Thai women. It's your woman. Obviuously she's a University graduate and you didn't meet her in a bar or anything,
  18. call Ford - get them to send a flatbed, check it over and send it back.
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