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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. Yeah - well that's Thai politicians/press for you. The message seems to have got to the people that 6 is ok. So they believe they are within the law. My part in this is listening and shutting up. I ain't getting involved with their crazy Tom Kha Gai "Green". It's all leaves anyway - and they are probably using hemp seeds. I think the "technique" they employ is throwing a bunch of seeds in the garden and hoping. So I don't think any of them are in danger of getting high.
  2. Define "tons" - about half the Thai people I know (mostly moms and pops) are growing in their gardens and throwing it in their Tom Ka or Tom Yum.
  3. When you say "owned a Benz here" - do you mean home in Australia or your holiday in Thailand? And you purchased a Benz for cachet? Did sir buy a used one for that lower cost cachet? That's always tricky. I would say that just because you purchased a Benz for cachet, many people buy them because they are well within their budgets and the odd 20k here or there isn't going to make much difference in the grand scheme of things.
  4. A BMW is not a rarity here. Never heard of one attracting criminals. But I have logged it as reason #29943 I would not have a German car, even if I could afford one. As for tires destroyred and undercarriage smashed - nope. But were that to happen - or this "motocy hitting the side" - it would apply to all cars. These one's I left out as while I can't speak for every criminal looking for a well-stocked handbag - I can say these are definitely not usable excuse as they don't happen.
  5. Tons of Thais are growing 6 plants now. I dont mean kids, I mean moms, pops and grannies. I think lawmakers know they have to catch up.
  6. To the OP. Did you speak to them in Thai or English?
  7. Its not free. It is built into the price.
  8. Yeah but people that dont have one say they are more expensive than that because they heard somebody paid more once.
  9. At your current level of wealth/income, I would agree. But take a test drive when you are wealthier, you might find that they are fine cars which are fun to drive. When you can buy a Camry every week, why not save up 4 weeks and buy a 5 Series?
  10. lol Or maybe it's because the indicators on a BMW are where the gearshift is on a Benz....
  11. This is just the people you met - via a prostitute you met in a bar. This does not represent the majority here. Just the majority of your experiences.
  12. The excuse is in. Nobody needs to believe it - it just needs to be there. He will get off - it's a done deal.
  13. I never wanted or needed a free vaccine - more than happy to pay for it. But I don't really want my 12 year old daughter having more than she's already had. She isn't at risk and the vaccines aren't preventing transmission. What's the point?
  14. I grew up used to the noise and feel of a gas engine - and I feel that electric cars are so soulless. Both out cars are 3.0 V6 - and make a lot of noise. In fact - the wife's car shakes the windows on the house when she's parking it and there's never any doubt she's turned into our soi 'cause you can hear it. I think hybrid is as far as we should go. I usually drive to Samui once a year - that would be a major logistical issue - but imagine coming back to Bangkok from Isaan after New Years or Songkran - there would be massive queue's at the charging stations. So the charging time has to come down to the amount of time it would take to fill a gas engine or it will die a death when we hit a certain tipping point. So for it to be practical for me - I need about 500km range WITH air con and radio on AND for the charging time to be under 5 mins.
  15. Nice interior - here's one of the C43 (mine is obviously not lhd) - which is same as mine except the yellow bit on the steering wheel is red on mine. There's less plastic on it and I think that gives is a different vibe entirely.
  16. Good stuff - but remember - German manufacturers exist in a country where some roads have an unlimited top speed. This obviously influences the safety aspect of their design. Also their "job" seems to be pushing the technology edge - and part of that is of course safety tech. And finally - grip-wise - the road has a job too and it don't do that good a job here!
  17. I'm not sure you are allowed to use that word any more. But he's learning on Auto. Which is like riding a go-kart. But I am worried. He had his first 4 hour lesson on Monday, they took him on their track an then around Lad Krabang. He has 1 more 4 hour lesson then his test on Saturday. I know it's auto but that seems bizarre. Funny thing though - when I asked how his first lesson was, he told me the instructor said he had good "6th sense" - so that's ok then./ There is absolutely zero chance he'll be ready to drive on his own even if he passes his test. So - he'll get a rental 2 months first.
  18. My experince is Benz are more reliable. But i agree with your last point. The bleeding edge!
  19. I dont see the upside in that. He'll get laid more with a car. He is also a drumer, singer and pianist who will study music. He'll be lugging gear around a lot.
  20. We may rent for a few months lets see how he does. I only buy new here though. Just s personal preferance.
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