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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. lol My son got stitches in his foot - at BNH Soi Convent it was 1,200 Baht to change the dressing. At the police hospital it was 80 Baht - I presume cheaper for Thais. Not exactly money grabbing to be fair.
  2. Same here - won $25,000 in Thai Labor Court. These are the same people that come out with stuff like "if a westerner is in an accident with a Thai - it is automatically their fault". Barstool facts.
  3. Even the Isle of Wight gives residents discounts on bus fares. But you are arguing with people that take everything that happens here as a sign they are hated by Thai people, yet the only Thai people they appear to speak to are their Isaan girlfriend and the girl selling them booze in 7-11 or Big C if it's a 'big night out'. It must be a bizarre life - living somewhere, isolating yourself from society and thinking they are out to get you.
  4. Any employers here pay Thai people the same salary they would pay someone back in their home country? Nope - thought not.
  5. Makes sense - rather than spending another 100 THB on entry somewhere - leave the family there, fly to Hong Kong, pay more than you would have in Thailand but the same as the locals.
  6. Again - total nonsense. This does not mean "you are tolerated rather than welcomed" this was the judge in a tiny court. It means nothing. A precedent has also NOT been set for any business in Thailand. This judge is not "the government". Honestly - it amazes me that people like you stay here - because you are so insecure and paranoid.
  7. One other thing to consider. None of this is aimed at bars with hookers. If you talk to a local about going to a bar, there is close to zero percent, they will assume it is the type that has prostitutes there. In fact, if the word bar means "place that sells booze and leases horizontal entertainers" to you, you are part of a pretty tiny minority. None of this is about you.
  8. The times were restricted to curb alcoholism. My understanding was 100 meters was the rule for schools but Prayuth made it 300 meters for educational establishments with older kids, who were having too much fun with too little protection. The fact that your average horny teen male would crawl a mile on broken glass for a sip from the hairy cup seems to have passed them by.
  9. It was Purachai - the interior minister at the time - who was pretty puritanical. The school thing I thought was a law already on the books that he got enforced - but at that time - bars could open 24/7 - I remember 1 Wednesday morning walking out of a bar at 8am as 2 guys I know were walking in - and dragged me back.
  10. Actually, my take is - you don't actually know how much of the price is the car with a Beemer. The free servicing must be a fair chunk of the BMW price. I think you just have to buy what makes you smile at the end of the day.
  11. No - but the 4 is nice too - I would go for the M40i version though. The pic attached was from our tours around looking for a new one for the wife. It is a nice looking car. The 3 Series M40i is well worth a look as they made it a lot bigger too. Here's the thing though - BMWs are less reliable. When you buy one - it comes with a lot of free service which is built into the price. BMW do look after you very well and address any issues - but it's the bleeding edge. No issues with our Z4 though - but keep it in mind. I think BMW don't mind throwing in tech that's just been invented. Benz give you <deleted> all - not even GPS, not even first service - you are paying for the car and only the car. So generally speaking a 4 million Baht Benz will be a better car than a 4 million Baht BMW
  12. Relationships should start with a woman wanting you for your pen1s, not your wallet.
  13. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say - it probably wasn't just the car, if you catch my drift. Never had an issue anywhere in BMs or Benz. With the Z4, I'll have a chat with motorcyclists at traffic lights - or give the girl on the back of a bike a wave. Fortunately - the wife has an epic sense of humor and just rolls with it. I also cannot drive past a Thai Karaoke place with girls sitting on stools outside without beeping the horn. But actual issues? With other people? Nope. Well - there was one - my wife went to Lotus in her PJs and 50 Baht flip flops once. A woman was looking down her nose at her at the counter. She was packing her car when my wife got to the 5 series and started packing the shopping and the woman went up to her, looked her up and down and said "That's YOUR car?". She is lucky my wife was in a good mood to be honest.
  14. Why would you ever want to blast around in the early evening on a motorbike? Why would you cycle? Just got back from an early evening spin - daughter loves it!
  15. By chance - was it you that couldn't decide if he'd got the right color - I met a guy on my drive down to Samui that was driving his to Phuket.
  16. Absolutely right. For the performance, they are the best value here. The BMW range is anything with an M40i badge. The 3.0 v6 with 382 horses. The 3 series M40i is well worth a look. It's bigger now and was on my list. It's a massive step in price to the M3 for the extra horses. So yeah - value.
  17. lol - that is a wee beastie isn't it? Mind you - 0-60mph in 5.5 seconds seems a bit slow for 257 bhp on such a small car. Top speed 142mph must be pretty hair raising - as is the price tag at 2.7M! This is good to see in Thailand - 5 years ago the "hot hatch" wasn't a thing here and the only small fast car was the GLA 2.0 AMG. Everything else was driving miss daisy. But what a niche car, eh? Cool stuff
  18. I think people misread "Motor Forum" at the top and think it's the "lose your <deleted> at the mention of a German car forum". This is the wife's Z4 M40i - it's faster by far than the C43 - it slips and slides and twitches every gear change. The C43 is 4.3M THB. The Z4 M40i is 5MTHB - not a huge difference - and not everyone's cuppa - but performance is said to be on par with the M2. It's imported, so no test drive - unless you come to my house for a spin.
  19. C43 - Sakorn Nakhon and Samui. In one piece - no worries at all. BTW - Grandma is small - the car is not big.
  20. I regularly drive to Sakorn - it's about 900k - roads are great. Same driving to Koh Chang. Same driving to Pattaya. Same driving to everywhere I go - I mean there are some <deleted> roads - but they are still roads. This is a C43 - not a Lambo with 3 inches of ground clearance. Always amazes me people driving these massive 4WD cars to Lotus and School runs - as if they might hit some Jungle on the way. I mean - look @ that thing - it's got an elephant trunk on it - you know - just in case you have to cross a river - which we all know - is quite common on the way to 7-11 to pick up a new toothbrush.
  21. Reason #241 why "I wouldn't buy a Benz if I could ever afford one" As for the roads - depends where you live. I presume you live in the past because roads here are fine now. I drove my C43 to Samui - fantastic roads on the way AND there's a road around Samui that is 50km long and empty at 1am - so doing laps of Samui is very cool. As for the unwanted attention - from who? It's a 4 million Baht car. Where I live - I know of at least 6 places that sell 30 million+ Baht cars within 10km of my house. Most of my Thai friends own Mercs/BMWs - although there seems to be an inverse correlation between the size of the female driver and the size of the car she drives. They sell 25,000 BMW/Mercs in Thailand each year - there is nothing special about owning one, nor do they bring unwanted attention.
  22. BTW - to the OP - if you are in Bangkok - PM me - you are welcome to come over. Got a Z4 M40i we can take out too - as that's a hoot. About 3hp difference between the two but the Z4 is 3/400kg lighter - RWD and if the C43 is Batman, the Z4 is definitely Joker.
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