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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Thanks Hummin I was wondering aobut that. Makes sort ofsense in t his case I guess As others have stated the strange part of th is isthat they lick and play with the 3rd leg but have no interest in passion or love. Guess the best case is to just keep looking and testing the market that i n itself is not a bad thing lol
  2. I was hoping to get answers from some of the guys here that are married to Thai ladies As to wham bam thank lyou mam I am older so the engine needs to get revved up before starting
  3. LOL I keep having this dream that people can talk sensibly on here but it never happens
  4. I am trying to understand Thai women . Recently became single and now doting. What is it with Thai women and kissing. It seems that the second most enjoyable thing called the passionate kiss has not made it to Thailand yet. Asked one lady why she doe snot like kissing and she told me that if I wanted a girl to kiss then we were finished. No I am not foolish enough to do it in public Just wondering if people here can enlighten this me. For me foreplay is the most enjoyable part
  5. MY condolence to Joseph. Thai roads are not safe period. especially the side roads. The questions are going to be asked and no one here really cares. Does anyone think the roads are going to get any safer now that Thais are legally allowed to smoke weed.
  6. Venezuela was a democracy that had lots of money. My question is why do they blame trump. Whether he was a good president or not the socialist democrats have spent the last 5 years fixated on trump and have not tried to gain bipartisan agreement on anything. It is time for the house and senatsnore to get new blood in charge. It is time for younger leadership. Trump is a master of illusion. They're so worried about him they are not paying attention to the others.
  7. That's what I was wondering about seems that it could pose a problem for immigration
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