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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. Nowadays, I just say nothing and lick my eyebrows. Works a charm
  2. Benzes are waaaaaay more reliable than BMW - that's why I always keep a spare. With Lexus - they are imported whereas BMW/Merc are assembled here. So the bigger sticker price is likely to be the tax.
  3. Brakes - squealing like a Banshee - I presume something got between the pads and disks - I was at ABAC Bang Na when it started, got back to Krungthep Krita Area with it screaming - and so whatever it was didn't get ground down.
  4. https://www.lexus.co.th/en/price-and-model-tools/price-list.html
  5. I don't have anything other than that I look at Lexus as an option when I buy a car and they are way more expensive - I think last time was July last year. I would guess it's partly the import taxes
  6. lol - if there's anything left of it... ????
  7. Lexus are waaay more expensive than Benz here.
  8. Service is free on the Beemer. The Benz is usually 10-15,000 Baht a service here.
  9. It's like being an F1 driver - I just see this flatbed driver as part of my pit team. I agree - I spent 2 months earnings on that BMW - imagine spending a whole two months earnings on a car! Absolutely crazy!
  10. Cause the BMW will end up in the shop at some point... gotta love those Germans
  11. One of my (Thai) employees met his wife on a company night out. She was a beer girl, working that night. Its horrific that you people presume they are hookers. Then again - what can be expected from the sexually inept that came here because they got none back home.
  12. No, in fact 99.99% of Thai women arent hookers. But all the ones you know probably are. Thank heavens sexpats are going extinct.
  13. Yeah - this is pretty extreme left. But - if a person is in a privileged position because of his family history - which is quite normal - then they will have a privileged position in society. That sums up pretty much everywhere. Now - if you were white in this position - why would you be racist because of what you inherited? Any privilege bestowed to white people right now - could come from a racist system - but it would not mean all people in that system are racist. You cannot deny that in the US, the poorer areas are black. I once lived in Knoxville and every kfc, mcd, gas station employee was black. Not a single office employee was black and there was a black engineer. When I pointed it out to the CFO, she said "Oh. they have the same opportunity as everyone else". So I asked "So you are saying they chose a life as a KFC server" So poor areas do not attract good teachers, so the kids don't get a good education, so they fail there SATS, can't UNI, no jobs - It is as much a georaphical issue as anything else. Now - I don't doubt that racism played a part in how black people seemed to be funneled to live in certain areas. Maybe some compensation is due. But it still doesn't make everyone a racist.
  14. I didn't say that racism didn't exist. It is simply the exception, not the rule. It is not the default state of man.
  15. The usual answer to this is that by simply being a certain color - doors opened for you that wouldn't normally have opened. That regardless of the background of a person, their achievements were made by stealing them from someone of a different color. Lewis Hamilton thinks this, so does Jamie Foxx, Beyonce, Whoopi Goldberg..... you get the picture. It's just a means of dividing people.
  16. Nice to see Thailand step up in this regard, given their historical lack of f***s given.
  17. The idea that "everyone is racist" is a sickness of the mind. Racism was well on the way out until the left decided to use it to close down arguments. Now - you can just say racist to someone and they will cower - but it's nonsense. I am 51 and back when I was at school - it was mixed race. My own experience is that it's not the color but the culture that creates any observable behavioral differences. Even then - when you get down to it - the differences are what I call a "Cultural veneer" - like varnish on a table. Right now I have staff in Thailand, India, Pakistan, Portugal, Brazil, Spain, UK - and we all laugh at the same jokes, get nagged by our wives, get controlled by our daughters (well, except the 2 gay guys). If you get to know Thai people - they are just people. The culture is different, which is wonderful - and initially perplexing - but to be honest - I can no longer tell the difference between people of different cultures/races any more. It's just the paint on the car. Sometimes we have company meetings and we have a good chat about different customs - like arranged marraige. One guy in India is scared of his mother and trying to avoid it (he's looking to leave the country), one girl told me that she used her right of refusal 19 times before the right suitor was challenged and one guy in Pakistan never fails to mention he got a bad draw in that lottery but others are happy with it. Everybody laughs about it all - it's very interesting - but "everyone is racist" - it's a white liberal invention - I simply don't buy it. It is completely unproven and seems to have been adopted by the left, rejected by the right and is now one of the "standard issues you must feel a certain way about" on both sides.
  18. We should not whince when someone claims they are not racist, as if everyone is racist or that racist is the default state of mind. Thats leftist, divisive claptrap.
  19. The headline is pure fear mongering. "Potential" case. That's not news. That's making news where none exists. Propaganda.
  20. Don't be silly The cars in question are "souped up" diesel engine cars, which emit a huge cloud of dust when they accelerate. This is a few coals on a barbeque, going up in the air - rather than floor level fumes that go straight in your face.
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