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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. ASEAN is going to be the sticking point for Thailand and other countries. Thailand didn't so much as declare war with the axis it just decided to not fight or argue with Japan openly. A lot of Thai people died fighting Japan. Thailand has spent the past decades playing both sides of the street it will be interesting to see how the government at the time resolve the issue if forced
  2. Playing old style hockey prepared me for this. Elbows and shoulders with a purpose.. Simple rule should be the same as it was in TO. Turn off the escalators during major events in areas. An escalator is nothing more than a conveyor belt if the end is not cleared products get damaged
  3. Probably not going bust just realizing they are not making money with ATM
  4. Stating open until 4 is not going to help that many bars. People will just go out drinking later It is going to have an affect on the bar staff imagine starting at 4 and doing a 12 hour shift for the same money. Entertainment zones should have police at the ends of the zone doing DUI rad checks starting at midnight. Cops will make a <deleted> load of money as will taxis
  5. I disagree like a lot of Thai ladies she definitely has aged or us aging well
  6. the winner is this is not the police but the insurance company. They will no longer be responsible for paying out if there are no seat belts or too many people in the back of the truck. Baht buses will be baht buses nothing is going to change. Except maybe we will get more but doubt it. as an aside I am starting to see seatbelts in in the back seats of taxis around here
  7. So when the pretty lady tells me she wants 1000 baht it is to sit and blow balloons with me.
  8. For a lot of international tourist Bangkok was a stop over before going to the other locations. There is a lot to see and do here for a couple of days before heading to the beaches and the real tourist traps
  9. LOL We don't want you coming here to smoke but we are making it legal to do so We don't want you coming here for the the go go girls and prostitution but we are going to turn a blind eye to it and allow the bars to stay We don't want you coming here to party but we are going to open all the bars until 4 GOT TO LOVE THIS COUNTRY
  10. The question that is going to be asked is who is running as the head of the parties. I am not sure the world is ready for Thaksin's daughter who has no experience other than enjoying daddy's money. Also the Move forward party should have learned a few things and should be more popular with the young voters. It is the youth that aregoing to make a difference. Will they put their mark where their mouths were. They protested against PT and then PPRP so will they vote for a party that is in line with their desires and promises a sort of fresh start. Will the senate allow a non military leader? These are all the questions that are going to hae to be answered some time in the future. Personally I do not see PT getting into power unless like ususal they promise things that they can not deliver and people forget that the Prime minister will not be the cute daughter but daddy on Skype or facetime.
  11. If they are going by bookings on their site do they take into account people already in the country that book through them for ease? That would include Thais and expats I am sure
  12. OH I am sure that an insurance policy was purchased and any insurance company with a brain would issue it and get the payment in full. It is a no brainer You get the premium and never have to pay out the policy.
  13. This is probably the best thing that could happen. If they can prove that money was paid then they can charge the people that received it as accomplices in the murder. Then the RTP can fire everyone involved freeze their pensions and any money they have, and send them to jail. Imagine if all the government people that ran a blind eye because of the brown envelope actually got charged and were then charged in civil court. NO it would not stop all the corruption but people in poower would be a lot more careful YES I know TIT but it is a nice thought
  14. Even monkeys won't work that. Have you checked the price of peanuts today LOL
  15. Never ever ASS U ME anything in this country. As to brown envelopes I think it is going to be very easy to prove. YOu just need to make a deal with the owner for names daes and amounts. There is always going to be one person that will roll just to save their assets
  16. Just wondering if you can take boats directly to hotels and if day tours have resumed
  17. But did they check exits. Did fire marshal do inspection. If the community knew it was a club the police and fire Marshall had to have known
  18. With any LLC there are many owners the question that is asked as to influence pedalling us valid. There should also be an investigation into what provincial people were involved and signed off on this. They should also be charged If prayut was smart he would call in someone like big joke to run the investigation just to make people feel better
  19. The y should base the pay these jokers get on attendance and only pay them at the end of each session The only reason I see for party list is to feed the trough and return the money they were lent for the election
  20. Question does the fact that the son name is in the house book give him any standing. I agree though buy the property from the family give it to the brother with provisions that he can not sell without wife's agreement and keep it in the family.
  21. This is going to be a long drawn-out process. I agree that the federal police should be investigating the issue right now is that the local cops have had so much time to CYA. I would also suggest that the investigation all include the Fire department, government inspectors and licence sections that supposedly do the inspections. This might actually be a good one to hand over to BIG JOKE. Give him cart Blanche to do as he needs and lay the charges as he seems them. They need someone in charge that the Thai people trust and he is probably the most trusted at this point in time
  22. Having your partner attend with you is also a good idea. That way she can deal with any issues with the house if they come up.
  23. The best suggestion is to check at the terminal that you are going to be using. Each terminal is going to have a different time as the busses travel different distances.
  24. No offence but you misquoted me. I was responding to someone else I am as you obviously arfe aware of the many issues that the education system has. I am also not foolish enough t think we are going to solve them here. The reason for this thread was what you pointed out in a later post. There are many here that scream if someone hit my Somchai I would go to the school and kill them. There are many that say that any form of punishment is too extreme and that social promotion is wonderful. This post is simply calling them out as to what they would do if they actually had the cajones to step into a classroom and teach their little darlings. I find it interesting that none of them have come up with a solution. None of them are commenting other than to say that the teacher should be better trained or to say that it is an NES issue. My experience is that it is not a NES issue but it is an issue with all teachers in schools that are not top-tier million baht schools.
  25. I hear that and agree peer pressure and what others think is a big issue here. However, as you stated if a couple of girls said to hell with it and str9ipped down to a swimsuit these girls would have the tops off so fast. It is kind of funny in Thailand all the girls want white skin in the rest of the world the girls with white skin want brown.
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